Kara Scott’s Fun Table

The table that seems to be enjoying themselves the most today includes Canadian Pro Max Droege, Team Party Poker Player Kara Scott and a recent joiner Dominik Nitsche. In one corner of the table are sat three recreational players, Ali Baskan from Turkey, Majid Noubarian from Iran and Selcuk Ayaz also from Turkey.
Droege is sat to the left of them and has been prompting the conversation all day, getting them to show cards, laughing about who is chip leader and making sure they have a good time while he extracts as many chips as possible from them. Ayaz has been returning the favour by getting up to pranks like sending Droege’s fruit away.
But the Pros aren’t having it all their own way. Here’s a selection of hands from the last level.
Ayaz opened for 1,100 and, when Scott folded her small blind, Nitsche defended his big blind. They saw a flop of . Nitsche checked, Ayaz asked how much Nitsche was playing and heard, “Twenty three thousand.” Ayaz bet 2,000 and Nitsche folded.
Baskan bet 1,050 on a board. Scott called and Nitsche folded.
on the turn and Baskan called Scott’s bet of 2,500. The final card was
. Both players checked. Baskan thought the river had helped his
but Scott had the better two pair with
Scott opened for 900, Noubarian called and Droege in the small blind (with an absent big blind) made the call too. They saw a flop of . Droege checked, Scott bet 1,500 and Noubarian called. Back on Droege who folded. The turn card of
saw the two remaining players check and the free river card was
. Scott bet 3,000 into the amateur who made the call and tabled
, too good for Scott who mucked her hand.
The fun continues after the dinner break.
Photo courtesy of WPT