2007 World Series of Poker

Event 54 - $5,000 No Limit 2-7 Draw Lowball w/ rebuys
Day: 2
Event Info

2007 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Hand #95 - Erik Seidel

Hand #95 - Chad Brown has the button in seat 2, Sheikhan raises fro the small blind to 200,000, and Seidel calls from the big blind. Sheikhan draws two, and Seidel draws one. Sheikhan checks, Seidel thinks for about 30 seconds before he says "All in," and Sheikhan removes his headphones to ask "What did you say?" The dealer repeats "All in." Sheikhan studies Seidel for about ten seconds before he folds. Erik Seidel takes the pot.

Hand #93 - Chad Brown Doubles Through Erik Seidel

Hand #93 - Shawn Sheikhan has the button in seat 7, Seidel moves all in from the small blind, and Brown calls all in for 285,000. Both players draw one card, with Brown tossing in a deuce -- he had a pair of them. Brown receives his card, and makes a J-7-6-5-2. Seidel mucks, and Brown doubles up to more than 600,000.

Hand #92 - Shawn Sheikhan

Hand #92 - Chad Brown has the button in seat 2, Sheikhan raises from the small blind to 155,000, Seidel thinks for about 30 seconds before he raises from the big blind to 455,000, and Sheikhan quickly says "All in." Seidel rechecks his cards before he folds. Sheikhan takes the pot, knocking Seidel down to about 730,000 in chips.