2010-11 World Series of Poker Circuit - Harrah's Chester

Main Event
Day: 1
Event Info

2010-11 World Series of Poker Circuit - Harrah's Chester

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Brady Hits 150K

Level 12 : 600/1,200, 200 ante

First in from the button, Matt Brady opened to 2,500, and the small blind three-bet shoved for his last ~8,000 or so. Brady quickly called, and he was in the same race situation he found himself in earlier. This one was a much less important flip than the last as far as Brady was concerned, but a knockout is a knockout, eh? Cards up, gents.

Brady: {A-Hearts} {10-Spades}
Opponent: {8-Hearts} {8-Diamonds}

Just like the last time, Brady quickly flopped his ace as the dealer spread out {J-Hearts} {A-Clubs} {2-Spades}. The turn {7-Diamonds} was close but no cigar for the at-risk player, and the river {10-Diamonds} sealed his demise.

Stacking up that pot pushes Brady up to 150,000 and into a pretty healthy chip lead over the chasing pack.

Tags: Matt Brady

Gruneberg Hits 100K

Zach Gruneberg
Zach Gruneberg

From early position, Jamie Kerstetter opened to 3,000. Action folded to Zach Gruneberg on the button and he popped it 8,500. The blinds folded, Kerstetter called, and a {K-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{4-Hearts} flop followed.

Both opted to check, landing the {7-Spades} on the turn. Kerstetter checked, but this time Grunberg decided to bet 6,800. A call from Kerstetter delivered the {5-Spades} on the river and for a third time Kerstetter checked. Gruneberg bet 9,400 and was paid off, showing {A-Clubs}{K-Diamonds} to win the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Jamie Kerstetter us
Jamie Kerstetter

Tags: Jamie KerstetterZach Gruneberg

Lemke Likes the Baby Cards

Level 12 : 600/1,200, 200 ante

Brian Lemke opened with a raise to 2,500 from middle position, and the player on the button three-bet to 7,500. Lemke made the call, and off they went to the flop.

It came {Q-Hearts} {4-Hearts} {Q-Spades}, and Lemke knocked the table. His opponent continued out with another 10,500 chips, and Lemke check-raised all in for just about 30,000. The fold came instantly from across the felt, and Lemke showed his {3-Hearts} {4-Diamonds} as he collected the pot.

Mark him down for just over 55,000 now.

Tags: Brian Lemke

Level: 12

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 200

Perelman Pulling at the Leash

Level 11 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

A middle-aged gentleman opened with a raise from middle position, and both Rob Perelman and Charlie Hook made the calls, the latter coming along from the big blind.

The three men took a {8-Clubs} {3-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} flop, and Hook checked. The raiser continued out with 4,000 chips, Perelman called, and Hook ducked out. That brought the two live players heads up to the {4-Spades} turn, and the action repeated with Perelman calling another 4,000.

The {3-Clubs} double-paired the board on fifth street, and the aggressor wasn't slowing down now. He did take pause for just a minute this time, but he eventually flicked out another 9,000 chips to put Perelman to the decision. "veeRob" would spend the next couple minutes in the tank, and he eventually started chatting with his opponent.

"Wow," Perelman said. "You really have me befuddled." After another few seconds of one-sided conversation, the dealer warned Perelman not to talk to the other player while making his decision. Perelman took exception to the message, and his eventual fold was anything but the end of the hand.

There was a floorman standing right nearby, and Perelman asked him to clarify the rule. "You can talk durning the hand, but you can't discuss the contents of your hand," the floor answered and walked away. Perelman took the opportunity to scold the dealer for his interjection, using his first name to speak to him like a parent instructing a child. After listening for a moment, the dealer said something quietly to the other side of the table, and Perelman flatly said, "Hey. Knock it off." A few more words were exchanged, and Perelman quickly called the floor over again. "Hey, can you tell your dealer to stop mouthing off to me?"

The floorman stepped in between the two men and said, "Let it go. Both of you." And that was that.

Perelman is down to about 32,000 after surrendering that pot.

Tags: Rob Perelman

Volpe Slips

On a {K-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{A-Clubs} board with roughly 5,000 in the pot, action was checked to Paul Volpe and he bet 3,200. One opponent folded, one called, and the {A-Spades} hit the river. It was checked to Volpe again and he fired 8,800, but was unable to shake his opponent.

"You got it," said Volpe. His opponent turned over {J-Hearts}{10-Hearts} and took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Volpe us
Paul Volpe
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Paul Volpe

Level: 11

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 100


Level 10 : 400/800, 100 ante
Allen Kessler
Allen Kessler

Allen Kessler got our attention by raising both arms as if he were lifting something heavy onto a shelf. We were trying to figure out what the charades meant until he finally spoke as we approached: "I doubled."

"Chainsaw" had pocket tens and got his last ~11,000 into the middle racing against ace-king. The board blanked off to keep his tens safe, and Kessler is back to 23,000 courtesy of that race. "I've won two races today," he bragged.

Tags: Allen Kessler

Hwang Doubles Through Hook To Hit Six Figures

After a middle-position player opened the action with a raise, Robert Hwang three-bet from the small blind. Charlie Hook four-bet from the big blind, forcing the middle-position player to fold. Hwang, however, re-raised all in for 54,800. Possibly feeling priced in, Hook called and tabled {7-Clubs}{7-Spades}, needing help against Hwang's {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs}.

Hook found his set, but so did Hwang as the flop came down {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}. The {10-Diamonds} turn and {J-Clubs} river were no help to Hook, sending the 110,000+ chip pot head Hwang's way.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Hwang
Robert Hwang
Charlie Hook
Charlie Hook

Tags: Charlie HookRobert Hwang