We've seen Andrew Lichtenberger move all in twice in recent hands. The first all in came in pre-flop action. Lichtenberger opened for 75,000, then shoved after Dan Casetta three-bet to 220,000. Casetta folded.
A few hands later, Casetta opened for 75,000 pre-flop, with Lichtenberger calling. Both players checked the flop. Lichtenberger fired 95,000 when the turn came . Casetta called to the river, a card which Lichtenberger checked. Casetta tried a bet of 160,000, but once again Lichtenberger raised all in.
"Wow," said Casetta. After maybe fifteen seconds, he folded. Then he jokingly added, "You are a bitch." Lichtenberger smiled. Bitch or not, he now has 2.875 million chips to Casetta's 875,000.