2007 World Series of Poker
Event 14 - $1,500 Seven Card Stud
Day: 2
Low Card: 2000
Completion: 6000
Limits: 6000 - 12000
12th: Varahram Vardjavand, $6,848
11th: Steve Richman, $6,848
Boyd earned $6,201 in prize money.
Steve's girlfriend is here watching the action and she said of Steve, "Trust me -- he's like that 24/7...continuously talking...and when I get tired of it, I just roll over and go to sleep."
Half the room is thankful for Steve's presence, however, because without him here, they'd all fall asleep.

Forrest finished in 14th place, taking home $6,201 in prize money.

Sung currently stands at 138,000.