2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Morozumi's Queens Send Cruce Out

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Action was picked up on the flop with the board showing 826 and 10,500 in the pot.

With players in the pot, a player from early position checked to Sarah Cruce in the hijack, who went all in for 11,200. Then Naoya Morozumi in the cutoff called the bet, which for the player on the button and early position to fold, leaving the players heads up, with Cruce at risk.

Sarah Cruce: 99 All in
Naoya Morozumi: QQ

Cruce ran into the bigger over pair, and once the board ran out 8 on the turn, and 3 on the river, the pocket queens of Morozumi were still best, to give him the pot and eliminate Cruce.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Naoya Morozumi jp
Naoya Morozumi
Profile photo of Sarah Cruce us
Sarah Cruce

Cho Goes For It But Nelson Snaps Him Off

Level 4 : 300/500, 500 ante

Chris Nelson raised to 11,000 from under the gun, and was called by a player in early position, the button, the blind Sungmi Cho, and the big blind.

After the 8Q4 flop, the blinds checked to Nelson who bet out 3.300. The player in early position, and the button quickly folded., before Cho called, and the big blind folded as well, leaving Nelson and Cho heads up.

The turn was the 9 and Cho checked to Nelson, who bet out 5,200. Cho then raised to 13,000, which was called by Nelson.

After the A on the river, Cho went all in for 22,000, and Nelson wasted no time a flicked in a chip to call, and put Cho at risk.

Cho showed 108 for a pair of eights, while Nelson had the winner when he tabled AQ for two pair, aces and queens to take the pot, and eliminate Cho.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Chris Nelson us
Chris Nelson
Profile photo of Sungmi Cho kr
Sungmi Cho

Tags: Chris Nelson

Lavassani Has Rockets

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action was picked up with Sungmi Cho all in for 19,500, and Fred Lavassani putting him at risk.

Sungmi Cho: 88 All in
Fred Lavassani: AA

Cho ran into the pocket aces of Lavassani and was at risk of being eliminated. Despite the board running out 8A967 and Cho flopping a set, Lavassani also flopped a set and the set of aces were best, to eliminate Cho.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Fred Lavassani us
Fred Lavassani
Profile photo of Sungmi Cho kr
Sungmi Cho

Tags: Fred LavassaniSungmi Cho

Morozumi Cracks Aces

Level 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

A player raised from under the gun, before Naoya Morozumi three-bet to 7,000 from early position. It folded back to the under the gun player, and he four-bet to 21,000. Morozumi wasted no time and five-bet all in for the under the gun players stack of 53,500, which was snap called to put himself at risk.

Under the Gun: AA All in
Naoya Morozumi: AK

Morozumi ran into the pocket aces, and would need a lot of help to crack them. But Morozumi found just that when the flop came KK8 to give him a dominating lead with his trip kings. Looking for the case ace, the under the gun player could not improve after the board ran out 10 on the turn, and 2 on the river, giving Morozumi the pot with his trip kings, and eliminating his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Naoya Morozumi jp
Naoya Morozumi

Tags: Naoya Morozumi

Casella Knocks Out Khalili

Level 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action was picked up on the turn with four players in the hand, roughly 11,000 in the pot, and the board showing 65A4.

The small blind checked to Sohale Khalili, who bet all in for 11,300, and Michael Casella in early position made the call. Both the button and the small blind folded, leaving the players heads up, with Khalili at risk.

Sohale Khalili: A3 All in
Michael Casella: AQ

Khalili and Casella both had a pair of aces , but Khalili was behind the bigger kicker of Casella. Needing a three or deuce, the 6 was no help to Khalili, and he was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Michael Casella us
Michael Casella
Profile photo of Sohale Khalili us
Sohale Khalili

Tags: Sohale KhaliliMichael Casella

Sevens Hold For Hastings

Level 9 : Blinds 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

Action was picked up with a player in for 29,100, and Brian Hastings calling to put him at risk.

All in Player: AQ All in
Brian Hastings: 77

It was a flip, but the all in player would need to improve to stay in the tournament. But after the board ran out 8592K the pair of sevens for Hastings remained best, to give him the pot and eliminate his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
Day 1A Chip Leader
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Brian Hastings

Misirian Knocks Out Kartaly

Level 9 : Blinds 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

Action was picked up with Artashe Kartaly all in for 10,800, and John Misirian putting him at risk.

Artashe Kartaly: AQ All in
John Misirian: AK

Kartaly was dominated by the ace-king of Misirian, and after the board ran out K338Q Misirian improved to a pair of kings, and eliminated Kartaly.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of John Misirian us
John Misirian
Profile photo of Artashe Kartaly us
Artashe Kartaly

Tags: John Misirian

Hastings Gets Aces to Send a Player Out

Level 10 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

Brian Hastings raised from under the gun, and a player in the hijack three-bet all in for 33,500. Once it folded back to Hastings he double checked his cards and quickly made the call.

All in Player: AQ All in
Brian Hastings: AA

The hijack ran into the pocket aces of Hastings, and once the board ran out 47J58 the pocket aces of Hastings were still best, and he took the pot and eliminated his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
Day 1A Chip Leader
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Brian Hastings

Casella Flops Top and Bottom to Double Through Korene

Level 11 : Blinds 1,500/2,500, 2,500 ante

Orest Korene opened the action with a raise to 6,500 from the hijack, and when it folded to Michael Casella on the button, he three-bet to 16,000. After the blinds folded, Korene made the call to see a flop.

The flop came A42 and Korene checked to Casella, who bet out 13,000. Korene then raised to put Casella all in for 72,500, which he snap called to put himself at risk.

Michael Casella: A2 All in
Orest Korene: AQ

Casella was able to flop two pair against the bigger ace, and once the board ran out 8 on the turn, and 9 on the river, the two pair aces and deuces were good to take the pot and double up.

Korene was left with just 16,000 chips after the hand, and was seen exiting the tournament area a few hands later.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Michael Casella us
Michael Casella
Profile photo of Orest Korene ua
Orest Korene

Patz Spikes a Queen to Get a Double Knockout

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

Action folded to Preston Patz on the button, and he raised to 10,000, before the small blind Chris Nelson three-bet to 29,000. Then Marc Fiorenti four-bet all in for 55,000. Patz then five-bet to put Nelson all in for his last 110,000, who quickly called to put himself at risk.

Marc Fiorenti: 1010 All in
Chris Nelson: AA All in
Preston Patz: QQ

It was a massive cooler with three big pairs in late position. Nelson was in a great spot to triple up and overtake the chip lead, but when the board ran out 7Q253 the pocket queens of Patz improved to a set of queens, which cracked the aces of Nelson, which eliminated him and Fiorenti in the process.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Preston Patz us
Preston Patz
Profile photo of Chris Nelson us
Chris Nelson
Profile photo of Marc Fiorenti us
Marc Fiorenti