2016 Winamax SISMIX

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2016 Winamax SISMIX

Final Results
Bruno Lopes
Winning Hand
850,000 MAD
Event Info
6,000 MAD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

169 Players Left to Start Level 14

Level 14 : 1,200/2,400, 300 ante

Level 14 just got underway with blinds at 1,200/2,400 and an ante of 300. The field is a little lighter than to start the day with 26 players being eliminated. Some of the latest to hit the showers are Martynas Kukucionis, Gwendal Le Foll, Dan Simcelescu, and Steve Chambard.

Player Chips Progress
Martynas Kukucionis lt
Martynas Kukucionis
Gwendal Le Foll fr
Gwendal Le Foll
Dan Simcelescu ro
Dan Simcelescu
Steve Chambard fr
Steve Chambard

Tags: Martynas KukucionisGwendal Le FollDan SimcelescuSteve Chambard

Level: 14

Blinds: 1,200/2,400

Ante: 300

Louis Linard Doubles Against Lithuania's Arunas Sapitavicius

Level 13 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante
Louis Linard
Louis Linard

While the vast majority of players in the WInamax SISMIX Main Event came to compete from France, there is also an unusually high number of players from Lithuania, a country with less than 3 million people, in the mix. One such player, Arunas Sapitavicius isn't as fairing as well today as some of the others.

In a recent hand, the action folded to Sapitavicius who completed the blinds. Louis Linard from the big blind raised the action to 6,000 chips before the Lithuanian limp-reraised to 19,000. Linard went all in for 51,500 which Sapitavicius called.

Sapitivicius turned over {2-Clubs}{2-Hearts} and was well behind Linard's {10-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and unable to catch-up when the {8-Spades}{3-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}{j-Spades} appeared on the board. Sapitavicius is now holds one of the lower stacks in play, while Linard's stack surpasses six-digits to around 109,000.

Player Chips Progress
Louis Linard fr
Louis Linard
Arunas Sapitavicius lt
Arunas Sapitavicius

Tags: Louis LinardArunas Sapitavicius

Michel Abécassis Among the Latest Eliminations

Level 13 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

Michel Abécassis began the day with a little less than 26 big blinds. While this isn't the biggest stack to be eliminated thus far, he is probably the most accomplished player to prematurely leave the field during Day 2.

According to The Hendon Mob, the French poker player cashed for almost $1.2 million in career poker tournament earnings which includes three World Series of Poker final table appearances.

Also exiting the tournament recently were France's Franck Simon and Spain's Blanco.

Player Chips Progress
Franck Simon fr
Franck Simon
Blanco es
Michel Abécassis fr
Michel Abécassis

Tags: Michel AbécassisFranck Simon

More Eliminations

Level 13 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

So far out of all the early Day 2 eliminations, Belgium's Filipe da Silva started the day with the biggest stack of 70,000. Also just eliminated from the tournament were France's Louis-Domonique Pradelle and Franck Lelong.

Player Chips Progress
Louis-Domonique Pradelle fr
Louis-Domonique Pradelle
Filipe da Silva be
Filipe da Silva
Franck Lelong fr
Franck Lelong

Tags: Filipe da SilvaFranck LelongLouis-Domonique Pradelle

First Eliminations

Level 13 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante
Neil Siguerdidjane
Neil Siguerdidjane

The first four eliminations were some of the smaller stacks in the tournament to start the day. Already on the rail are Neil Siguerdidjane, Hugo Fernandez, Pierre Barthelemy, and Quang Le.

At least for Siguerdidjane, his hand was more or less a coinflip with him getting his 16 blinds in the middle with {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and unable to out flip Charki Attallah's {6-Diamonds}{6-Spades} on the {3-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} board.

Player Chips Progress
Charki Attallah fr
Charki Attallah
Neil Siguerdidjane fr
Neil Siguerdidjane
Hugo Fernandez fr
Hugo Fernandez
Pierre Barthelemy fr
Pierre Barthelemy
Quang Le fr
Quang Le

Tags: Hugo FernandezNeil SiguerdidjanePierre BarthelemyQuang Le

Payouts Announced

Level 13 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

As we were previously told, 113 players will be paid out. However, the min cash is slightly less than double the buy-in at 11,000 MAD which converts to about €1,000.

The total payouts of 4,703,200 MAD or approximately €433,500 and the top prize are record highs for a Winamax SISMIX Main Event of 850,000 MAD or approximately €78,000.

Level: 13

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 300

Shuffle Up and Deal

Cards are now in the air. The average stack of 92,410 represents a little more than 46 big blinds to start the day.

We expect the average number of big blimpnds to decrease significantly as the money bubble approaches.