2015 UKIPT Isle of Man

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2015 UKIPT Isle of Man

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Ung Flying High

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

Senh Ung's stack is rapidly approaching the 50,000 barrier thanks in part to a pot won during a clash with Simon Hamilton.

Ung, in the small blind, checked on a {3-Hearts}{10-Spades}{j-Spades} flop and then called when Hamilton, in middle position, made it 650 to continue in the hand. The {2-Hearts} flop received checks from both players, but when the {9-Spades} completed the five community cards, Ung bet 1,200 and Hamilton sent his cards back to the dealer.

Ung has more than $1.2 million in live tournament winnings, is a fearless poker player and one to watch as this tournament progresses.

Player Chips Progress
Senh Ung gb
Senh Ung

Tags: Senh UngSimon Hamilton

Everyone Loves a Chop Pot

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

Sunil Moti in the hijack limped in for 150 and Diego Gomez isolated to 575 from the button. Both blinds folded and Moti called.

Motti check called a bet of 650 on {8-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} and checked again on the {4-Hearts} on the turn. Gomez carefully selected some chips and announced his bet of 1,750. Before he even had the chips in the middle, Moti had already tossed in two 1,000 chips to call.

Another check by Moti on the {Q-Hearts} on the river and Gomez thought about it for a bit before checking behind. Moti showed {A-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} for the missed flush draw. Gomez tabled {A-Hearts}{K-Clubs} for the better kicker, but the king didn't play and the two of them split the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Diego Gomez es
Diego Gomez

Tags: Diego Gomez

Shahade is in the House

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante
Jennifer Shahade
Jennifer Shahade

Jennifer Shahade is seated over on Table 1 which is also where Chris Moneymaker's UKIPT Isle of Man quest. Shahade is an accomplished chess player in addition to a poker player, so will no doubt be looking forward to Friday's £150+£15 Hold'em/Chess tournament, plus the PokerStars Isle of Man International Chess Tournament that runs from October 3-11.

Player Chips Progress
Jennifer Shahade us
Jennifer Shahade

Tags: Chris MoneymakerJennifer Shahade

Vis is no Fish

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

Jesper Vis was already seen with all of his chips in the middle not too long ago. Afterwards the Dutchman told us what had happend in that hand.

Vis called a raise and they ended up with five players in the pot. The flop came {2-Clubs}{2-Spades}{5-Clubs} and Vis bet out after the initial raiser checked. Just the pre flop aggressor made the call. The {A-Clubs} fell on the turn and Vis continued to put the pressure on committing chips, the initial raiser once again called. The river {3-Clubs} made for a four card straight flush and after the initial raiser checked, Jesper Vis moved all in.

His opponent thought long and hard, but eventually gave up. Vis was quick to muck, leaving the table wondering if he indeed had the {4-Clubs} or didn't. He told us the answer to that question, but we pinky swore not to disclose that information.

Player Chips Progress
Jesper Vis nl
Jesper Vis

Tags: Jesper Vis

Humphries Claims an Early Pot

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

The Isle of Man's Gregory Humphries has added a few chips to his stack after his river bet forced folds from his two opponents.

Poland's Adrian Filiczkowski opened the preflop betting with a raise 225 from middle position, a bet that Fatima Moriera de Melo called from her seat in the cutoff, and Humphries called in the big blind.

The action checked to Filiczkowski on the {4-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{8-Clubs} flop and both de Melo and Humphries called.

All three players checked the arrival of the {5-Diamonds}, but Humphreis led for 1,100 on the {7-Hearts} river. Filiczkowsi instantly folded and de Melo also folded, but not before showing the {9-Diamonds}.

Tags: Adrian FiliczkowskiFatima Moreira De MeloGregory Humphries

Chafak's Up, Despite Losing a Pot

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante
Sara Chafak
Sara Chafak

Sara Chafak isn't here to fold, so much is clear. We watched her table for just three hands, and she was involved in all three of them.

In the first she opened to 225 from the hijack and Hanz de Vries in the cutoff three bet to 850. Jacob Hicklin in the small blind cold four bet to 2,650 and Chafak was quick to fold. De Vries made the call though. Hicklin made a continuation bet of 2,200 on {K-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{A-Spades} and De Vries called again. The Dutchman gave up to the 5,000 second barrel Hicklin made on the {8-Clubs} turn.

The second hand Chafak opened to 275 and she picked up two callers; Jacob Hicklin on the button and Jamie Cleaver in the small blind. The flop came {6-Spades}{J-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and after Cleaver checked, Chafak made a bet of 625. Hicklin folded but Cleaver called. Both players checked the {4-Clubs} on the turn and Cleaver bet out 850 on the {8-Clubs} river. Chafak thought about it for just a bit, before releasing her cards into the muck.

The third hand Chafak limp called a raise pre flop, only to fold post flop rather quickly.

Despite us witnessing three losing hands in a row, Sara Chafak is still up for the day quite a lot. She plays around 36,000 in chips at the moment.

Player Chips Progress
Sara Chafak fi
Sara Chafak

Tags: Sara Chafak

Level: 2

Blinds: 75/150

Ante: 0

River Bet Wins Pot for Poulengris

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Adam Owen has been quite active in the opening level and opened the betting again, this time from the hijack with a raise to 250. Both blinds, Antonis Poulengris (small blind) and Ian Otobo (big blind) called

The {3-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop didn't temp anyone to bet, with all three players checking their action. The {9-Diamonds} turn received the same treatment leading the dealer to place the {7-Diamonds} on the river.

Poulengris fired a bet of 300 into the pot a it was enough to win the hand because Otobo and Owen ducked out of the way.

Tags: Adam OwenAntonis PoulengrisIan Otobo


Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

During our last round through the tournament room, we noticed two very familiar looking players. Non other than WSOP 2003 champion Chris Moneymaker is playing. One table over we saw former Miss Finland Sara Chafak sitting next to Hanz de Vries.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Moneymaker us
Chris Moneymaker
Sara Chafak fi
Sara Chafak