2018 Super High Roller Bowl

$300,000 Super High Roller Bowl
Day: 1
Event Info

2018 Super High Roller Bowl

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Smith Uses All His Time Extension Chips Before Doubling

Level 4 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Dan Smith Doubles
Dan Smith Doubles

Catching the action on the flop of {3-Spades}{10-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}, Dan Smith checked from under the gun to Isaac Haxton who bet 9,500.

Smith called, and when the turn landed the {2-Spades}, he checked to Haxton again. Haxton bet out 45,000, and Smith made the call as the river landed the {2-Clubs}.

Smith checked, and as Haxton's initial 30 second was about to expire, he used a time extension chip.

As Haxton's additional 60 seconds was about to expire, he announced he was all in for 320,500.

Smith immediately stood up and threw out of one his time extension chips.

Smith continually switched from looking directly at an emotionless Haxton, and back to the board, before he would then break down his stack and riffle some chips.

As Smith's additional 60 seconds was about to expire, he flung another time extension chip out in front of the other before he would then use his final one.

With the last few seconds about to expire, and Smith's hand likely to be declared as a fold, Smith announced a call and tabled his {A-Clubs}{J-Hearts}.

Haxton nodded, and tabled his {K-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds} for a bluff.

Smith's stack was broken down to reveal he had 252,500, and with that pot, he doubled to 625,000 while Haxton dropped to 68,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Dan Smith us
Dan Smith
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Run It Once
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dan SmithIsaac Haxton