2017 Super High Roller Bowl

$300,000 Super High Roller Bowl
Day: 1
Event Info

2017 Super High Roller Bowl

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Level: 3

Blinds: 500/1,500

Ante: 1,500

Seiver Sniffs Out Esfandiari

Level 2 : 500/1,000, 1,500 ante

Scott Seiver bet 38,000 on a completed board of {4-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}, and Antonio Esfandiari came out with a check-raise to 100,000 in the small blind. Seiver seemed pained and tanked awhile but ended up calling. Esfandiari turned over {a-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}, but Seiver had {4-Clubs}{4-Spades} for a flopped set.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Antonio Esfandiari us
Antonio Esfandiari
WSOP 3X Winner
WPT 2X Winner

Tags: Antonio EsfandiariScott Seiver

Kempe and G.I. Chop

Level 2 : 500/1,000, 1,500 ante

Andrew Lichtenberger opened to 2,500 and Bill Perkins called on the button as Rainer Kempe called in the small blind. With the action on G.I. in the big blind, he three-bet to 13,000 and each player called.

The flop of {K-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{J-Spades} saw G.I. lead out for 18,000 and both Lichtenberger and Perkins folded before Kempe check-called.

The turn landed the {10-Spades} and Kempe checked before G.I. bet 40,000. Kempe called, and when the river landed the {Q-Diamonds}, Kempe bet out 29,000.

G.I. moved all in for 127,500 and Kempe immediately called tabling his {A-Spades}{3-Spades} as G.I. revealed his {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts} to see the pot chopped up.

Player Chips Progress
Rainer Kempe de
Rainer Kempe
G.I. ar

Tags: Andrew LichtenbergerBill PerkinsRainer Kempe

Trips for Seiver

Level 2 : 500/1,000, 1,500 ante

On a board of {J-Spades}{3-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} with 39,500 in the middle, Scott Seiver checked from the small blind over to Antonio Esfandiari in the cutoff who bet out 26,000.

Seiver called, and when the {4-Hearts} completed the board on the river, Seiver checked again. Esfandiari quickly checked behind, and then mucked once Seiver tabled his {J-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} for trips.

Player Chips Progress
Antonio Esfandiari us
Antonio Esfandiari
WSOP 3X Winner
WPT 2X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Antonio EsfandiariScott Seiver

"Are You Kidding Me?"

Level 2 : 500/1,000, 1,500 ante
Dan Perper
Dan Perper

Zach Hyman opened early and saw Dan Perper three-bet from the button to 8,500. Leon Tsoukernik called in the big blind, and Hyman came along. The flop came {a-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}, and Perper bet 10,000. Both players called him. They checked to him again on the {6-Hearts}, and Perper bet bigger with 35,000. Again, both opponents called. On the {7-Spades}, Tsoukernik came out betting with 54,000. Hyman mucked, but Perper announced a quick call.

Tsoukernik turned over {9-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} for a backdoor straight.

"Are you kidding me?" Perper said in disbelief.

"That was your only out," Hyman remarked, saying he had the nut flush draw.

Player Chips Progress
Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik
Zach Hyman us
Zach Hyman
Dan Perper us
Dan Perper

Tags: Dan PerperLeon TsoukernikZach Hyman

King-High Bluff for Esfandiari

Level 2 : 500/1,000, 1,500 ante

Jake Schindler opened with a raise in the cutoff to 2,500 and Antonio Esfandiari called in the big blind.

The dealer spread a {4-Spades}{2-Hearts}{9-Spades} flop and Esfandiari checked to Schindler who opted to bet out 4,500.

"You got it?" asked Esfandiari before calling.

The turn of the {5-Hearts} went check, check as the {7-Diamonds} landed on the river.

Esfandiari bet out 10,000, and after using the full extension of his shot clock, Schindler called.

Esfandiari tabled his {K-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}, but it would be Schindler's {6-Spades}{5-Spades} that would see him pushed the pot as he climbed to roughly 480,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner
Antonio Esfandiari us
Antonio Esfandiari
WSOP 3X Winner
WPT 2X Winner

Tags: Antonio EsfandiariJake Schindler

Roberts Saved by Rivered Ace

Level 2 : 500/1,000, 1,500 ante
Lauren Roberts
Lauren Roberts

Lauren Roberts kicks off the action with a raise under the gun to 3,000. It folded round to David Peters in the small blind, and he three-bet as Christian Christner called in the big blind.

Roberts called also as both Peters and Christner checked the {5-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} flop to Roberts who opted to bet out 12,000.

Peters folded, but Christner check-raised to 36,000 as Roberts went into the tank. Roberts then elected to use one of her time extension buttons before finally coming to a decision of a three-bet amounting to 88,000. Christner paused for a few moments and then moved all in as Roberts made the call for her tournament life.

Christner: {5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}
Roberts: {A-Diamonds}{A-Hearts}

With Roberts in desperate need to spike either an ace or running cards to make a flush or straight, the turn of the {7-Spades} would leave her drawing to just an ace.

Fortunately for Roberts, the river landed the {A-Spades} and ensured her of a double to 420,000 while Christner drops to 70,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Lauren Roberts us
Lauren Roberts
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner

Tags: Christian ChristnerDavid PetersLauren Roberts