2019 US Poker Open

USPO #5 - $25,000 NLH
Day: 1
Event Info

2019 US Poker Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Lauren Robers: A Queen Amongst Kings

Level 12 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

On Saturday night, Lauren Roberts battled her way through the final table of Event #3 of the U.S. Poker Open that included the likes of Koray Aldemir, Stephen Chidwick, Brandon Adams and Sean Winter.

Roberts outlasted 91 entries to claim the $218,400 first prize and made personal and poker history. The win was her first live tournament triumph and her USPO victory was the first by a woman.

She spoke to Poker Central's Remko Rinkema about the victory, which you can read by clicking here.

Tags: Poker Central

Petrangelo Forces Bonomo Off the Hand

Level 12 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Nick Petrangelo opened to 18,000 from under the gun, Justin Bonomo three-bet to 40,000 in the cutoff and Petrangelo called. The dealer spread out {4-Hearts}{8-Spades}{8-Clubs} on the flop and Petrangelo check-called a bet of 30,000 from Bonomo.

A {6-Spades} hit the felt on the turn and both players checked to the {2-Diamonds} on the river. Petrangelo thought for a moment, he used a full time extension before he pushed in a bet of 160,000 and Bonomo quickly folded, sending the pot to Petrangelo.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Justin BonomoNick Petrangelo

Imsirovic Sends Davies Packing

Level 12 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Seth Davies
Seth Davies

Seth Davies opened with a raise to 17,000 from the hijack and action folded to the button Ali Imsirovic three-bet, making it 64,000. Action folded back to Davies who tanked for a good while before moving all in for a bit over 150,000. Imsirovic snap called.

Seth Davies: {10-Clubs}{10-Hearts}
Ali Imsirovic: {A-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}

The flop was safe for Davies when it came {6-Spades}{2-Spades}{2-Hearts} but the {A-Hearts} came on the turn giving Imsirovic the lead. The river was the {Q-Diamonds} giving Imsirovic an even better two pair and Davies was sent to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Ali Imsirovic ba
Ali Imsirovic
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
$25K Fantasy
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ali ImsirovicSeth Davies

Hunichen Grabs a Full Double Through Hernandez with Ladies

Level 12 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Chris Hunichen
Chris Hunichen

The turned board read {5-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{6-Spades} and there was around 100,000 in the pot. Lazaro Hernandez bet 150,000 and Chris Hunichen moved all in for 394,000.

Hernandez called and tabled {6-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} for two pair, Hunichen showed {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs} for top set. Hernandez was drawing dead to the meaningless {2-Diamonds} on the river, shipping the monster pot to Hunichen.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Hunichen us
Chris Hunichen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Lazaro Hernandez us
Lazaro Hernandez

Tags: Chris HunichenLazaro Hernandez

Level: 13

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 10,000

Petrangelo Gets a Fold From Seidel

Level 13 : 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Nick Petrangelo opened with a raise to 22,000 from the hijack seat and Erik Seidel called in the big blind.

The flop was {8-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} and Seidel checked to Petrangelo. Petrangelo put out a bet of 12,000 and Seidel called.

Both players checked on the {6-Diamonds} turn and the {A-Spades} came on the river. There, Seidel checked a third time. Petrangelo put out a bet of 85,000. Seidel promptly folded, so Petrangelo took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 10X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
WPT 1X Winner
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Erik SeidelNick Petrangelo

Imsirovic Bets Heavy on the River, Bonomo Hooks Him Up

Level 13 : 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

The board read {5-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{a-Spades}{2-Spades}{10-Clubs} and the pot had 175,000 in it. Justin Bonomo checked to Ali Imsirovic, he tanked before he pushed in a bet of 225,000.

Bonomo took almost his whole 30-second shot clock, in the end announcing call. Imsirovic quickly tabled {a-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} for top two, Bonomo pushed the chips in the middle and mucked his hand, sending the pot Imsirovic.

Player Chips Progress
Ali Imsirovic ba
Ali Imsirovic
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Ali ImsirovicJustin Bonomo

Bicknell Gets Rid of Schulman

Level 13 : 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Nick Schulman
Nick Schulman

A blind versus blind confrontation led to Nick Schulman being all in and at risk from the big blind against Kristen Bicknell in the small blind with each player committing right around 150,000.

Kristen Bicknell: {A-Diamonds}{7-Spades}
Nick Schulman: {K-Spades}{J-Hearts}

The board ran out {6-Spades}{5-Clubs}{2-Spades}{8-Clubs}{A-Clubs} and Bicknell made a pair of aces to send Schulman packing.

Player Chips Progress
Kristen Bicknell ca
Kristen Bicknell
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Nick Schulman us
Nick Schulman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
WPT 2X Winner

Tags: Kristen BicknellNick Schulman

Fox Can't Hold with Cowboys Against Petrangelo

Level 13 : 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Nick Petrangelo
Nick Petrangelo

Elio Fox opened to 20,000 from the button, Nick Petrangelo moved all in from the small blind and Fox snap-called for his remaining 250,000, players turned over their hands with Fox at risk.

Nick Petrangelo: {a-Clubs}{j-Hearts}
Elio Fox: {k-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}

The flop came down {2-Clubs}{5-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and Fox was well in the lead with his kings. A shattering {a-Hearts} landed on the turn, flipping the switch on the hand, giving Petrangelo the lead. The {6-Diamonds} on the river changed nothing as Petrangelo took down the pot, eliminating Fox.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner
Elio Fox us
Elio Fox
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Elio FoxNick Petrangelo