2021 Super High Roller Bowl Europe

Event #6: $100,000 No-Limit Hold’em
Day: 2
Event Info

2021 Super High Roller Bowl Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Seven Left, Five Places Paid in Event #6: $100,000 NLHE

Super High Roller Bowl Europe
Super High Roller Bowl Europe

Who will walk away with the $1.4 million first place? Only time will tell. But for the remaining seven players in Event #6: $100,000 NLHE they'll first have to negotiate a tricky spell as the money bubble approaches.

Only five players are guaranteed $245,000, so you can expect cautious play from short stacks and aggressive play from dominant chip leader Artur Martirosian.

SeatPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Chris BrewerUnited States1,190,00048
2Artur MartirosianRussia2,495,000100
3David PetersUnited States430,00017
4Chi ZhangUnited Kingdom835,00033
5Johan GuilbertFrance665,00027
6Selahaddin BedirTurkey850,00034
7Viacheslav BuldyginRussia535,00021

Play will resume at 1 p.m. local time with the action broadcasted on the PokerGO stream from 2 p.m. local time onwards. Follow along with the PokerNews live reporting team to find out who will be claiming the first 7-figure prize to their name.

Here are the remaining payouts:


Chi Zhang Eliminated in 7th Place

Level 14 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Chi Zhang
Chi Zhang

Artur Martirosian had taken down two early pots pre-flop, before opening {10-Clubs}{10-Spades} to 55,000. Chi Zhang three-bet all in for 770,000 with {a-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} and Martirosian called.

The flop {k-Spades}{7-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} gave Zhang no help. The turn was the {9-Diamonds} and the river the {3-Clubs} and Zhang was eliminated in seventh place.

Player Chips Progress
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
Day 1 Chip Leader
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Chi Zhang gb
Chi Zhang

Brewer Bubbles SHRB Europe Event #6 in Sick Cooler

Level 14 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Chris Brewer
Chris Brewer

Chris Brewer {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds} raised to 60,000 on the button. Artur Martirosian {9-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} three-bet all in from the small blind and David Peters folded his big blind.

Brewer called and was in good shape to double through the massive chip leader.

There was an ace in the window of a {a-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop giving a pair to both players. The turn was the {2-Diamonds} giving Martirosian extra outs to a wheel straight.

The river was the {3-Hearts} and Brewer was eliminated on the bubble, guaranteeing the remaining players $245,000

Player Chips Progress
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
Day 1 Chip Leader
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Viacheslav Buldygin Eliminated in 5th Place ($240,000)

Level 14 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Viacheslav Buldygin
Viacheslav Buldygin

Viacheslav Buldygin moved all in for just 130,000 blind on blind and Artur Martirosian called.

Viacheslav Buldygin: {q-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}
Artur Martirosian: {k-Spades}{j-Diamonds}

The king-high flop of {k-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{7-Hearts} gave Martirosian the lead. The turn {5-Spades} gave Buldygin a pair, but the river {4-Hearts} sent him to the rail in fifth place.

Player Chips Progress
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
Day 1 Chip Leader
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Viacheslav Buldygin ru
Viacheslav Buldygin

Selahaddin Bedir Eliminated in 4th Place ($385,000)

Level 15 : 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Selahaddin Bedir
Selahaddin Bedir

David Peters {k-Clubs}{j-Clubs} shoved for 520,000. Johan Guilbert folded {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} and Selahaddin Bedir thought about it with {a-Spades}{6-Clubs} before calling.

Bedir was the player at risk and said "Good game Selahaddin," before shaking Peters hand and leaving the table before the board was even dealt.

The flop was {q-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{3-Spades} giving Peters an open-ended straight draw. The turn was the {k-Diamonds} giving Peters a pair. The river was the {2-Clubs} and Bedir was eliminated.

He returned to the final table to see the bad news. He takes home $3785,000 for fourth place.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Selahaddin Bedir tr
Selahaddin Bedir

Johan Guilbert Eliminated in 3rd ($560,000)

Level 15 : 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Johan Guilbert
Johan Guilbert

Artur Martirosian raised to 80,000 and Johan Guilbert three-bet all in for 330,000. Martirosian called.

Artur Martirosian: {j-Hearts}{j-Spades}
Johan Guilbert: {a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}

The flop was {k-Hearts}{k-Spades}{4-Diamonds}. The turn {7-Clubs} changed nothing and the river {2-Hearts} and Guilbert was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
Day 1 Chip Leader
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
David Peters us
David Peters
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Johan Guilbert fr
Johan Guilbert
Run It Once

David Peters Eliminated in 2nd Place ($910,000)

Level 19 : 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante

Artur Martirosian announced all in and David Peters called.

Artur Martirosian: {a-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}
David Peters: {7-Clubs}{7-Hearts}

Peters' shove was for 1.7 million, but there was an ace in the window of an {a-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} flop. The turn was the {9-Diamonds} and the river the {8-Diamonds} eliminating David Peters in second place.

Player Chips Progress
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
Day 1 Chip Leader
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
David Peters us
David Peters
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Artur Martirosian Overcomes Battling David Peters to Win SHRB Europe Event #6: $100,000 No-Limit Hold'em

Level 19 : 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Artur Martirosian
Artur Martirosian

Artur Martirosian secured the biggest win of his poker career with victory in Event #6: $100,000 No-Limit Hold'em at the Super High Roller Bowl Europe.

The Russian came into the final day as the overwhelming chip leader, and held a more than 7:1 chip advantage over David Peters heads-up. However, Peters doubled four times heads-up to extend the contest, before Martirosian finally closed it out.

Meanwhile, Johan Guilbert and Selahaddin Bedir continued their stellar SHRB Europe festivals with final table appearances, while Viacheslav Buldygin managed to secure a min-cash despite starting the day as the short stack.

Super High Roller Bowl Europe Event #6: $100,000 NLHE Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPayout (USD)
1Artur MartirosianRussia$1,400,000
2David PetersUnited States$910,000
3Johan GuilbertFrance$560,000
4Selahaddin BedirTurkey$385,000
5Viacheslav BuldyginRussia$245,000

Final Table Recap

Event #6 Final Table
Event #6 Final Table

With only five of the seven players making the money when play resumed, caution was expected from everyone apart from Martirosian. However, it took only a few hands for Chi Zhang to bust in seventh at the hands of Martirosian.

Martirosian moved further ahead as the ICM pressure built, before Chris Brewer was sent to the rail on the money bubble. He raised with ace-king and called a shove from Martirosian who held nine-three. Both players flopped a pair, but Martirosian improved to two pair on the river to eliminate Brewer and guarantee the remaining five players $245,000.

The aggression continued from Martirosian who, after the elimination of Buldygin in fifth, held 5.6 million of the 7 million chips in play. There were doubles for Johan Guilbert and David Peters, both through Martirosian, before Peters doubled again through Selahaddin Bedir.

Bedir would double once but ultimately succumbed in fourth. Guilbert followed him out the door for a new career-best cash and play was heads-up.

Heads-Up Play

Artur Martirosian and David Peters
Artur Martirosian and David Peters

If fans were expectating a short heads-up, they were mistaken. Peters would double twice during the early exchanges to cut Martirosian's chip lead. He would then secure a third double in a hand where Peters turned a straight and Martirosian rivered two pair, moving Peters into the chip lead.

Stacks leveled out, with the chip lead switching between the pair from hand to hand. Martirosian eventually eked out an advantage, only for Peters to double into the chip lead once again.

However, back came Martirosian who moved into the lead and closed it out at the next opportunity.

Super High Roller Bowl Europe Live Coverage

Just three events remain on the schedule at the Super High Roller Bowl Europe. Super High Roller Bowl Europe Event #7: $100,000 Short Deck Hold’em kicked off earlier today, and you can catch all the updates right here on PokerNews.

We will also be bringing you live updates on all remaining events from the Merit Casino in Cyprus, including the $250,000 buy-in Super High Roller Bowl Europe.

August 29-30, 2021Event #7: $100,000 Short Deck Hold’em
August 30 - September 01, 2021SHRB Europe $250,000 No-Limit Hold’em Main Event
August 31 - September 01, 2021Event #8: $50,000 No-Limit Hold’em

Head to the SHRB Europe Live Reporting Hub