2018 Seneca Niagara Falls Summer Slam

$120 No-Limit Hold'em II
Day: 1
Event Info

2018 Seneca Niagara Falls Summer Slam

Final Results
Andy "Cody" Fitting
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
12,000 / 24,000

$120 No-Limit Hold'em II

Day 1 Completed

Andy "Cody" Fitting Wins Summer Slam 2018 Event #6 for $3,284

Level 23 : 12,000/24,000, 3,000 ante
Event #6 Champion, Andy "Cody" Fitting
Event #6 Champion, Andy "Cody" Fitting

Andy "Cody" Fitting topped a field of 146 entries to capture the trophy in Summer Slam 2018 Event #6:$120 No-Limit Hold'em after a heads-up chop with Mark Roberts. Both players locked up $3,000 as part of the deal and Fitting snatched up the leftover $284 and the trophy.

Deal neogotiation sparked up many times at the final table but were always turned down. Fitting was one of the voices to quickly shut down the negotiations. Even three-handed the shorter stacks requested to look at the numbers. Fitting's reply was simple, "There are no numbers." Though it was easy to turn down with the sizeable lead Fitting had.

Final Table Results:

1Andy "Cody" FittingUnited States$3,284
2Mark RobertsUnited States$3,000
3Greg IlligUnited States$1,734
4Ken WasikUnited States$1,297
5Jay DiVirgilioUnited States$943
6Jay RockUnited States$721
7Steve BullardUnited States$555
8Joe KingUnited States$430
9Steve BullardUnited States$347

Registration officially closed with the total number of entries reaching 146. A prize pool worth $13,870 was created and the top 15 spots were paid. Once again, hand-for-hand play was not required as subsequent eliminations at each table with 17 players remaining left the field in the money.

Jason Nablo had been battling a short-stack for some time and was the first player to bust with some consolation. Paul Muoio (14th), Brad Webster (13th), Anthony Soluri (12th), and Anthony Tavolino (11th) were the next to go before the finalists converged to a single table.

After losing the majority of his stack in a threeway all in against Greg Illig and Ken Wasik that Illig ended up tripling in, Mike Patrick's last two bigs were swept up by Roberts and he was the first casualty of the final table. The two shortest stacks then finally picked up hands they could get it in with. Unfortunately for Don Moeller, his pocket tens were ill-timed as Steve Bullard woke up with pocket aces. No help came and Bullard busted in ninth.

Joe King and Bullard were then eliminated in back-to-back hands before Jay Rock was dropped in sixth place. Jay DiVirgilio lost a race with ace-jack to Wasik's pocket tens to fall in fifth and then Fitting began to take control, building a monster stack and adding to it with the elimination of Wasik in fourth.

Illig attempted to make a stand against his two big-stacked opponents but it wasn't to be and Roberts took Illig's last four big blinds to set up a heads-up battle with Fitting. Fitting had a bit less than a two-to-one advantage on Roberts. Roberts would edge closer and the two would eventually agree to the chop.

After the two finalists agreed to a deal, Roberts and Fitting played a few hands back and forth before finally getting it in on the turn of a {6-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{8-Spades} board. Fitting was ahead with two pair tabling the {8-Clubs}{7-Clubs} but Roberts had outs with the {9-Clubs}{7-Hearts}. The river was a brick and Roberts was eliminated as the runner-up while Fitting captured the trophy.

The focus will shift to the Summer Slam 2018 Main Event on Thursday as Day 1a of the $200,000 guarantee kicks off at 3 p.m. Stay tuned to the blog as PokerNews will be on the floor providing live coverage throughout the event.

Tags: Andy "Cody" FittingAnthony SoluriAnthony TavolinoBrad WebsterGreg IlligJason NabloJay DiVirgilioJay RockJoe KingKen WasikMark RobertsPaul MuoioSteve Bullard

Mark Roberts Eliminated in 2nd Place ($3,000)

Level 23 : 12,000/24,000, 3,000 ante
Mark Roberts
Mark Roberts

After the two finalists agreed to a deal, Mark Roberts and Andy "Cody" Fitting played a few hands back and forth before finally getting it in on the turn of a {6-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{8-Spades} board.

Fitting was ahead with two pair tabling the {8-Clubs}{7-Clubs} but Roberts had outs with the {9-Clubs}{7-Hearts}. The river was a brick and Roberts was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andy "Cody" Fitting us
Andy "Cody" Fitting
Profile photo of Mark Roberts us
Mark Roberts

Tags: Mark RobertsAndy "Cody" Fitting

Level: 23

Blinds: 12,000/24,000

Ante: 3,000

Greg Illig Eliminated in 3rd Place ($1,734)

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 2,000 ante
Greg Illing
Greg Illing

Knowing Greg Illig only had 79,000 behind after paying the big blind, Mark Roberts raised enough from the small blind to put Illig all in and Illig made the call.

Mark Roberts: {k-Spades}{4-Spades}
Greg Illig: {q-Clubs}{5-Clubs}

Roberts flopped a flush on a {2-Spades}{5-Spades}{a-Spades}{7-Hearts}{6-Clubs} board and Illig was drawing dead before the turn card came to bust in third place.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mark Roberts us
Mark Roberts
Profile photo of Greg Illig us
Greg Illig

Tags: Greg IlligMark Roberts

Level: 22

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 2,000

Ken Wasik Eliminated in 4th Place ($1,297)

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Ken Wasik
Ken Wasik

Ken Wasik limped under the gun, Andy "Cody" Fitting flatted in the small blind and Mark Roberts checked his option to bring an {a-Clubs}{9-Spades}{2-Clubs} flop. Two checks saw Wasik bet 22,000 and then call a check-raise from Fitting for 60,000.

The {3-Spades} hit the turn and Fitting jammed. Wasik made the call to put himself at risk.

Andy "Cody" Fitting: {j-Spades}{9-Diamonds}
Ken Wasik: {2-Spades}{5-Spades}

The {a-Diamonds} completed the board and Wasik was eliminated in fourth place.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andy "Cody" Fitting us
Andy "Cody" Fitting
Profile photo of Ken Wasik us
Ken Wasik

Tags: Ken WasikMark Roberts

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