2010-11 World Series of Poker Circuit - Harveys Lake Tahoe

Main Event
Day: 1
Event Info

2010-11 World Series of Poker Circuit - Harveys Lake Tahoe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Bracy Gets Crippled, Gets Told On

"Oh my god!" we heard Tony Bracy yelling, so we dashed over to see what the fuss was about. Bracy shot out of his chair and said a few more things, lamenting his bad fortunes. We're not sure when the money went in, but Bracy's {A-Hearts} {J-Hearts} had flopped the world on a {8-Hearts} {Q-Hearts} {3-Hearts} board. A female player was at risk with {8-Diamonds} {8-Spades}, her set needing to fill up to keep her alive. The turn {J-Spades} was a blank, but the river {Q-Clubs} filled in that boat and drew the loud reaction from Bracy. The dealer counted out the all in and gave Bracy back his ~11,000 in change.

She then yelled for the floor. When the supervisor arrived to the table, the dealer told him that Bracy had used the dreaded F-word and that the lady at the table did not deserve to be talked to that way. Bracy was baffled, and several players at the table came to his defense and said that she'd mis-heard him. A bit of an argument ensued, and big boss Dennis said, "All right guys, let's play poker. Let's try to watch the language."

Tags: Tony Bracy

Bracy Gone

Tony Bracy eliminated
Tony Bracy eliminated

Tony Bracy was all in preflop and called up Leonard Swisher and one other player. After the flop came down {6-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{3-Hearts}, both remaining active players called.

The turn brought the {2-Spades} and Swisher check-folded to a bet of 10,000 from the other active player. That player turned over the {A-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} for a straight and was up against the {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts} for Bracy. Bracy needed a heart on the river to win and a four to chop the pot.

The river completed the board with the {6-Clubs} and Bracy was eliminated from the tournament.

Tags: Leonard SwisherTony Bracy

Level: 14

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 200

Kanter Decimated

Poker gods giveth and shall taketh away
Poker gods giveth and shall taketh away

Aaron Kanter just saw his tournament dashed and it was all done with a miracle river card that gave George Reese the winning hand. If anyone remembers back to 2005, the year Greg Raymer was running deep in the WSOP Main Event the year following the one where he won the thing, it was Kanter who delivered a crushing blow to Raymer and left him crippled.

Famous 2005 Hand Involving Kanter and Raymer

With only 25 players remaining, Raymer was trying to do the unthinkable -- win back to back, massive-field WSOP Main Events -- before being dealt a beat so crushing it might have made a lesser man leave the game forever. Dealt {K-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}, Raymer made a standard opening raise and was called by Aaron Kanter, who held {Q-Hearts}{J-Hearts}. The flop came down {6-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} and Raymer made a half-pot continuation bet. Kanter called. The {7-Hearts} on the turn put two hearts on the board and Raymer bet 330,000 -- again, about half the pot. Kanter raised "600,000 more," according to ESPN's Lon McEachern and Raymer set him in for the 700,000 he had behind. Kanter called with only the flush draw but caught lightning in a bottle when the {2-Hearts} hit the river. Raymer's stack was decimated and Kanter doubled up. Had Raymer won that hand, he would have taken the chip lead. Instead, he was eliminated a short time later in 25th place.

The hand was such a severe blow that it made #10 on our Top 10 Big Event Bad Beats list back in 2005.

Fast forward to a few moments ago. On the board of {10-Spades}{9-Spades}{7-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}, Kanter checked. The next player bet 4,000 and then Reese raised to 12,000. Damjan Radanov was next up and he reraised to 32,000. Kanter thought for a little bit and then moved all in for 52,500. The next player folded and then Reese called all in for 51,200 total. Radanov had slammed the table with his hand immediately after Kanter shoved and was still visibly upset when he tossed his cards into the muck emphatically. The all-in hands were tabled.

Kanter: {9-Hearts}{7-Hearts}
Reese: {A-Clubs}{9-Clubs}

As you can see, Kanter already had a made full house and was in prime position to take a huge pot and send Reese to the rail. The dealer burned once more and then delivered the {A-Hearts} on the river to smack Reese with a higher full house than Kanter. Just like the river saved Kanter in 2005 against Raymer, it took everything but 1,300 chips from Kanter. He was decimated just like Raymer was back in 2005. On the next hand, Kanter was eliminated. Reese exploded to 170,000 in chips after the big hand.

Tags: Aaron KanterDamjan RadanovGeorge Reese

Break Dance

Well, that was a bit of a slow level if we're being honest. Still, we've ticked down to 67 players left, and they've all been sent off for one more 10-minute break. We'll play two more levels when we return, and that'll be that for Day 1.

Level: 15

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 300

Dusty Leary of a Bigger Ace

Dusty Leary opened to 5,500, and the player next to him made the call. Apparently, there's some history there. "If I lose this hand against you too," the opponent said, "I'm not playing another one all night."

In any event, it was heads up to the {4-Clubs} {A-Clubs} {3-Diamonds} flop, and Leary continued out with another 8,000 chips. His opponent called, and both men checked through the {6-Spades} and {J-Diamonds} turn and river.

"Ace!" the opponent piped up as he tabled {A-Spades} {7-Spades}. It was no good; Leary turned up {A-Diamonds} {9-Clubs} and pointed to his kicker to take the pot. He's the chip leader, sitting pretty with about 235,000 now.

Tags: Dusty Leary

Radanov Getting Frustrated

Ken Churchill raised to 5,600 from middle position. Damjan Radanov reraised to 13,100 from the cutoff seat. After action folded back to Churchill, me made the call.

The flop came down {Q-Spades}{7-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} and Churchill checked. Radanov fired 10,000, leaving himself with 26,000 behind. Churchill called.

The turn brought the {8-Hearts} and both players checked to see the {8-Spades} fall on the river. Churchill fired 20,000 and Radanov snap-mucked disgustedly. He's down to 26,000 while Churchill moved up to 122,000.

Tags: Damjan RadanovKen Churchill