2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Hastings Starting to Build a Stack

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Brian Hastings raised to 1,600 from early position, and was called by the big blind.

The flop came 4Q5 and the big blind check-called a bet of 1,500.

After the K on the turn, the big blind checked, and Hastings fired out a bet of 6,000, which got a quick fold from the big blind to give Hastings the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
Day 1A Chip Leader
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once

Level: 7

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Miller Takes it From Lee

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Johnson Lee raised to 2,300 from the hijack, and was called by Ronald Miller on the button, and both the small and big blind,

All four players checked to the turn after the 966 flop. The turn brought the 8 and after it checked to Miller on the button, he bet out 4,500. Both the blinds quickly folded, and Lee made the call.

The river was the A and Lee checked to Miller, who bet out 5,500. Lee gave it some thought, before finding a fold and giving the pot to Miller.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ronald Miller us
Ronald Miller
Profile photo of Johnson Lee us
Johnson Lee

Fiorenti Getting Aggressive

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action folded to a player in middle position, and he raised to 2,300, before Marc Fiorenti three-bet to 6,500. It folded back to the player in middle position, and he made the call.

After the 5107 flop the middle position player check-called a bet of 7,000 from Fiorenti.

Both players checked the 8 turn, to see the 9 on the river. The middle position player bet out 5,000, which was snap called by Fiorenti. The player in middle position showed AxKx for ace high, and Fiorenti tabled Q10 for a top pair, to take the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Marc Fiorenti us
Marc Fiorenti

Jaurigu Gets Paid With Aces

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action was picked up on the river with the board showing 1035K8 with roughly 28,000 in the pot.

Jesse Jaurigu bet out 7,300, and after thinking over his decision, Marc Fiorenti made the call.

Jaurigu tabled AA and Fiorenti said "I kind of thought you had that" and tossed his cards in the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jesse Jaurigu us
Jesse Jaurigu
Profile photo of Marc Fiorenti us
Marc Fiorenti

Lavassani Has Rockets

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action was picked up with Sungmi Cho all in for 19,500, and Fred Lavassani putting him at risk.

Sungmi Cho: 88 All in
Fred Lavassani: AA

Cho ran into the pocket aces of Lavassani and was at risk of being eliminated. Despite the board running out 8A967 and Cho flopping a set, Lavassani also flopped a set and the set of aces were best, to eliminate Cho.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Fred Lavassani us
Fred Lavassani
Profile photo of Sungmi Cho kr
Sungmi Cho

Tags: Fred LavassaniSungmi Cho

Level: 8

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

Morozumi Cracks Aces

Level 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

A player raised from under the gun, before Naoya Morozumi three-bet to 7,000 from early position. It folded back to the under the gun player, and he four-bet to 21,000. Morozumi wasted no time and five-bet all in for the under the gun players stack of 53,500, which was snap called to put himself at risk.

Under the Gun: AA All in
Naoya Morozumi: AK

Morozumi ran into the pocket aces, and would need a lot of help to crack them. But Morozumi found just that when the flop came KK8 to give him a dominating lead with his trip kings. Looking for the case ace, the under the gun player could not improve after the board ran out 10 on the turn, and 2 on the river, giving Morozumi the pot with his trip kings, and eliminating his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
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Naoya Morozumi

Tags: Naoya Morozumi

Hastings Bombs the River

Level 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action folded to Artashe Kartaly on the button, and he raised to 2,500. The small blind folded, and Brian Hastings made the call in the big blind.

Both players checked to the turn after the J32 flop, which brought the A. Hastings then checked to Kartaly, who bet 2,000. Hastings then raised to 12,000, which Kartaly called.

The river was the Q and Hastings fired a hefty bet of 45,000. Kartaly gave it some thought, before deciding to fold, and showed the A as he tossed his cards in the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
Day 1A Chip Leader
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
Profile photo of Artashe Kartaly us
Artashe Kartaly

Tags: Brian Hastings