2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1c
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1c
Players Left

Nguyen Flops the Joint

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Dylan Nguyen raised to 1,600 from the button, and the big blind Marc Spitaleri made the call.

The flop came 10AQ and after Spitaleri checked to Nguyen, he bet out 2,000. Spitaleri then raised to 6,000, which Nguyen called.

The turn brought the K and Spitaleri bet out 8,000, before Nguyen raised all in for the last 22,400 of Spitaleri, which got him ti muck Ax10x face up. Nguyen then showed KxJx for a flopped Broadway Straight as he took in the pot.

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Profile photo of Dylan Nguyen us
Dylan Nguyen
Profile photo of Marc Spitaleri us
Marc Spitaleri

Tags: Dylan NguyenMarc Spitaleri

Bartal Spikes the River to Stay In It

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Action was picked up with Gabriel Bartal all in for 8,000, and Sarah Cruce calling to put him at risk.

Gabriel Bartal: A3 All in
Sarah Cruce: J10

Cruce had two live cards against the ace high, and after the 2JQ flop Cruce took the lead with her pair of jacks. The 6 on the turn was no help for Bartal, but the A on the river allowed him to double up with his pair of aces.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Sarah Cruce us
Sarah Cruce
Profile photo of Gabriel Bartal us
Gabriel Bartal

Tags: Sarah CruceGabriel Bartal

Chung Makes a Bigger Flush to Knockout Prager

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

A player from middle position raised to 2,000, and he was called by Gie Chung on the button. After the small blind folded, Joshua Prager three-bet all in for 19,800. The original raiser folded, and Chung called to put Prager at risk.

Joshua Prager: K5 All in
Gie Chung: AQ

Prager tried to squeeze from the big blind, but Chung had a big hand and called to put him at risk. Once the board ran out J2942 both players made a flush, but Chung had to nut flush to take the pot and eliminate Prager.

Player Chips Progress
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Gie Chung
Profile photo of Joshua Prager us
Joshua Prager

Tags: Joshua Prager

Level: 6

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800

Roca Turns a Straight to Eliminate a Player

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Action was picked up on the flop with 3,000 in the pot the board showing 578 and a player all in for 6,500, and Rey Roca calling to put him at risk.

All in Player: 108 All in
Rey Roca: A6

The all in player was ahead with his top pair, but after the board ran out 9 on the turn, and 2 on the river, Roca improved to a straight, to eliminate his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
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Rey Roca

Tags: Rey Roca

Cruce Fades Hearts and Doubles Up

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Action was picked up with a pot brewing between Sarah Cruce and her opponent. The board was showing 392 with 14,100 in the pot.

A player in middle position checked to Cruce on the button, and she bet out 10,000. Then her opponent raised her all in for her stack of 37,100, which she quickly called.

Sarah Cruce: QQ All in
Middle Position: J7

Cruce was ahead with her pocket queens, but would need to fade the flush draw of her opponent to stay in the tournament. The board ran out 6 on the turn and 5 on the river, and Cruce's pocket queens held up, to give her the double up.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Sarah Cruce us
Sarah Cruce

Tags: Sarah Cruce

Level: 5

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Roca Takes Down Queens, Twice

Level 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante

Action was picked up with two players all in and the board showing 9J8.

Rey Roca: 99 All in
Nestor Hernandez: QQ All in
Young Song: QQ

Roca was able to crack both players pocket queens for now, but he would need to fade a ten which would give both players a straight. The 2 on the turn and 2 on the river were clean for Roca, as he tripled up with his full house, nines full of deuces.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Young Song us
Young Song
Profile photo of Nestor Hernandez us
Nestor Hernandez
Profile photo of Rey Roca us
Rey Roca

Tags: Nestor HernanRey Roca

Yates Goes Runner Runner to Make a Boat

Level 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante

Gabriel Bartal limped in from the cutoff, before the player on the button raised to 1,2000. He was called by the big blind Jay Yates, and Bartal made the call as well.

The flop came 4QA and it checked to the player on the button, he bet out 1,000. Both Yates and Bartal made the call.

All three players checked after the 10 on the turn, which brought the [10] on the river. Yates then fired out 2,000, which got Bartal to fold, and the button made the call. Yates tabled Q10 for a full house, tens full of queens. The button mucked his hand and said "I flopped top two".

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jay Yates us
Jay Yates
Profile photo of Gabriel Bartal us
Gabriel Bartal

Tags: Jay YatesGabriel Bartal