2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1e
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1e
Players Left

Montero Turns a Straight to Knockout Ramirez

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 0 ante

Luis Yepez opened the action with a raise to 700, which was called by a player in the hijack, Florentino Montero in the cutoff, and a player on the button. Then Jesus Ramirez three-bet to 3,500 from the small blind, which all four players called.

After the 6103 flop Ramirez bet out 11,000. Yepez and the hijack folded, before Montero raised all in for his stack of 28,000. The button folded, and Ramirez called for less to put himself at risk.

Jesus Ramirez: AQ All in
Florentino Montero: 54

Ramirez was ahead with his ace high, but would need to fade the two live cards, and open ended straight draw of Montero. But once the board ran out 7 on the turn, and A on the river, Montero turned a straight to knockout Ramirez.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Florentino Montero us
Florentino Montero
Profile photo of Luis Yepez ve
Luis Yepez
Profile photo of Jesus Ramirez
Jesus Ramirez

Ramirez Goes Runner Runner to Beat Xiong's Flopped Set

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Action was picked up on the river with the board showing 4866Q with roughly 15,000 in the pot.

Jesus Ramirez bet out and Cheng Xiong raised him all for his stack of 27,000, which Ramirez quickly called to put him at risk.

Xiong tabled 44 for a full house, fours full of sixes. But Ramirez had the winner with Q6 for a full house, sixes full of queens to eliminate Xiong.

Tags: Jesus RamirezCheng Xiong

Full House Goes Down to Straight Flush

Level 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante

Action was picked up on the river with 9,500 in the pot, and the board showing 107JKK

Jesus Delgadillo was facing a bet of 5,000, when he raised to 15,000. His opponent then raised all in, which was snap called by Delgadillo.

The all in player tabled K10 for a full house, kings full of tens, but Delgadillo had him smoked with Q9 for a straight flush, to take the pot and eliminate his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
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Jesus Delgadillo

Tags: Jesus Delgadillo

Pak Sends a Player Out Blind Versus Blind

Level 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante
Edward Pak
Edward Pak

Action was picked up with the player in the big blind all in for 7,200, and the small blind Edward Pak putting him at risk.

Small Blind: K3 All in
Edward Pak: AK

The small blind was dominated by the bigger ace of Pak, and once the board ran out 9AK5J Pak improved to two pair, aces and kings to take the pot and eliminate his opponent.

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Edward Pak

Tags: Edward Pak

Moradkhani Rivers a Boat to Knock a Player Out

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Action was picked up on the turn with the board showing [6h106dAh] and roughly 18,000 in the pot.

Reza Moradkhani checked to a player in the cutoff, who went all in for 14,400, and Moradkhani made the call to put him at risk.

Cutoff: 76 All in
Reza Moradkhani: AQ

The cutoff was ahead after flopping trip sixes, but Moradkhani could hit an ace and had a flush draw as outs. The river brought the A and Moradkhani made a full house, aces full of sixes to take the pot and eliminate his opponent.

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Reza Moradkhani

Tags: Reza Moradkhani

Manon Finds Duck to Dish Out a Bad Beat

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

A player in middle position, the hijack, and the cutoff Tito Manon all limped in, before a player on the button raised all in for 7,300. It folded back to Manon who said "You have overs" and tossed in a chip to call.

All in Player: 77 All in
Tito Manon: 22

Manon was hoping his opponent had overs, but instead he had a bigger pocket pair. But when the board ran out 102Q10J Manon improved to a full house, deuces full of tens to take the pot and eliminate his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Tito Manon
Tito Manon

Tags: Tito Manon

Delgadillo Gets More Than A Double

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Action was picked up on the turn with the board showing 7897 and roughly 28,000 in the pot.

Edward Pak was all in for 9,800, and Jesus Delgadillo was also in all in for 50,400. A player in the under the gun position debated his decision, and eventually found the call to put both players at risk.

Edward Pak: K7 All in
Jesus Delgadillo: 65 All in
Under the Gun: A7

Both the under the gun player, and Pak turned trip sevens, but both would need to improve to beat the flopped straight of Delgadillo. Once the river brought the Q the straight of Delgadillo gave him more than a double up, and eliminated Pak.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jesus Delgadillo us
Jesus Delgadillo
Profile photo of Edward Pak us
Edward Pak

Tags: Edward PakJesus Delgadillo

Freeman Flops a Straight

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Action was picked up on the flop with 13,200 in the pot, and the board showing 1086.

A player bet out 5,000, before another player raised all in for 18,300. A player in middle position folded, before Evan Freeman in the hijack made the call. The original bettor folded , leaving the players heads up.

All In Player: A10 All in
Evan Freeman: 97

Freeman flopped a flush and with neither player having a heart, the all in player would need running cards to stay in the tournament. The 3 on the turn meant the all in player could not win the pot outright, but could hit another heart to chop the pot. But the river was the K and Freeman's straight was still best, to give him the pot and knockout his opponent.

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Profile photo of Evan Freeman
Evan Freeman

Tags: Evan Freeman

Kwan Makes Two Pair to Knockout Nguyen and Take a Side Pot

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Action was picked up on the flop with the board showing 7108 and roughly 12,000 in the pot. A player in the big blind checked, as did Dylan Nguyen in the hijack. Then 'LA Poker Roundup' podcaster Derek Kwan bet 7,000 on the button. The big blind called, before Dylan Nguyen went all in for 12,700. Kwan and the big blind both made the call.

After the Q on the turn, the big blind check-called a bet of 28,000 for a side pot.

The river brought the 8 and the big blind checked to Kwan, who went all in for 17,300. The big blind quickly mucked her hand to give Kwan the side pot.

At showdown for the main pot, Nguyen turned over J10 for two pair tens and eights, but Kwan had the winner when he tabled Q10 for two pair, queens and tens to get the knockout and take the sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
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Derek Kwan
Profile photo of Dylan Nguyen us
Dylan Nguyen

Tags: Dylan NguyenDerek Kwan

Malick Wins the Race in 5-Bet Pot to Knockout a Player

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

A player from under the gun raised to 2,000, before the player in early position three-bet to 6,000. Then Stone Malick in middle position four-bet to 14,000. After it folded back to the original raiser, he five bet-all in for 43,000. That got the early position player to fold, and Malick made the call.

Under the Gun: AK All in
Stone Malick: JJ

The under the gun player was at risk and would need improve to stay in the tournament. Once the board ran out 93489 the pocket jacks were still best, to give Malick the pot and eliminate his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
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Stone Malick