2019 US Poker Open

USPO #5 - $25,000 NLH
Day: 1
Event Info

2019 US Poker Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Kempe Secures a Double Through Aldemir

Level 13 : 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

The flop showed {6-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{k-Spades} and the pot had around 50,000 in it. Koray Aldemir bet 18,000, Rainer Kempe moved all in for 93,000 and Aldemir called.

Aldemir tabled {q-Clubs}{j-Diamonds} for a straight draw and Kempe showed {k-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} for top pair. The board ran out dry for Kempe as the {7-Hearts} came on the turn and {4-Spades} on the river, giving him the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Rainer Kempe de
Rainer Kempe
Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Koray AldemirRainer Kempe

Level: 14

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Ante: 12,000

Jack on the River Nets a Double For Schindler

Level 14 : 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

Justin Bonomo opened with a raise to 20,000 from under the gun and next to act, Jake Schindler moved all in for 283,000. Action folded back to Bonomo who called.

Justin Bonomo: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}
Jake Schindler: {K-Spades}{Q-Spades}

The flop put Bonomo in a commanding lead when it came {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{6-Hearts} which left Schindler looking for just three outs as the jack of hearts would give Bonomo a flush. The turn was the {4-Diamonds} proving no help, but the river was the {J-Diamonds} which gave Schindler a straight allowing him to double up and leaving Bonomo with a short stack.

Player Chips Progress
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Jake SchindlerJustin Bonomo

Aldemir Runs into Imsirovic's Heater

Level 14 : 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Ali Imsirovic
Ali Imsirovic

Koray Aldemir opened from the hijack, Ali Imsirovic moved all in and Aldemir called for his remaining 240,000, players turned over their hands with Aldemir at risk.

Ali Imsirovic: {a-Hearts}{10-Clubs}
Koray Aldemir: {a-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}

The board ran out {9-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{4-Diamonds} and Imsirovic took down the pot with his turned straight, eliminating Aldemir from the tournament and adding to his already large stack.

Player Chips Progress
Ali Imsirovic ba
Ali Imsirovic
Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ali ImsirovicKoray Aldemir

Weinand Takes a Bad Beat to Bust to Petrangelo

Level 14 : 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Daniel Weinand
Daniel Weinand

Cary Katz opened with a raise to 26,000 from under the gun and action folded to the small blind where Nick Petrangelo moved all in for roughly 700,000, covering both Katz and Daniel Weinand in the big blind. Weinand thought it over for a bit, then eventually called all in for right around 450,000. Katz got out of the way quickly.

"I like his hand," Katz said about Petrangelo before the hands were tabled.

Daniel Weinand: {A-Clubs}{K-Spades}
Nick Petrangelo: {A-Spades}{Q-Hearts}

It appears as if Katz had some sort of sixth sense because the flop came down {Q-Spades}{J-Hearts}{3-Hearts} giving Petrangelo top pair. The turn was the {Q-Diamonds} and the river was the {6-Spades} and Weinand was unable to catch up. Petrangelo took down the pot and moved over a million chips while Weinand hit the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner
Daniel Weinand ca
Daniel Weinand

Tags: Cary KatzDaniel WeinandNick Petrangelo

Hernandez gets Revenge with Queens Against Hunichen

Level 14 : 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

Lazaro Hernandez moved all in for 173,000, Chris Hunichen called and the two turned over their hands.

Lazaro Hernandez: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Chris Hunichen: {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}

The board ran out {6-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{8-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds} and Hernandez took down the pot with his ladies, doubling through Hunichen.

Player Chips Progress
Lazaro Hernandez us
Lazaro Hernandez
Chris Hunichen us
Chris Hunichen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Chris HunichenLazaro Hernandez

Level: 15

Blinds: 10,000/15,000

Ante: 15,000

Seidel Sends Loeser Out the Door

Level 15 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

Erik Seidel moved all in from the small blind, Manig Loeser called his remaining 190,000 stack from the big blind and the two turned over their hands.

Erik Seidel: {7-Spades}{5-Diamonds}
Manig Loeser: {a-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}

The board ran out {7-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} and Seidel's two pair took down the pot, eliminating Loeser from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 10X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
WPT 1X Winner
Manig Loeser de
Manig Loeser
WSOP 2X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Erik SeidelManig Loeser

Two Table Redraw

Level 15 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
TableSeatPlayerChip Count
11Brandon Adams780,000
11Joseph Cappello350,000
11Justin Bonomo185,000
11Jake Schindler210,000
11Chris Hunichen500,000
11Ali Imsirovic1,270,000
11Lazaro Hernandez170,000
22Stephen Chidwick125,000
22Erik Seidel575,000
22Dan Shak500,000
22Larry Greenberg260,000
22Nick Petrangelo1,070,000
22Kristen Bicknell720,000
22Cary Katz600,000

Lazaro Doubles Through Schindler

Level 15 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

Jake Schindler opened with a raise to 75,000 from early position and action folded to Lazaro Hernandez on the button. He moved all in for 110,000 and action folded back to Schindler who called.

Jake Schindler: {A-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}
Lazaro Hernandez: {K-Diamonds}{K-Clubs}

The board ran out {9-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{J-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and Hernandez held on to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Lazaro Hernandez us
Lazaro Hernandez
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jake SchindlerLazaro Hernandez