2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1d
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1d
Players Left

Dobbertin Gets Griener to Fold

Level 17 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Jared Griener opened the action from under the gun with a raise to 20,000. It folded to Ty Dobbertin in the big blind who made the call.

The flop came 2610 and Dobbertin check-called a bet of 18,000 from Griener.

Both players checked to the river after the 4 on the turn, which brought the 4. Dobbertin then bet 25,000 and after giving it some thought, Griener mucked to give the pot to the 'LA Poker Roundup' podcaster Dobbertin.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jared Griener us
Jared Griener
Profile photo of Ty Dobbertin us
Ty Dobbertin

Tags: Ty DobbertinJared Griener

Level: 17

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 10,000

Nguyen Finds Another Double

Level 16 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Action was picked up with Dylan Nguyen raising all in for 78,000, and Vince Salvatore calling to put him at risk.

Dylan Nguyen: Q10 All in
Vince Salvatore: AJ

It was a fair fight but Salvatore ahead with his ace high. The [9Kh5c] flop changed nothing, but the 10 on the turn put Nguyen in front, but also Gave Salvatore extra outs with a flush draw. The river was the J which paired Salvatore, but gave Nguyen a straight and double up.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Dylan Nguyen us
Dylan Nguyen
Profile photo of Vince Salvatore us
Vince Salvatore

Tags: Vince SalvatoreDylan Nguyen

Lee Chips Up

Level 16 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Paul Nguyen opened the action with a raise to 20,000 from the hijack. Once it folded to Kyung Lee in the small blind, he three-bet to 54,000. Once the big blind folded Nguyen made the call to see a flop.

The flop came Q35 and Lee bet out 35,000, which got Nguyen to fold for Lee to take the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Paul Nguyen us
Paul Nguyen
Profile photo of Kyung Lee us
Kyung Lee

Tags: Paul NguyenKyung Lee

Queens Send Park Packing

Level 16 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Vince Salvatore raised from early position, to 17,000, before Bradley Harris three-bet to 50,000. Then it folded to Jin Park in the big blind and he went all in for his stack of 56,000. Both Salvatore and Harris made the call.

After the flop came 358 Salvatore checked to Harris, who bet out 100,000. After sitting in the tank, Salvatore found a found to leave the players heads up.

Jin Park: 99 All in
Bradley Harris: QQ

Harris had the bigger over pair, and after the K on the turn, and 8 on the river, the pocket queens were still best, and Park was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Vince Salvatore us
Vince Salvatore
Profile photo of Bradley Harris us
Bradley Harris
Day 1D Chip Leader
Profile photo of Jin Park us
Jin Park

Tags: Vince SalvatoreJin ParkBradley Harris

Level: 16

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 8,000

A Cooler Sends Out Gill

Level 15 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Jared Griener opened the action with a raise to 12,000, and when it folded to Robert Gill, he defended the big blind.

The flop came 4KJ and Gill checked to Griener who bet out 11,000. Gill then raised to 27,000, before Griener then three-bet to put Gill all in for his stack of 165,000. Gill quickly made the call and the player put the cards on their back.

Robert Gill: K4 All in
Jared Griener: KJ

Both players flopping top pair left Gill needing a four to stay in the tournament. But after the 2 on the turn, and 7 on the river, the two pair of Griener took the pot and eliminated Gill.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jared Griener us
Jared Griener
Profile photo of Robert Gill us
Robert Gill

Tags: Jared GrienerRobert Gill

Vopperian Takes It Down

Level 15 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Zachary Mcdiarmid raised from under the gun to 12,000, before Kevork Vopperian three-bet to 30,000 from early position. Then it folded to Vince Salvatore in the cutoff who smooth called. It got back to Mcdiarmid he made the call as well.

The flop came 892 and all three players checked to the A turn. Mcdiarmid checked to Vopperian and he bet out 25,000. Salvatore and Mcdiarmid both quickly mucked to give the pot Vopperian.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Kevork Vopperian us
Kevork Vopperian
Profile photo of Zachary Mcdiarmid us
Zachary Mcdiarmid
Profile photo of Vince Salvatore us
Vince Salvatore

Tags: Zachary McdiarmidVince SalvatoreKevork Vopperian

Harris's Check-Raise Gets Through

Level 15 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Zachary Mcdiarmid raised from early position to 12,000. He was called by Kevork Vopperian in middle position, and the big blind
Bradley Harris.

The flop came Q93 and Harris checked to Mcdiarmid who bet 14,000. After Vopperian folded, Harris then raised to 40,000, which got Mcdiarmid to muck and give the pot to Harris.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Bradley Harris us
Bradley Harris
Day 1D Chip Leader
Profile photo of Kevork Vopperian us
Kevork Vopperian
Profile photo of Zachary Mcdiarmid us
Zachary Mcdiarmid

Tags: Bradley HarrisKevork VopperianZachary Mcdiarmid