2007 WSOP Circuit Event - Indiana

WSOP Indiana Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2007 WSOP Circuit Event - Indiana

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

WSOP Indiana Main Event

Day 3 Completed

The Final Hand

Carlos goes all in and Marc Fretter calls. The flop is {K-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} and Fretter mucks his hand. Marc Fretter agrees to take the $10,000 seat and the $1,000 WSOP spending money, and $175,034, and Carlos agrees to take first place, $165,000 and the WSOP Circuit ring. Carlos Uz is our WSOP Circuit Indiana champion!

Tags: Carlos UzMarc Fretter

The Deal

Marc Fretter and Carlos Uz are virtually tied at the start of heads-up play and the blinds are extraordinarily low. They play for 42 hands, the large majority of which are limped in and checked the rest of the way. At the end of those hands, the player are still tied on chips. There's a top of the hour break at 6 p.m. and the players walk off to talk some more.

At the end of the break, the players decide to play one final hand.

Hand #68: Marc Fretter

Vito Casullo raises to 20,000 and the others call. The flop is {7-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}{10-Spades}. Fretter bets 50,000 and Uz calls. Vito folds. The turn is {6-Hearts}. They check. The river is {2-Hearts}. They check. Marc shows {Q-Spades}{J-Spades} for the win.
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