2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1d
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1d
Players Left

Salvatore Flops the World, Turns the Nuts

Level 9 : Blinds 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

Vince Salvatore raised to 4,000 from middle position, and was called by a player in the cutoff, and the big blind.

After the A510 action was checked to the cutoff, who bet 6,000. Both the big blind and Salvatore made the call.

All three players checked to the river after the 2 on the turn, which brought the J. The big blind checked, and Salvatore went all in for 24,500, and the cutoff quickly made the call for less. The big blind folded and Salvatore tabled AK for the nut flush, and the cutoff showed AQ before exiting the tournament area.

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Vince Salvatore

Tags: Vince Salvatore

Morozumi Hits the Jack He Didn't Want

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action was picked up with Naoya Morozumi all in, and Andy Garcia calling to put him at risk.

Naoya Morozumi: AK All in
Andy Garcia: JJ

It was a flip for Morozumi's tournament life, and he would need to improve against the pocket jacks of Garcia. The 106Q flop gave Morozumi additonal outs for Broadway, but the 6 turn took those outs away. Which was unfortunate because the river was the J to give Morozumi the Broadway straight, but improved Garcia to a full house, jacks full of sixes to take the pot and eliminate Morozumi.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andy Garcia
Andy Garcia
Profile photo of Naoya Morozumi jp
Naoya Morozumi

Tags: Naoya MorozumiAndy Garcia

Lee Knockouts Zur With Big Slick

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Kyung Lee raised to 2,100 from early position, and was called by both the player in middle position and the cutoff. Then Tal Zur in the small blind three-bet all in for 11,300. After the big blind folded, Lee four-bet to 100,000, which got the callers to both fold and leave the players heads up, with Zur at risk.

Tal Zur: AJ All in
Kyung Lee: AK

Zur was dominated by Lee, and once the board ran out 58Q82 the ace king was still best, and Zur was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
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Kyung Lee
Profile photo of Tal Zur us
Tal Zur

Tags: Tal ZurKyung Lee

Salvatore Turns a Better Two Pair to Knockout Liang

Level 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante

Action was picked up on the turn with roughly 16,000 in the pot and the board showing J34K2. Michael Liang was all in for 31,100, and Vince Salvatore putting him at risk.

Michael Liang: 43 All in
Vince Salvatore: K3

Liang was in a world of trouble as Salvatore had the better two pair. The 2 on the river gave Salvatore the pot, and Liang was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Vince Salvatore us
Vince Salvatore
Profile photo of Michael Liang us
Michael Liang
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Michael LiangVince Salvatore

Crockett's Not a Believer

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 0 ante

Action was picked up in a four-bet pot with roughly 10,500 in the pot and the board showing 295.

Stephan Crockett checked to the four-bettor, who fired out 3,000, which Crockett called.

After the 4 on the turn Crockett check-called a bet of 10,000.

The river was the 2 and Crockett checked, then quickly called the all in bet of 19,800. The player who went all in showed A7 for just ace high, and Crockett had the winner when he tabled 85 for a pair of fives to eliminate the player.

Player Chips Progress
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Stephan Crockett

Tags: Stephan Crockett