2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Dobbertin Sends Kozin to the Rail

Level 15 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Action folded to Ty Dobbertin in the small blind who raised Gary Kozin all in for his stack of 28,000. Kozin made the call to put himself at risk.

Gary Kozin: K9 All in
Ty Dobbertin: J3

Kozin was ahead with his king high, but once the board ran out 426105 Dobbertin improved to a straight and eliminated Kozin.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ty Dobbertin us
Ty Dobbertin
Profile photo of Gary Kozin us
Gary Kozin

Tags: Ty DobbertinGary Kozin

Kapor Hits His Gutter Ball To Eliminate Cross

Level 16 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Sanjeev Kapoor
Sanjeev Kapoor

Sanjeev Kapoor opened the action with a raise to 18,000 from middle position before it folded to Peter Cross who three-bet to 50,000 from the hijack. Once it folded back to Kapoor he made the call to see a flop.

The flop came J95 and Kapoor check-called a bet of 18,000 from Cross.

After the 7 on the turn Kapoor checked to Cross who fired out 50,000. Kapoor then sat in the tank for over two minutes, before another player at the table called the clock. After he was given 30 seconds to act, Kapoor then raised to put Cross all in for his stack of 250,000 and Cross snap called to put himself at risk.

Peter Cross; JJ All in
Sanjeev Kapoor: K10

Kapoor jammed right into Cross's set of jacks, saying "That was a misread". Kapoor was left with only a gut shot straight draw to beat the set of jacks, But that draw came right in after the Q hit the river to give Kapoor the straight, and eliminate Cross.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Sanjeev Kapoor us
Sanjeev Kapoor
Profile photo of Peter Cross jp
Peter Cross

Tags: Sanjeev KapoorPeter Cross

Dobbertin Just Under a Million Chips After Knocking Out Vopperian

Level 16 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Ty Dobbertin opened the action with a raise from the button, and when it folded to the big blind Kevork Vopperian he three-bet all in for 150,000. Dobbertin made the call to put Vopperian at risk.

Kevork Vopperian: KxQx All in
Ty Dobbertin: AxJx

Dobbertin was ahead with his ace high and once the board ran out he improved to two pair aces and jacks to eliminate Vopperian.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ty Dobbertin us
Ty Dobbertin
Profile photo of Kevork Vopperian us
Kevork Vopperian

Teranie Knocks Out Sarkisyan

Level 17 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Karen Sarkisyan (Photo by: @kierolovesyou)
Karen Sarkisyan (Photo by: @kierolovesyou)

Behzad Teranie raised from under the gun to 21,000 and was called by the big blind Karen Sarkisyan.

The flop came 10AQ and Sarkisyan checked to Teranie who fired out a bet before Sarkisyan min raised. Then Teranie put Sarkisyan all in for his stack of 150,00 which he called to put himself at risk.

Karen Sarkisyan: A9 All in
Behzad Teranie: AK

Both players flopped an ace but Teranie had the lead with his ace-king. The board ran out 7 on the turn, and J on the river and the ace-king of Teranie was still best to take the pot and eliminate Sarkisyan.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Behzad Teranie us
Behzad Teranie
Profile photo of Karen Sarkisyan ru
Karen Sarkisyan

Tags: Behzad TeranieKaren Sarkisyan

Dobbertin Gets a Double Knockout

Level 17 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Action folded to Ty Dobbertin on the button and he raised to 21,000. Taxi Vargas in the small then three-bet all in for 80,000, before Richard Ham four-bet all in for 110,000. Dobbertin snap called to put both players at risk.

Taxi Vargas: A9 All in
Richard Ham: AQ
Ty Dobbertin: AA

Both the blinds ran into the pocket aces of Dobbertin, and once the board ran out 65385 the pocket aces were still best, sending both Vargas and Ham to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ty Dobbertin us
Ty Dobbertin
Profile photo of Richard Ham us
Richard Ham
Profile photo of Taxi Vargas us
Taxi Vargas

Tags: Ty DobbertinTaxi VargasRichard Ham

Patz Rivers a Boat to Send Out Wu

Level 18 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Preston Patz (Photo by: kierolovesyou)
Preston Patz (Photo by: kierolovesyou)

Action was picked up on the turn with a pot brewing between the small blind Preston Patz and the big blind Di Wu. There was roughly 55,000 in the pot with the board showing 7363.

After the turn Patz bet out 20,000, before Wu raised to 55,000. Patz then three-bet all in for Wu's stack of 260,000, which he snap called.

Di Wu: 54 All in
Preston Patz: A3

Wu flopped a straight and after Patz turned trips, he would need an ace or the board to pair. He got just that when the river brought the 7 to improve Patz to a full house, threes full of sevens to eliminate Wu.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Preston Patz us
Preston Patz
Profile photo of Di Wu cn
Di Wu

Tags: Di WuPreston Patz

Long Makes a Flush to Double Up

Level 18 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

Aaron Zhang opened the action with a raise to 24,000. Action then folded to the big blind Colleen Long who three-bet all in for 161,000. Zhang confirmed the count and then put in chips to call.

Colleen Long: A9 All in
Aaron Zhang: A6

Long had Zhang dominated and in a great spot to double up. But after the 763 flop Zhang paired his six and took the lead. But Zhang was left drawing dead after the Q hit the turn to give Long a flush, and after the 9 hit on the river she officially secured the double up.

At a nearby table Leo Araneta and Robert Nguyen both were seen heading to the payout desk after being eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Colleen Long us
Colleen Long
Profile photo of Aaron Zhang cn
Aaron Zhang
Profile photo of Leo Araneta us
Leo Araneta
Profile photo of Robert Nguyen us
Robert Nguyen

Tags: Aaron ZhangColleen LongLeo AranetaRobert Nguyen

Gregory Takes Three-Bet Pot

Level 18 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

Derek Gregory opened the action with a raise to 24,000 from under the gun. It then folded to Thu Nguyen on the button, who three-bet to 52,000. Once the blinds folded Gregory made the call to see a flop.

After the flop came 735 Gregory checked to Nguyen who fired out 70,000. After debating his decision, another player at the tabled called the clock on Gregory. As the tournament dirctor started the countdown, Gregory raised to 250,000, which got a quick fold from Nguyen to give the pot to Gregory.

Moments later Zachary Mcdiarmid was seen leaving the tournament area after being eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Derek Gregory us
Derek Gregory
Profile photo of Thu Nguyen us
Thu Nguyen
Profile photo of Zachary Mcdiarmid us
Zachary Mcdiarmid

Tags: Zachary McdiarmidThu NguyenDerek Gregory

Nia Knocks Out Lee and Has Big Chip Lead

Level 19 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Michael Nia (Photo by:@kierolovesyou)
Michael Nia (Photo by:@kierolovesyou)

Action was picked up with Kyung Lee all in for 250,000, and Michael Nia putting him at risk.

Kyung Lee: 1010 All in
Michael Nia: QQ

Lee was dominated by the bigger pocket pair of Nia, and once the board ran out 67KA4 the pockets queens were still best and Lee was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Michael Nia us
Michael Nia
Profile photo of Kyung Lee us
Kyung Lee

Tags: Kyung LeeMichael Nia