David Dao opened the pot with an early position raise to 30,000. Matt Stout made the call from the small blind, as did Leonard Eidson from the big.
Three handed, the flop came out . The blinds checked, and Dao continued out with a bet of 100,000. Stout called, while Eidson opted to duck out.
Heads up now, the turn came . This time, both men checked.
The last card off was the . Stout took the lead now, grabbing 135,000 chips and stacking them out in the center of the table. Dao quickly called.
Stout turned over his rather confidently, but Dao was having none of it. He took his time stacking out the call before opening up his winning set of sevens with . After taking down that pot, he has worked his way up to 940,000, hot on the heels of Matt Stout now!