2022 Winamax Poker Open Bratislava

€500 WPO Main Event
Day: 1c
Event Info

2022 Winamax Poker Open Bratislava

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,500,000 / 3,000,000
Players Info - Day 1c
Players Left

Team Winamax Pro's in Day 1d

Level 20 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

While no Winamax Team Pro members re left in Day 1c, plenty of them have hopped into Day 1d and still have a stack.

Mustapha Kanit, Joao Vieira, Loic Debregeas, Bruno Lopes and Alexane Najchaus are all still in contention while Francois Pirault unfortunately bust in the final Day 1 heat. Gaelle Baumann opted not to enter.

Level: 21

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 10,000

De Juniac Folds Kings Preflop; Gets Shown Queen-jack

Level 21 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Maxime De Juniac opened in the small blind before Paul Haquin three-bet, De Juniac then made it 90,000. Haquin, the bigger stack, then moved all in.

De Juniac went deep into the tank before open folding pocket kings! Haquin then rolled over the {q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts} to amazement of everyone.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Haquin fr
Paul Haquin
Maxime De Juniac fr
Maxime De Juniac

De Juniac Folds Kings Preflop; Gets Shown Queen-Jack

Level 21 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Maxime De Juniac opened in the small blind before Paul Haquin three-bet, De Juniac then made it 90,000. Haquin, the bigger stack, then moved all in.

De Juniac went deep into the tank before open folding pocket kings! Haquin then rolled over the {q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts} to amazement of everyone.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Haquin fr
Paul Haquin
Maxime De Juniac fr
Maxime De Juniac

Da Silva Jams Blind; Wakes Up with the Dirty Diaper.

Level 21 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

William Da Silva, the chip leader on Table 53, jammed his 700,000 stack from under the gun blind. Action folded around to the big Mehdi El Meray who called off his 78,000 stack.

El Meray showed first and rolled over his {k-Clubs}{k-Spades}. Da Silva then turned over his to see he had {3-Hearts}{2-Spades}. There would be no surprises however, as the kings stayed ahead on the {q-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} runout.

Player Chips Progress
William Da Silva fr
William Da Silva
Mehdi El Meray fr
Mehdi El Meray

Level: 22

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Ante: 12,000

Fraudin Busts to Set Up Bubble

Level 22 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

Maxime Fraudin was forced all-in from the big blind. Guillaume Pastoret jammed from middle position to isolate, which prompted the table to fold.

Maxime Fraudin: {a-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}
Guillaume Pastoret: {k-Diamonds}{k-Spades}

Pastoret would flush out his opponent following the [qgtd5d4d8c] runout.

Player Chips Progress
Guillaume Pastoret fr
Guillaume Pastoret
Maxime Fraudin fr
Maxime Fraudin

Alexandre Husset Bubbles Day 1c of WPO Bratislava Main Event

Level 22 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Georgi Abuladze
Georgi Abuladze

Alexandre Husset was all-in and at risk for crumbs and was up against Georgi Abuladze.

Alexandre Husset: {a-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}
Georgi Abuladze: {6-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}

Abuladze paired his six on the {q-}{6-}{3-} flop and held to eliminate Husset on the {5-} turn and {5-} river.

Day 1c has now closed with 155 players going through to Day 2.

Player Chips Progress
Georgi Abuladze ee
Georgi Abuladze
Day 1C Chip Leader
Alexandre Husset
Alexandre Husset