2016 Super High Roller Bowl

$300,000 Super High Roller Bowl
Day: 1
Event Info

2016 Super High Roller Bowl

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Mercier Takes One from Polk

Level 5 : 1,200/2,400, 400 ante

Despite the noise the two made on social media last week, Doug Polk and Jason Mercier have remained pretty quiet at the table even though they're seated right next to one another and have been battling all day long. Just now, the two played the following pot.

On the {7-Hearts}{6-Spades}{2-Spades} flop, Mercier bet 11,800. Polk made the call, and then Andrew Robl folded.

The turn was the {2-Hearts} to pair the board, and Mercier bet 27,500. Polk called, and the river completed the board with the {K-Hearts}. Both players checked.

Mercier showed the {8-Spades}{8-Clubs} for two pair, and Polk mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Doug Polk us
Doug Polk
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Andrew RoblDoug PolkJason Mercier

Morgan Jacked Up

Level 5 : 1,200/2,400, 400 ante

John Morgan made it 8,000 from the button and David Peters called from the small blind, sending them heads up to a {k-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} flop.

Peters check-called 10,000 from Morgan before both checked the {j-Clubs} turn. Peters checked again on the {10-Diamonds} river, and Morgan quickly fired out a bet of 30,000.

Peters called, showing the {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts} when Morgan claimed a jack. Morgan mucked his hand and the pot was awarded to Peters.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
John Morgan us
John Morgan

Tags: David PetersJohn Morgan

Colman Shoves and Shows the Bluff

Level 5 : 1,200/2,400, 400 ante

Dominik Nitsche and Daniel Colman each put in 38,000 preflop before the dealer fanned the {K-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}. Nitsche was first and checked. Colman bet 35,000, and Nitsche made the call.

The turn was the {7-Spades}, and Nitsche checked again. Colman bet 90,000, and Nitsche made the call.

The river was the {5-Clubs}, and Nitsche checked with about 260,000 in chips in his stack. Colman moved all in for about the same amount, and Nitsche tank-folded.

Colman allowed Nitsche to pick one, and he turned over the {Q-Diamonds}. Colman then showed the {8-Diamonds} to go with it for a missed draw.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Colman us
Daniel Colman
WSOP 1X Winner
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
WSOP 4X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Daniel ColmanDominik Nitsche

Robl's Moves

Level 5 : 1,200/2,400, 400 ante

Andrew Robl was in the big blind, heads up with Ben Tollerene, when he pulled out the old check-raise on an {8-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{8-Hearts} flop.

Tollerene bet 5,000 and Robl made it 19,000. Tollerene called and Robl fired another 40,000 on the {q-Clubs} turn. Tollerene called again, and it went check-check on the {5-Hearts} river.

Robl turned over the {7-Clubs}{8-Clubs}, taking it down after a Tollerene muck.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Robl us
Andrew Robl
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene

Tags: Andrew RoblBen Tollerene

Berkey Sets Up Perkins

Level 5 : 1,200/2,400, 400 ante

Bill Perkins raised to 8,000 from under the gun, Matt Berkey three-bet to 18,000 from the hijack, Perkins four-bet to 60,000, and Berkey called.

They checked to the turn of a {J-Spades}{9-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{Q-Hearts} board where Perkins bet 45,000. Berkey called, the {5-Diamonds} river completed the board and Perkins checked. Berkey bet 35,000 and after a few moments, Perkins called.

Berkey tabled {J-Hearts}{J-Clubs} for a set of jacks, Perkins mucked, and Berkey collected the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Berkey us
Matt Berkey
Bill Perkins us
Bill Perkins

Tags: Bill PerkinsMatt Berkey

Kuznetsov In Command

Level 5 : 1,200/2,400, 400 ante

After his starting table broke, Timofey Kuznetsov is firmly in command at his new table, pushing everyone around at will.

First, he stomped on a Phil Hellmuth 7,000-chip button raise, making it 23,000 from the big blind. Then, after Hellmuth folded, he did the same to Justin Bonomo.

Bonomo also folded, and as Kuznetsov added the chips to his stack, he is rapidly approaching the 900,000-chip mark and in the lead.

Player Chips Progress
Timofey Kuznetsov ru
Timofey Kuznetsov

Tags: Justin BonomoPhil HellmuthTimofey Kuznetsov

Level: 6

Blinds: 1,500/3,000

Ante: 500

Shakerchi Eliminated by Galfond

Level 6 : 1,500/3,000, 500 ante

In a battle of the blinds, Talal Shakerchi was all in for 66,500 from the small blind with {J-Hearts}{J-Clubs} against Phil Galfond in the big blind with {A-Diamonds}{A-Spades}.

The board came down {Q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{9-Spades}, no help to Shakerchi, locking up the pot for Galfond.

Meanwhile, Haralabos Voulgaris was eliminated from the feature table.

Player Chips Progress
Phil Galfond us
Phil Galfond
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once
Talal Shakerchi gb
Talal Shakerchi
Haralabos Voulgaris ca
Haralabos Voulgaris

Tags: Phil GalfondTalal Shakerchi

Smith's Kings Hold

Level 6 : 1,500/3,000, 500 ante

Stephen Chidwick made it 7,500 and Dan Smith was the only player to look him up. The {10-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{3-Spades} flop saw Chidwick check-call 12,000 from Smith.

He also check-called 36,000 on the {2-Spades} turn, but when the {a-Diamonds} came down on the river and Chidwick checked again, Smith checked behind, turning over the {k-Diamonds}{k-Spades}. Chidwick mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Dan Smith us
Dan Smith
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Run It Once
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dan SmithStephen Chidwick