PokerStars SCOOP 2020

SCOOP-44-M: $530 NLHE [Sunday Million SE], $1M Gtd
Day: 1
Event Info

PokerStars SCOOP 2020

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,500,000 / 3,000,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

David Costabile Wins Stars CALL For Action powered by PokerStars - Charity Tournament

Level 17 : 5,000/10,000, 1,250 ante
David Costabile
David Costabile

On Saturday, PokerStars played host to the “Stars Call for Action” charity event and saw David Costabile, who played Gale Boetticher on Breaking Bad, defeat a field chock full of A-list celebrities – including co-stars Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul – to win $100,000 to donate to World Central Kitchen, a charity that supplies food to those who most need it.

Just for participating in the tournament, which was organized by Hank Azaria and Andy Bellin, $10,000 was donated to charity on behalf of each celebrity. The final six then received bonuses for their respective charities.

Check out the final result and see which celebrities participated in the Stars CALL for Action.

Download Pokerstars today!

Tags: David Costabile

Veldhuis Falls to "ZLbIDeNb_PrO"

Level 18 : 6,000/12,000, 1,500 ante
Veldhuis Falls to "ZLbIDeNb_PrO"
Veldhuis Falls to "ZLbIDeNb_PrO"

"ZLbIDeNb_PrO" opened to 26,400 under the gun and Lex "L. Veldhuis" Veldhuis called from the cutoff.

The flop came {5-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} and "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" checked. Veldhuis bet 27,819 and "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" check-raised to 96,000. Veldhuis went deep into the tank then moved all in for 405,632. "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" snap-called and the cards were revealed.

Lex "L. Veldhuis" Veldhuis: {j-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}
"ZLbIDeNb_PrO": {q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}

Veldhuis had a flush draw but "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" had queens. The {j-Clubs} turn and {5-Spades} river completed the board and "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" took down the pot, ending Veldhuis' tournament life.

Player Chips Progress
Lex "L. Veldhuis" Veldhuis
Lex "L. Veldhuis" Veldhuis

"Purakzoli" Climbing Higher

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
"Purakzoli" Gets a Fold From "ArlesG"
"Purakzoli" Gets a Fold From "ArlesG"

"ArlesG" opened to 36,800 from early position and "Purakzoli" three-bet to 112,000 from the button. "ArlesG" stuck around with a call.

The flop came {k-Spades}{k-Hearts}{6-Hearts} and "ArlesG" check-called a bet of 72,800 from "Purakzoli".

The turn brought the {10-Diamonds} and "ArlesG" checked again. "Purakzoli" continued with a bet of 437,600 and "ArlesG" check-raised to 437,600. "Purakzoli" added the remainder to call.

The {10-Hearts} filled up the board and "ArlesG" checked. "Purakzoli" threw in a bet of 288,988 and "ArlesG" went deep into the tank, but opted to fold.

Player Chips Progress
Purakzoli at

"Shippotamus Eliminated by "majagua69"

Level 22 : 12,500/25,000, 3,250 ante
"Shippotamus Eliminated by "majagua69"
"Shippotamus Eliminated by "majagua69"

"Shippotamus" moved all in for 116,215 from the hijack and "majagua69" reshoved for 543,336 from the cutoff.

"Shippotamus": {q-Hearts}{8-Hearts}
"majagua69": {a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}

"Shippotamus" hit a favorable flop of {q-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{3-Diamonds} but the the {6-Diamonds} turn and {8-Diamonds} river completed the board and "majagua69" took down the pot with his flush, eliminating "Shippotamus" from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress

"5agittariu5" Eliminates "ZLbIDeNb_PrO"; Moves to Second in Rank

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 3,750 ante
"5agittariu5" Eliminates "ZLbIDeNb_PrO"; Moves to Second in Rank
"5agittariu5" Eliminates "ZLbIDeNb_PrO"; Moves to Second in Rank

"ZLbIDeNb_PrO" raised to 66,000 from mid-position and "5agittariu5" called from the cutoff along with "hellzito" in the big blind.

The flop came {q-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{2-Spades} and action was checked to "5agittariu5" who threw in a bet of 70,060. "hellzito" folded but "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" check-raised to 195,000. "5agittariu5" added the remainder to call.

The turn fell the {a-Diamonds} and "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" fired a bet of 210,280 that "5agittariu5" called.

The {2-Clubs} completed the board and "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" moved all in for 713,024. "5agittariu5" instantly called. "ZLbIDeNb_PrO" showed {a-Spades}{8-Spades} for aces and eights but that wasn't good enough as "5agittariu5" turned over {a-Clubs}{q-Spades} to win the pot with aces and queens.

Player Chips Progress
5agittariu5 cz

Want to Win A Free Entry to the SCOOP Main Event? Here's How!

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 3,750 ante
PokerStars SCOOP
PokerStars SCOOP

The 2020 Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) is in full swing, with $95,000,000 in guaranteed prizes. On Sunday, May 17, all eyes of the poker world will turn to PokerStars as the Main Events get underway, each with millions of dollars in guaranteed in prizes!

The Low edition especially, with a buy-in of $109 and a mouth-watering guarantee of $3,500,000, is a fantastic opportunity to turn a reasonable buy-in into a massive, six-figure prize.

And you can get in for free, exclusively through PokerNews!

How? Click right here to read all about it!

"Rekond" Leads After Day 1 of SCOOP-44-M: $530 NLHE [Sunday Million SE]

Level 24 : 17,500/35,000, 4,500 ante
"Rekond" Leads After Day 1
"Rekond" Leads After Day 1

Day 1 of the PokerStars 2020 Spring Championship of Online Poker -44-M: $530 NLHE [Sunday Million SE] has come to a conclusion after 8 hours and 50 minutes of play.

This event drew 3,419 entrants creating a prize pool of $1,709,500 and surpassing the initial $1 million guarantee, but the night left off with only 263 survivors .

Sitting at the top of the counts is "Rekond" from Andorra with 6,545,522, the only stack above the 6-million mark. "Rekond" was steadily climbing throughout the day and he was the first player to surpass the million in chips. With 20-minute levels throughout the tournament, Day 1 was fast-paced and action-packed, but Rekond managed to remain atop the leaderboard throughout the day, closing on a strong finish to the night after scoring multiple eliminations including a double knockout.

Second in chips is "kappawhit3" with "5,040,146" and "CryFishCry" rounds up the top three with 4,384,710.

Other notables still in contention include Chun Lei "samrostan" Zhou (2,713,032), Stefan "mindgamer" Jedlicka (2,619,407) and Blaz "Scarmak3r" Zerjav (758,024).

PokerStars Ambassadors Fintan "EasyWithAces" Hand, Lex "L. Veldhuis" Veldhuis, Ben "Spraggy" Spragg, and Ramon "RamonColillas" Colillas also took a shot at becoming the next Sunday Million Champion but Colillas was the only one to make it through with a stack of 1,381,699. Joao "Naza114" Vieira, Daniel "Oxota" Dvoress also couldn't find any luck in this event.

Play will resume on May 11th at 1 p.m. EST and action will resume at Level 24 which features a small blind of 17,500, big blind of 35,000 and an ante of 4,500.

Stay tuned to PokerNews to find out who becomes the next Sunday Million champion.