2007 World Series of Poker

Event 54 - $5,000 No Limit 2-7 Draw Lowball w/ rebuys
Day: 2
Event Info

2007 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Hand #60 - Freddy Deeb Eliminated in 6th Place ($73,813)

Hand #60 - Lamar Wilkinson has the button in seat 6, Deeb moves all in for 45,000, Sheikhan reraises from the small blind to 80,000, and Seidel calls from the big blind. Sheikhan stands pat, Seidel draws two cards, and Deeb draws one. Sheikhan checks, Seidel bets 145,000, Sheikhan moves all in, and Seidel folds. Sheikhan shows 8-7-6-4-2, and Deeb mucks. Sheikhan wins the pot.

Freddy Deeb is eliminated in sixth place, earning $73,813. The next player eliminated will receive $118,101 for fifth place.

Tags: Freddy Deeb

Hand #55 - Shawn Sheikhan

Hand #55 - Shawn Sheikhan has the button in seat 7, and the {A-Diamonds} is exposed in a misdeal. Sheikhan raises to 125,000, winning the blinds and antes. Brown shows quad queens as he folds the big blind.