2020 GGPoker WSOP Winter Online Circuit

WSOPC #13: $10,000 Heads-Up No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

2020 GGPoker WSOP Winter Online Circuit

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Last Twitch Streamer, Van Elsacker, Busts to Chabra

Chabra vs Van Elsacker
Chabra vs Van Elsacker

Blinds: 800/1,600

Michiel Van Elsacker raised to 3,520 from the button and Ajay Chabra called.

The flop came {q-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}, Chabra check-raised the 2,324 continuation-bet of Van Elsacker to 7,200 and was called.

The turn was the {2-Diamonds}, Chabra bet 13,600 and Van Elsacker went along.

The river completed the board with the {4-Clubs}, Chabra shoved for Van Elsacker to call for the 36,120 he had behind with the {a-Spades}{7-Spades} for the pair of sevens. Chabra held the {6-Spades}{5-Hearts} for the straight to bust the Twitch streamer.

Player Chips Progress
Ajay Chabra us
Ajay Chabra
Michiel Van Elsacker be
Michiel Van Elsacker

Tang Left Drawing Dead on the Turn

Ladva vs Tang
Ladva vs Tang

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ottomar Ladvad called the 34,340 shove of Danny Tang.

Danny Tang: {6-Hearts}{6-Clubs}
Ottomar Ladva: {j-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}

The flop came {q-Clubs}{7-Spades}{k-Clubs} to keep Tang ahead but Ladva picked up the gutshot to a straight which he hit when the {10-Spades} came on the turn to leave Tang drawing dead.

The river completed the board with the {k-Spades} as a formality.

Player Chips Progress
Ottomar Ladva ee
Ottomar Ladva
Danny Tang hk
Danny Tang
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Badziakouski Busts With a Full House

Wolff vs Badziakouski
Wolff vs Badziakouski

Blinds: 300/600

Mikita Badziakouski raised to 1,500 from the button and George Wolff made the call.

They both checked through the {10-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{6-Hearts} on the flop to the {6-Spades} on the turn. Wolff bet 2,100 and Badziakouski called.

The river completed the board with the {5-Hearts}, Wolff continued with a bet of 13,560. Badziakouski shoved for 40,505 and Wolff called. Badziakouski tabled the {5-Spades}{5-Clubs} for the rivered full house but Wolff held the {6-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} for quads.

Player Chips Progress
George Wolff us
George Wolff
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski
WSOP 1X Winner

Dvoress Downed by Ayras

Ayras vs Dvoress
Ayras vs Dvoress

Blinds: 600/1,200

Pauli Ayras raised to 3,000 from the button and Daniel Dvoress made the call.

The flop came {4-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}, Dvoress check-called the 4,500 continuation-bet of Ayras.

The turn was the {4-Clubs}, Dvoress took over the initiative and led out for 4,440 which Ayras called.

The river completed the board with the {q-Hearts}, Dvoress shoved for 62,980 which Ayras called. Dvoress tabled the {8-Hearts}{6-Hearts} for Ayras to bust him as the latter held the {9-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} for the flopped two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Pauli Ayras fi
Pauli Ayras
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once

Shak Shot Down by Li

Li vs Shak
Li vs Shak

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Cooper Li raised to 4,000 from the button and was called by Dan Shak.

The flop came {8-Spades}{2-Hearts}{7-Clubs}, Shak check-called the 8,000 continuation-bet of Li.

The turn was the {q-Clubs}, Shak checked again. Li bet 24,000 this time and Shak shoved for 40,518 and was called.

Dan Shak: {9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}
Cooper Li: {j-Spades}{8-Clubs}

Shak had flopped the pair of sevens but Li had hit the pair of eights.

The river completed the board with the {q-Spades} for both of them to improve to two pair but for Shak to fall to Li's two higher ones.

Player Chips Progress
Cooper Li my
Cooper Li
Dan Shak us
Dan Shak
$25K Fantasy

Chidwick Claims Last Spot in Round of 16

Chidwick vs Ladva
Chidwick vs Ladva

Blinds: 1,500/3,000

Stephen Chidwick limped in from the button and then called the 10,500 raise of Ottomar Ladva,

The flop came {10-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}, Ladva bet 6,930 and Chidwick raised it up to 18,360. Ladva jammed for 61,416 which Chidwick called.

Ottomar Ladva: {a-Clubs}{q-Spades}
Stephen Chidwick: {k-Spades}{10-Spades}

Chidwick had flopped top pair while Ladva was looking for some help.

The turn was the {2-Hearts} which wasn't what Ladva needed and neither was the {10-Diamonds} as Chidwick improved his hand to trips to get the field down to the Round of 16.

Player Chips Progress
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Ottomar Ladva ee
Ottomar Ladva

Weis First Through to the Quarter-Finals

Weis vs Chabra
Weis vs Chabra

Blinds: 400/800

Oliver Weis raised to 2,000 and Ajay Chabra three-bet to 8,400 which Weis called.

The flop came {j-Spades}{2-Clubs}{8-Hearts}, Chabra continued with a bet of 12,600 which Weis called.

The turn was the {7-Spades}, Chabra barreled another bet of 12,600 over the line and Weis decided to jam. Chabra called for the 63,857 he still had behind.

Ajay Chabra: {k-Spades}{j-Hearts}
Oliver Weis: {8-Clubs}{7-Clubs}

Chabra had flopped top pair but Weis had turned two pair.

The river completed the board with the {3-Diamonds} for Weis to hold and become the first player to secure a cash of at least $62,188.

Player Chips Progress
Oliver Weis de
Oliver Weis
Ajay Chabra us
Ajay Chabra

Astedt Also Makes It to the Money Stages

Astedt vs Nolet
Astedt vs Nolet

Blinds: 400/800

Niklas Astedt raised to 2,000 from the button and Guillaume Nolet three-bet to 9,600 which Astedt called.

The flop came {3-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{j-Spades}, Nolet continued with a bet of 6,336 which Astedt called.

The turn was the {2-Diamonds}, Nolet took some time and opted to check. Astedt bet 19,462 which Nolet called.

The river completed the board with the {4-Hearts}, Nolet checked for the last time. Astedt shoved for Nolet to tank and then call with the slightly shorter stack of 61,987. Nolet held the {k-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for top pair but Astedt had the {k-Spades}{q-Hearts} for the same top pair but higher queen-kicker.

Player Chips Progress
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt
Guillaume Nolet ca
Guillaume Nolet