2016 Winamax SISMIX

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2016 Winamax SISMIX

Final Results
Bruno Lopes
Winning Hand
850,000 MAD
Event Info
6,000 MAD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

28 Remaining

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante
Olivier Dupont (compliments of Caroline Darcourt)
Olivier Dupont (compliments of Caroline Darcourt)

Here's a look at the 5 early eliminations that took place since we returned from the extended dinner break. Each player walks away with 25,000 MAD (€2,304). The next four players eliminated are due to receive 20 percent more or 30,000 MAD (€2,765)

2016 Winamax SISMIX Main Event Eliminations (29th - 33rd Places)

  • 29th - Farid Haiche
  • 30th - Florian Decamps
  • 31st - Yves Maison
  • 32nd - Raul Nuno Folques Mendes De Olivieira
  • 33rd - Olivier Dupont
Player Chips Progress
Olivier Dupont fr
Olivier Dupont
Raul Nuno Folques Mendes De Olivieira be
Raul Nuno Folques Mendes De Olivieira
Yves Maison fr
Yves Maison
Farid Haiche fr
Farid Haiche

Tags: Florian DecampsOlivier DupontWinamax SISMIX Main Event

Farid Azarkan Eliminated in 28th Place (30,000 MAD)

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Heading into dinner break, there were two players left named Farid. Farid Haiche was first eliminated in 29th place and not too long later the Farid Azarkan joined him on the rail eliminated in 28th place. However, that one spot made a big different to the second Farid's wallet as he earned an extra 5,000 MAD or 30,000 MAD in total which is converted roughly into €2,765.

Player Chips Progress
Farid Azarkan be
Farid Azarkan

Maxime Berbudeau Eliminated in 27th Place

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

France's Maxime Berbudeau just recorded his biggest cash in his poker career after being eliminated in 27th place for 30,000 MAD (€2,765). The Frenchman has two previous tournament cashes according to The Hendon Mob, with his previous best taking place in last year's Winamax SISMIX festival when he took fifth place in a side event for 9,000 MAD (approx. €900).

Player Chips Progress
Maxime Berbudeau fr
Maxime Berbudeau

Tags: Maxime Berbudeau

Yann Mousset Latest to Lose with Pocket Fives

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Yann Mousset became the second player since the break ended to be eliminated with pocket fives in a coin-flip situation. Sébastien Compte snagged a pot worth 600,000 chips when his {A-}{K-} proved to be good on the flop.

Mousset went out in 26th place for 30,000 MAD (€2,765) and not too long later he was followed by Hakim Hadj Belcacem who bowed out in 25th place for the same amount.

Player Chips Progress
Sebastien Compte fr
Sebastien Compte
Yann Mousset fr
Yann Mousset
Hakim Hadj Belcacem fr
Hakim Hadj Belcacem

Tags: Hakim Hadj BelcacemYann Mousset

Level: 22

Blinds: 8,000/16,000

Ante: 2,000

Next (and Last) Level of Day 2

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Level 22 has just been announced with blinds at 8,000/16,000 and an ante of 2,000. Originally there was going to be one more level after this one, but the tournament director decided that due to the Champions League final break taking much longer than anticipated and that play itself has been moving pretty fast to make this the last level of the night.

Action Slowed Down

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

After 9 players of the remaining 33 were eliminated last level, pots are smaller and hands are taking a bit longer to complete this level. This could be due to the next pay jump taking place after the next elimination or the desire to come back for the final day of action tomorrow.

Several players are visibly tired and will be happy to learn that play tomorrow will kick off an hour later than originally scheduled or at 1:00 p.m. local time.

Romain Brunel Eliminated in 24th Place (30,000 MAD)

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

No joke, but in the background we can hear Abba's "Dancing Queen" playing at the nearby night club. This is probably the last son that Romain Brunel wants to hear as he just shoved a little more than 200,000 chips from under the gun with {Q-}{Q-}.

Cheng-Wei Yin called from the blinds with {K-Clubs}{J-Clubs}. Brunel's "queens" lost a step when Yin flopped top-pair on a {6-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}. Brunel's fate was sealed on the {K-Spades} turn giving Yin two-pair. The {2-Clubs} on the river completed the board, eliminated Brunel in 24th place for 30,000 MAD (€2,765).

The remaining 23 players are now guaranteed at least 36,000 MAD or approximately €3,300.

Player Chips Progress
Romain Brunel fr
Romain Brunel

Tags: Cheng-Wei YinRomain Brunel

Mouad Nokra Eliminated in 23rd Place (36,000 MAD)

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Morocco's Mouad Nokra was just eliminated in 23rd place for 36,000 MAD (€3,318) after getting his remaining 250,000 chips in the middle with {A-}{K-} and unable to out-race Gregory Cometto {7-}{7-}. Nokra was still alive on the flop despite not hitting the board, however, he was drawing dead on the turn when the {7-} appeared.

Player Chips Progress
Mouad Nokra ma
Mouad Nokra

Tags: Gregory ComettoMouad Nokra