2011/2012 WSOP Circuit Event - IP Casino Resort & Spa

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2011/2012 WSOP Circuit Event - IP Casino Resort & Spa

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

An Orbit with Kathy Liebert

Level 12 : 700/1,400, 200 ante
Kathy Liebert keeps her eyes on all the NFL action.
Kathy Liebert keeps her eyes on all the NFL action.

Kathy Liebert has been a regular on the tournament circuit for quite some time. She's known for football betting and her love for all things purple. We spent an orbit with Liebert to see how she grinds it out.

Hand 1 - She was in the big blind and folded preflop after an opening raise from "The Captain" Tom Franklin.

Hand 2 - In the small blind she folded preflop. Franklin has an iPad and is following all the NFL action. He tells her that Houston scored a touchdown, which puts her ahead in her NFL bets.

Hand 3 - On the button she announces that she needs the Bills to score. Franklin opened for 3,500 and she called. The flop came {7-Hearts} {6-Hearts} {5-Diamonds}, Franklin checked and Liebert bet 5,000. Franklin folded and she flashed {K-Diamonds} {K-Hearts}.

"Good thing a king didn't hit on the flop," Franklin said. "I would have doubled you up. I had ace king."

Hand 4 - She put her headphones back on and folded preflop. She checked the NFL scores on her phone.

Hand 5 - She folded preflop.

Hand 6 - She opened for 3,000, took her headphones off and got a call from the big blind. The flop fell {4-Diamonds} {4-Hearts} {7-Clubs}, the big blind checked and she bet 4,000. Her opponent called and the turn came {J-Diamonds}. They both checked and river came {A-Diamonds}. Her opponent bet 6,100 and she went into the tank. After a short while she folded and put her headphones back on.

Hand 7 - She folded preflop, but not before she was checking the NFL action again.

Hand 8 - She folds from under the gun, checks her incoming text message and goes right back to her NFL app.

Hand 9 - Back in the big blind Franklin opened for 3,500. She folded and Franklin said, "What, no kings this time?"
"Nope," she said and Franklin flashed ace king.

Tags: Kathy Liebert