2007 World Series of Poker

Event 43 - $2,000 Limit Holdem
Day: 1
Event Info

2007 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

Table Talk

The following conversation was overheard by one of our reporters near table 32:

"I worked on a farm."

"Are you serious? Doing what?"

"Artificially inseminating cows!"

"Does anyone have an I-pod I can borrow?"

Barbieri Lands At Another Tough Table

It seems like everytime we report on Al "Sugar Bear" Barbieri, he's stuck at a table with a handful of big name stars.

Today is no exception. Al is sitting to the right of Clonie Gowen and across from Men "the Master" Nguyen.

Before you start sending your sympathies Al's way, however, don't let the name "Sugar Bear" fool you; he's got the bite of a hungry black bear. Barbieri made plenty of trips to the final table throughout '06 and his best finish in 2007 thus far was back in February, where he finished 2nd at the L.A. Poker Classic scoring a $57,135 payday.

Keep an eye on "Sugar Bear" throughout the World Series; he's sure to be clawing his way to a final table before the last cards are dealt this July.

Tags: Al Barbieri

Level: 8

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 0

Barbieri Triples Up

Facing a preflop raise from Men "The Master," Al "Sugar Bear" Barbieri committed his last 1,200 chips to the pot from the button. Clonie Gowen then reraised behind Barbieri and was called by Men Nguyen, creating a heads-up sidepot going into the flop.

{9-Clubs}{J-Clubs}{10-Clubs} were the first three cards off the deck and Clonie bet 600; Men called.

The turn brought the {A-Hearts} and the action stayed the same; Clonie bet and Men called.

The {2-Clubs} fell on the river and Clonie fired one last time; Men just called.

At the showdown, three very big hands were revealed:

Barbieri: {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}
Gowen: {J-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}
Nguyen: {6-Clubs}{8-Clubs}

Men had flopped a flush and Clonie top set, but it was Barbieri who would emerge victorious, making a King-high flush on the river. Men Nguyen won the side pot with a smaller flush.

After the hand, Barbieri's chip stack jumped to 7,000.

Tags: Al BarbieriClonie GowenMen "The Master" Nguyen

Jumping Jacks in the Aisle

A couple of players at table 26 just got out of their seats and did a set of synchronized jumping jacks in between hands.

One of them is believed to be "Crazy Mike" Thorpe, who apologized to a neighboring table for his antics, saying "sorry about that guys, I'm all over the place."

Earlier the in the day one of the tournament directors approached Crazy Mike with a warning and informed him that he'd be penalized the next time they had to speak with him. We haven't heard any of his coyote-like howls since then, but he told us he might bring it out later in the tournament. We'll see . . . .

Tags: "Crazy Mike" Thorpe