2007 World Series of Poker

Event 39 - $50,000 H.O.R.S.E.
Day: 5
Event Info

2007 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000

Event 39 - $50,000 H.O.R.S.E.

Day 5 Completed

Freddy Deeb: The $50K H.O.R.S.E. Champion

Most pros feel that the $50K H.O.R.S.E. event is the most respected bracelet that is awarded at the WSOP. Freddy Deeb won the bracelet along with a $2,276,832 first place prize.

"This is a big accomplishment," said Deeb in an interview with ESPN. "I played great and I got what I deserved. This was a special tournament. The biggest in the world. This time I was determined to play the best poker of my life, and I did. I took a lot of bad beats and I survived to come back and win it."

"You know what did it?" he asked WSOP Commisoner Jeffrey Pollack. "The lucky shirt!"

Tags: Freddy Deeb

Another Second Place for Fitoussi

Bruno Fitoussi - 2nd Place
Bruno Fitoussi - 2nd Place
In 2005, Bruno Fitoussi played until the morning hours in pursuit of his first bracelet in a Razz event. He finished in second place during that tournament.

In 2007, Bruno Fitoussi navigated a dangerous field of 148 of the best poker players in the world. He was in position to win it all and at one point held a massive chip lead before Freddy Deeb mounted an amazing comeback.

Fitoussi took second place in another WSOP event. He didn't win his first bracelet, but he did win the respect and admiration of his peers.

Although Fitoussi did not win his first bracelet, he managed to become the winningest tournament player from France. He's now #1 on the all-time money list for all French players.

Tags: Bruno Fitoussi

Final Table Payouts

1. Freddy Deeb - $2,276,832
2. Bruno Fitoussi - $1,278,720
3. John Hansen - $852,480
4. Amnon Filippi - $586,080
5. Kenny Tran - $444,000
6. David Singer - $337,440
7. Barry Greenstein - $259,296
8. Thor Hansen - $188,256

Hand #341 - Freddy Deeb Wins $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. ($2,276,832)

Hand #341 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better)

Bruno Fitoussi: {2-Hearts}
Freddy Deeb: {4-Hearts}

3rd: Fitoussi brings it in for 70,000, Deeb completes to 250,000, and Fitoussi is all in for about 140,000. They show:

Bruno Fitoussi: {10-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Hearts}
Freddy Deeb: {A-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}

Deeb says, "Good luck, buddy." And Bruno replies, "Thank you. I need it!"

Bruno Fitoussi: {10-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Hearts}{J-Spades}
Freddy Deeb: {A-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}

On fourth street, Fitoussi says, "I have plenty of outs to hit a pair," and the crowd laughs.

Bruno Fitoussi: {10-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Hearts}{J-Spades}{A-Diamonds}
Freddy Deeb: {A-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}

On fifth street, Deeb takes the lead with a pair of fives.

Bruno Fitoussi: {10-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Hearts}{J-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}
Freddy Deeb: {A-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{9-Clubs}

On sixth street, Fitoussi picks up a low draw, and has the ace, jack, ten and eight for outs to a higher pair.

Bruno Fitoussi: {10-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Hearts}{J-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{9-Spades}
Freddy Deeb: {A-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{8-Spades}

Deeb's last card gives him an 8-7-5-4-A for the low, and a pair of fives for the high. Fitoussi's last card gives him no help, and he finishes with ace high.

Bruno Fitoussi is eliminated in second place, earning $1,278,720.

Freddy Deeb wins Event #39 ($50,000 H.O.R.S.E.), earning $2,276,832, a Corum watch, and the second-most coveted WSOP bracelet.

Last 10 Hands: #331-340

Here's a rundown of who won the last ten hands:

Hand #331 - Bruno Fitoussi
Hand #332 - Bruno Fitoussi
Hand #333 - Bruno Fitoussi
Hand #334 - Bruno Fitoussi
Hand #335 - Freddy Deeb
Hand #336 - Bruno Fitoussi
Hand #337 - Bruno Fitoussi

Stud 8
Hand #338 - Bruno Fitoussi
Hand #339 - Bruno Fitoussi
Hand #340 - Freddy Deeb

In the biggest pot since heads up play began, Hand #334 ended up being worth over 3.5M and Deeb took it down. It was also the longest hand of the final table, taking over seven minutes to complete.

Deeb won another big pot on Hand #340, which crippled Fitoussi.

Hand #340 - Freddy Deeb Cripples Bruno Fitoussi

Hand #340 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better)

Bruno Fitoussi: {6-Spades}{2-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{9-Clubs}
Freddy Deeb: {5-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{J-Spades}

3rd: Deeb brings it in for 70,000, Fitoussi completes to 250,000, and Deeb calls.

4th: Deeb bets 250,000, Fitoussi raises to 500,000, Deeb reraises to 750,000, and Fitoussi calls.

5th: Fitoussi checks, Deeb bets 500,000, and Fitoussi calls.

6th: Fitoussi checks, Deeb bets 500,000, and Fitoussi calls.

7th: Fitoussi checks, Deeb bets 500,000, and Fitoussi goes into the tank. He does something funny as he lets out a big sigh, and Deeb laughs, saying, "Do that again!" Fitoussi smiles at Isabelle Mercier in the stands, and she just smiles back and shrugs. Deeb asks, "Is that all you have, the deuces?" Fitoussi shrugs.

Fitoussi eventually folds, showing that he had nothing but the pair of deuces. Deeb lets him off the hook, showing that he had two pair, sevens up, and that it was a good laydown. Freddy Deeb takes the pot.

Hand #339 - Bruno Fitoussi

Hand #339 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better)

Bruno Fitoussi: {J-Clubs}{9-Spades}{A-Spades}
Freddy Deeb: {8-Spades}{2-Clubs}{6-Clubs}

3rd: Deeb brings it in for 70,000, and Fitoussi limps.

4th: Both players check.

5th: Fitoussi bets 500,000, and Deeb stands up to get a better look at Fitoussi's cards. Deeb thinks for about 30 seconds before he folds, and Bruno Fitoussi takes the pot.
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