2016 Winamax SISMIX

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2016 Winamax SISMIX

Final Results
Bruno Lopes
Winning Hand
850,000 MAD
Event Info
6,000 MAD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Break Time!

Level 16 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Break #2! There are now 87 players left and we will update shortly some of the players to be eliminated after the money bubble broke shortly.

Blinds will be at 2,500/5,000 with an ante of 500. The average stack is 207,126 or 41.5 big blinds.

Three Bubble Boys! Jonathan Therme, Vincent Mathieu, and Manu Martin Don't Go Home Empty Handed

Level 16 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Jonathan Therme & Sébastien Wuillot
Jonathan Therme & Sébastien Wuillot

"Félicitations, vous êtes dans l'argent !" or for those of you don't speak French this translates to "Congratulations, you are in the money!" Two minutes before this announcement, Tournament Director Thomas Gimie announced play would be hand for hand as 114 players remained for 113 places paid. However, instead of waiting for just one player to be eliminated, three players all went out on different tables in the next hand!

Over on Table 8 Sébastien Wuillot makes a fist and sees Jonathan Therme defend his big blind. After a series of raises on a flop KcTh6h which causes Therme to be all-in, Wuillot turns over {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds} for a flopped set while Therme shows {k-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} for two-pair needing one of the two remaining kings to stay alive. When this did not take place on the turn and river he was out of the tournament and collected 7,330 MAD (€675) instead of nothing due to the other two players going out and the three of them splitting two min-prizes.

Things were less dramatic on table 3 since Vincent Mathieu had just 1/2 a big blind level and got it all in with {8-Hearts}{3-Clubs} and was eliminated by [k66d]. He also collected 7,330 MAD (€675) for officially finishing in 114th place.

Meanwhile a huge pot took place on table 14 on the bubble between Romain Lewis and Manu Martin. Martin was ahead with {A-Spades}{k-Diamonds} with about 300,000 chips in the pot on a flop of {K-}{5-}{9-}. However, Lewis who was holding {K-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} got the {Q-} to appear on the turn to eliminate his opponent. Martin collected 7,340 MAD (€676) for 112th place.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Therme fr
Jonathan Therme
WSOP 1X Winner
Vincent Mathieu fr
Vincent Mathieu
Manu Martin ma
Manu Martin

Tags: Jonathan ThermeMartin ManuRomain LewisSébastien WuillotVincent Mathieu

Hand for Hand

Level 16 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Winamax SIXMIX Main Event Cards
Winamax SIXMIX Main Event Cards

The tournament is now playing out hand for hand as we await for the bubble to break with 114 players left and 113 getting paid.

All is not lost for whomever bubbles as he or she will be awarded a free ticket to next year's Winamax SISMIX Main Event.

Bubble Quickly Approaching

Level 16 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Karim Bennani Smires
Karim Bennani Smires

We are down to 117 players - meaning just four spots away from the money. Some of the players most recently eliminated players were Karim Bennani Smires, Hugo Marialva Felix, and Sergio Garcia Leon.

Player Chips Progress
Hugo Marialva Felix pt
Hugo Marialva Felix
Sergio Garcia Leon es
Sergio Garcia Leon
Karim Bennani Smires fr
Karim Bennani Smires

Tags: Karim Bennani SmiresHugo Marialva FelixSergio Garcia Leon

Gaëlle Baumann Hanging Strong Despite Losing With Pocket Rockets

Level 16 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Gaëlle Baumann (courtesy of Caroline Darcourt)
Gaëlle Baumann (courtesy of Caroline Darcourt)

Even when tight with the bubble looming, one hand just about any player isn't afraid to play is pocket rockets. Team Winamax pro Gaëlle Baumann just found herself in this position and raised the action after an opener limped. The limper came along and and check calls a bet from Baumann of 12,000 on the {10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{4-Spades} flop. Baumann's opponent check calls again - this time for 17,500 - when the {8-Spades} hits the turn.

Baumann slowed down on the river and the action went check-check after the {j-Diamonds} completing the board adding numerous straight possibilities with any {q-} or {7-} and making it far more likely her opponent also could have had two-pair.

Baumann, who was holding {A-Diamonds}{A-Clubs} made the correct read in just checking back after he opponent turned over {7-Spades}{7-Hearts} for the straight. Baumann, however, won a few pots earlier in the day and her stack remains strong with the bubble about to break with 200,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Gaëlle Baumann fr
Gaëlle Baumann

Tags: Gaëlle Baumann

Level: 16

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 500

Damien Cayet & Houssine El Otmani Eliminated

Level 15 : 1,500/3,000, 400 ante

France's Damien Cayet entered the Winamax SISMIX Main Event just shy of $200,000 in career tournament cashes according to The Hendon Mob. He will have to wait for another tournament to pass this milestone as along with Houssine El Otmani who barely finished in the money during last year's Main Event were eliminated from the tournament a few spots short of the money bubble breaking.

Player Chips Progress
Damien Cayet fr
Damien Cayet
Houssine El Otmani ma
Houssine El Otmani

Tags: Damien CayetHoussine El OtmaniWinamax SISMIX Main Event

122 Remain

Level 15 : 1,500/3,000, 400 ante
Julien Bochereau (compliments of Caroline Darcourt)
Julien Bochereau (compliments of Caroline Darcourt)

We are just 9 players away from the money bubble. Three French players were among the latest to hit the rails including Julien Bochereau, Cyril Olivier, and Jean-Michel Texier.

Player Chips Progress
Julien Bochereau fr
Julien Bochereau
Cyril Olivier fr
Cyril Olivier
Jean-Michel Texier fr
Jean-Michel Texier

Tags: Julien BochereauCyril OlivierJean-Michel Texier

Not a Good Day for Lithuania

Level 15 : 1,500/3,000, 400 ante
Nikita Staroverov (compliments of Caroline Darcourt)
Nikita Staroverov (compliments of Caroline Darcourt)

It seemed like Lithuania was all over the place leading into Day 2, however both Paulius Cerniauskas and Nikita Staroverov makes it five Lithuanians to finish before the money. Staroverov is the biggest upset not to make the money in the entire tournament as he not only finished Day 1c as the chip leader, but also entered Day 2 in third place with 247,300 chips.

Also finishing shy of the money were Steven Prouteau, Hanane El Mahaoud, and Cyril Fabre.

Player Chips Progress
Nikita Staroverov lt
Nikita Staroverov
Paulius Cerniauskas lt
Paulius Cerniauskas
Steven Prouteau fr
Steven Prouteau
Hanane El Mahaoud ma
Hanane El Mahaoud
Cyril Fabre fr
Cyril Fabre

Tags: Nikita StaroverovPaulius CerniauskasSteven ProuteauHanane El MahaoudCyril Fabre