Benhalima Given One Round Penalty

There has been a little controversy in the room after Abdelkader Benhalima was accused of soft playing by agreeing to check down the hand.
Enver Abdulraimov opened with a raise from late position and Jesper Hougaard three-bet all in for 11,300 on the button. The small blind folded but Benhalima called in the big blind before saying, "check, check, check" to the only active player in the hand. Eventually Abdulraimov called and low and behold they checked down the board.
"All of you turn over your hands," instructed the tournament director and the active players obeyed.
The players at the table could not believe Benhalima had checked his set and Abdulraimov had checked his top pair.
"That's collusion" said Jason Mercier who had walked over to see what all of the commotion was about.
After much discussion Benhalima was given a one-round penalty and nobody on his table is going to trust him for the rest of this tournament.