PokerStars SCOOP 2020

SCOOP-79-H: $10,300 NLHE [8-Max, High Roller], $1M Gtd
Day: 1
Event Info

PokerStars SCOOP 2020

Final Results
Steve "Mr. Tim Caum" O'Dwyer
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Martirosyan Gets Full Value From Aerts

Level 9 : 3,500/7,000, 875 ante
Martirosyan Gets Full Value From Aerts
Martirosyan Gets Full Value From Aerts

Artur "mararthur1" Martirosyan raised to 15,400 from the hijack and Pieter "XMorphineX" Aerts defended from the big blind.

The flop came {j-Spades}{4-Spades}{2-Spades} and Aerts check-called a bet of 9,888 from Martirosyan.

The turn brought the {a-Hearts} and Aerts check-called another bet of 59,290 from Martirosyan.

The {2-Diamonds} completed the board and Aerts checked for a third time. Martirosyan moved all in for 213,197 and Aerts snap-called. Aerts showed {6-Spades}{5-Spades} for a jack-high flush but that wasn't good enough as Martirosyan turned over {k-Spades}{7-Spades} to win the pot with a king-high flush.

Player Chips Progress
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosyan
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosyan
Pieter "XMorphineX" Aerts
Pieter "XMorphineX" Aerts

Nemeth Finds a Double Through Van Hoof

Level 9 : 3,500/7,000, 875 ante
Nemeth Finds a Double Through Van Hoof
Nemeth Finds a Double Through Van Hoof

Jorryt "TheCleaner11" van Hoof raised to 14,000 from middle position and Andras "probirs" Nemeth called from the big blind.

The flop came {q-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and Nemeth checked. van Hoof bet 10,500 and Nemeth check-raised to 35,000. van Hoof added the remainder to call.

The turn was the {3-Hearts} and Nemeth bet 42,000. van Hoof responded by moving all in for 682,865 and Nemeth called for less, with a total of 182,700.

Andras "probirs" Nemeth: {a-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}
Jorryt "TheCleaner11" van Hoof: {q-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}

van Hoof had a pair of queens and a flush draw but Nemeth was ahead with aces. The {8-Spades} filled up the board and Nemeth took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Jorryt "TheCleaner11" van Hoof nl
Jorryt "TheCleaner11" van Hoof
Andras "probirs" Nemeth
Andras "probirs" Nemeth

Malinowski Doubles Through van Hoof

Level 10 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante
Malinowski Doubles Through van Hoof
Malinowski Doubles Through van Hoof

Patrick "pads1161" Leonard raised to 16,000 from the button and Jorryt "TheCleaner11" van Hoof three-bet jammed for 511,355 from the small blind. Wiktor "limitless" Malinowski called for less from the big blind putting at risk 225,392 and Leonard folded.

Wiktor "limitless" Malinowski: {9-Clubs}{9-Hearts}
Jorryt "TheCleaner11" van Hoof: {a-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}

The runout was {j-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{4-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{3-Spades} and Malinowski doubled up with nines and fours.

Player Chips Progress
Wiktor "limitless" Malinowski
Wiktor "limitless" Malinowski
Jorryt "TheCleaner11" van Hoof nl
Jorryt "TheCleaner11" van Hoof

Liviu Eliminated by Loeliger

Level 10 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante
Liviu Eliminated by Loeliger
Liviu Eliminated by Loeliger

Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger raised to 16,000 under the gun and Anton "Bomber&Granater" Wigg called from the hijack. Ignat "0human0" Liviu three-bet to 54,225 from the cutoff and Loeliger responded by moving all in for 1,046,183. Wigg let it go but Liviu instantly called.

Ignat "0human0" Liviu: {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs}
Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger: {a-Spades}{k-Clubs}

The board came {8-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{6-Spades}{k-Spades} and Loeliger took down the pot with a pair of kings, eliminating Liviu.

Player Chips Progress
Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger at
Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger
Ignat "0human0" Liviu
Ignat "0human0" Liviu

Nemeth Sends Shakerchi Out

Level 11 : 4,500/9,000, 1,125 ante
Nemeth Sends Shakerchi Out
Nemeth Sends Shakerchi Out

Andras "probirs" Nemeth raised to 18,000 from middle position and Talal "raidalot" Shakerchi defended from the big blind.

On a flop of {q-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{7-Clubs}, Shakerchi check-called a bet of 15,964 from Nemeth.

The turn fell the {7-Spades} and Shakerchi check-called another bet of 60,227 from Nemeth.

The {q-Diamonds} completed the board and Shakerchi checked for a third time. Nemeth moved all in for 352,801 and Shakerchi with 297,426 behind, made the call. Shakerchi showed {q-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} for queens full of sevens but that wasn't good enough as Nemeth tabled {q-Spades}{8-Spades} to take down the pot with queens full of eights, eliminating Shakerchi.

Player Chips Progress
Andras "probirs" Nemeth
Andras "probirs" Nemeth
Talal "raidalot" Shakerchi
Talal "raidalot" Shakerchi

"NeedBeat" Doubles Through Loeliger

Level 12 : 5,000/10,000, 1,250 ante
"NeedBeat" Doubles Through Loeliger
"NeedBeat" Doubles Through Loeliger

"NeedBeat" opened to 20,000 under the gun and Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger defended from the big blind.

The flop came {j-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{8-Spades} and was checked through to the {j-Spades} turn. Loeliger check-called a bet of 18,150 from "NeedBeat".

The {2-Clubs} filled up the board and Loeliger checked again. "NeedBeat" fired 45,000 and Loeliger check-raised all in for 1,533,198. "NeedBeat" snap-called for less with his last 197,313. Loeliger tabled {j-Hearts}{7-Spades} for trip jacks but "NeedBeat" revealed {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds} to win the pot with nines full of jacks.

Player Chips Progress
Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger at
Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger
NeedBeat ee

Padilha Takes Out "newguy89"

Level 13 : 6,000/12,000, 1,500 ante
Padilha Takes Out "newguy89"
Padilha Takes Out "newguy89"

Ryhor "Grisha813" Karapanau raised to 24,000 from middle position and "newguy89" called from the small blind. Pedro "PaDiLhA SP" Padilha three-bet to 90,769 from the big blind and Karapanau gave up his hand but "newguy89" four-bet jammed for 341,716. Padilha instantly called and the cards were revealed.

"newguy89": {8-Spades}{8-Hearts}
Pedro "PaDiLhA SP" Padilha: {a-Spades}{a-Hearts}

The board ran out {5-Spades}{3-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} and Padilha took down the pot eliminating "newguy89".

Player Chips Progress
Pedro "PaDiLhA SP" Padilha br
Pedro "PaDiLhA SP" Padilha
newguy89 ca

Vieira Busts to Reixach

Level 14 : 7,000/14,000, 1,750 ante
Vieira Busts to Reixach
Vieira Busts to Reixach

Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach raised to 28,000 from the hijack and Joao "Naza114" Vieira shoved for his last 43,420. Reixach was the only caller.

Joao "Naza114" Vieira: {j-Spades}{7-Spades}
Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach: {a-Hearts}{8-Spades}

The board ran out {k-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} and Reixach raked in the pot with a pair of eights eliminating Vieira from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach
Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
Joao "Naza114" Vieira

Pardo Eliminates Kisacikoglu

Level 15 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Pardo Eliminates Kisacikoglu
Pardo Eliminates Kisacikoglu

Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo raised to 35,200 under the gun and Orpen "OrpTheTurk" Kisacikoglu three-bet to 136,000 from the big blind. Pardo added the remainder to call.

The flop came {9-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Kisacikoglu threw in a bet of 73,000 that Pardo called.

The turn was the {4-Hearts} and Kisacikoglu moved all in for 316,951. Pardo called and the cards were revealed.

Orpen "OrpTheTurk" Kisacikoglu: {q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo: {a-Hearts}{q-Clubs}

Kisacikoglu had queens and nines with a queen-high flush draw but Pardo had nines with an ace-high flush draw. the {3-Hearts} completed the board and Pardo raked in the pot with his higher flush, ending Kisacikoglu's run in the tournament

Player Chips Progress
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo
Orpen "OrpTheTurk" Kisacikoglu
Orpen "OrpTheTurk" Kisacikoglu

Zhou Eliminates Dattani

Level 16 : 10,000/20,000, 2,500 ante
Zhou Eliminates Dattani
Zhou Eliminates Dattani

Action folded to Michel "FreeLancerZZ" Dattani who moved all in from the cutoff for 197,579 and Chun Lei "SamRostan" Zhou reshoved from the small blind for 729,245.

Michel "FreeLancerZZ" Dattani: {q-Clubs}{q-Spades}
Chun Lei "SamRostan" Zhou: {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}

Dattani was ahead, but the board came {10-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{7-Spades}{k-Hearts} and Zhou rivered a pair of kings to win the pot, sending Dattani to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Chun Lei "SamRostan" Zhou
Chun Lei "SamRostan" Zhou
Michel "FreeLancerZZ" Dattani
Michel "FreeLancerZZ" Dattani