PokerStars SCOOP 2020

SCOOP-15-M: $215 NLHE [Sunday Million SE], $1M Gtd
Day: 1
Event Info

PokerStars SCOOP 2020

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
3,000,000 / 6,000,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

1 PM Start for the PokerStars 2020 SCOOP-15-M: $215 NLHE [Sunday Million SE]

SCOOP 2020
SCOOP 2020

At 1 p.m. Eastern Time, the PokerStars 2020 SCOOP-15-M: $215 NLHE [Sunday Million SE] kicks off which features a guarantee of $1,000,000. The 15th event of this year's SCOOP is one that is on the schedule for most regular players every Sunday but it's a bit of a different feast when this time of the year comes around. With all tournaments having surpassed their guarantees and some of them even more than doubled, the expectations for this one are high.

With many impressive players already claiming a SCOOP and/or Sunday Million title, who knows who will take this down tomorrow as it's a 2-day event with Day 2 starting at the same time as today until a winner has been found. Day 1 will end after 8 hours and 30 minutes of play. The first 16 minutes of the day will last 15 minutes each and then the level duration will be increased to 20 minutes each. A 5-minute break will take place every hour at 55 minutes past the hour and the late registration period will remain open for the first 3 hours and 30 minutes of the tournament.

With familiar names like Jorryt 'TheCleaner11" van Hoof, "rickv17", Manu "manuverd0n" Bardon, and Benny "RunGodlike" Glaser claiming SCOOP titles and players like Rui "RuiNF" Ferreira, Mateusz "KeyserMM" Moolhuizen, Leo "LeoFernandez" Fernandez running deep, maybe they will aim to win their second 2020 SCOOP title in the Sunday Million.

To read more about yesterday's results, check out the daily recaps we provide. Or go to the 2020 SCOOP Hub for all the information related to this year's SCOOP.

PokerNews will be there from the first second until the final hand has been dealt so keep following along with the live updates right here.

Tags: "rickv17"Benny "RunGodlike" GlaserJorryt 'TheCleaner11" van HoofLeo "LeoFernandez" FernandezManu "manuverd0n" BardonMateusz "KeyserMM" MoolhuizenRui "RuiNF" Ferreira

"lil-lj1981" Takes One Out

Level 2 : 150/300, 40 ante

"lil-lj1981" raised to 630 from under the gun and was called by "LuckyXPunch" in the middle position. "feargs" three-bet to 3,060 from the late position and they were called by "Spiderbrandt" in the small blind. "lil-lj1981" responded with a four-bet to 13,200 for "LuckyXPunch" to fold to but for "feargs" to make the call. However, "Spiderbrandt" decided to five-bet shove for 49,540 in total for "lil-lj1981" to shove for more and "feargs" to give up on this hand.

"Spiderbrandt": {a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}
"lil-lj1981": {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}

The board ran out {7-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{q-Spades}{k-Diamonds} for "lil-lj1981" to hold with the rockets to eliminate "Spiderbrandt".

Player Chips Progress

Tags: "lil-lj1981""Spiderbrandt'"LuckyXPunch""feargs"

Three-Way All-In Goes to "komarolo22"

Level 6 : 350/700, 90 ante

"komarolo22" raised to 1,540 from the late position and was called by "dampfnudel77" on the button. "openAZ" shoved for their last 2,706 in the small blind. The big blind folded and "komarolo22" called but "dampfnudel"77" four-bet to 10,850. "komarolo22" five-bet to 28,350 as a response for "dampfnudel77" to shove for 99,162 in total which "komarolo22" called.

"openAZ": {8-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}
"dampfnudel": {k-Clubs}{j-Clubs}
"komarolo22": {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts}

The board ran out {7-Spades}{5-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{2-Spades}{a-Diamonds} for "komarolo22" to stay ahead throughout the board and even improve to two pair on the river to eliminate both of his opponents.

Player Chips Progress

Tags: "komarolo22""openAZ""dampfnudel"

Don't Miss These SCOOP-Tips from Charlie "Epiphany77" Carrel!

Level 7 : 400/800, 100 ante

Oliver Biles recently caught up with Charlie "Epiphany77" Carrel, who won the 2017 SCOOP H Main Event for $1.2M! Listen what Carrel's SCOOP-plans and his key tips are to crush the series!

Video Time Stamps

00:00Introduction by Oliver Biles
01:10How has the coronavirus affected Charlie?
03:15Streaming on Twitch; the bankroll challenge is back!
04:40Creating YouTube vids or playing ZOOM in pajamas?
06:35Diving deeper into Charlie's 2017 SCOOP Main Event victory
07:30A power cut happens all across Mexico on the final day of SCOOP
08:45Charlie, in his pajamas, runs into an internet café shouting "Internet!"
12:15Did the SCOOP win changed Charlie's life?
13:20Charlie reveals which earlier tournament victory was crucial for his career
15:10The 2020 SCOOP is the biggest ever; what are Charlie's plans?
16:10"Please PokerStars, change the times!"
17:30Charlie's tips for the SCOOP
21:30Shoutout to Twitch-chat!
22:55Charlie's masterclass on mental health

Tags: Charlie Carrel

"Cebuflo" Looking for Another Deep Run

Level 11 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

"cebuflo" finished in 40th place in SCOOP-02-M and is working on another deep run and has just taken over the chip lead.

"Nacho124441" raised to 3,200 from the late position and was called by "PikkeHUMPPA" in the hijack. "cebuflo" three-bet to 17,000 on the button. Action folded back to "PikkeHUMPPA" who made the call.

The flop came {4-Hearts}{8-Spades}{8-Hearts}, "PikkeHUMPPA" check-raised the 22,400 continuation-bet of "cebuflo" to 65,500 for the latter to shove for 173,560 and the former to make the call with the bigger stack.

"cebuflo: {k-Hearts}{k-Clubs}
"PikkeHUMPPA": {7-Hearts}{7-Clubs}

The rest of the board was completed with the {j-Hearts} on the turn and the {8-Clubs} on the river for "cebuflo" to double up.

Player Chips Progress
cebuflo ro

Tags: "Nacho124441""PikkeHUMPPA""cebuflo"

Registration Closed

Level 13 : 1,250/2,500, 325 ante

The late registration period for the Sunday Million has now closed. There were 9,935 players in total ponying up the $215 buy-in to create a prize pool of $1,987,000, almost doubling the guaranteed prize pool. The winner will walk away with a whopping $268,458 with 1,421 cashing for at least $435.

"flagpt" Flops a Full House

Level 14 : 1,500/3,000, 375 ante

"flagpt" raised to 6,600 from the hijack and "winps" three-bet to 21,000 from the big blind which "flagpt" four-bet to 90,000. "winps" responded with a shove for 335,223 which "flagpt" called with the slightly bigger stack.

"winps": {a-Spades}{a-Hearts}
"flagpt": {k-Spades}{k-Hearts}

The board ran out {5-Spades}{a-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{6-Clubs} for "winps" to hold with the higher pocket pair to flop a full house to double up and leave "flagpt" short who busted shortly after.

Player Chips Progress

Tags: "winps""flagpt"

Double Knock-Out for "fauzika1"

Level 16 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

"fauzika1" raised to 9,120 from the middle position, "AnFiieLD." three-bet to 136,778 from the cutoff and "vincelis" four-bet shoved on the button for 41,056 in total. Action folded back to "fauzika1" who shoved for more and "AnFiieLD." decided to call for their last 164,138.

"vincelis": {j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
"AnFiieLD.": {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}
"fauzika": {10-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}

The board ran out {10-Hearts}{2-Clubs}{k-Spades}{4-Spades}{2-Diamonds} for "fauzika1" to flop a set and improve to a full house to score two knock-outs.

Player Chips Progress
AnFiieLD. gb
vincelis lt

Tags: "AnFiieLD.""fauzika1""vincelis"

Schneiders Eliminated; Hayward Last PokerStars Ambassador Left

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 750 ante
Felix "xflixx" Schneiders eliminated
Felix "xflixx" Schneiders eliminated

Just before the breeak, PokerStars Ambassador Felix "xflixx" Schneiders shoved from under the gun for 35,500 and so did "glupakat from the early position for 97,193. The action folded around so the two players could battle it out amongst themselves.

Felix "xflixx" Schneiders: {k-Clubs}{j-Hearts}
"glupakat": {a-Spades}{q-Spades}

The flop came [9sada] for "glupakat" to hit trips.

The turn was the {10-Diamonds} to give Schneiders a glimmer of hope as a queen would give him a straight but the {8-Spades} completed the board instead which means that Tom “MajinBoob” Hayward is the only ambassador left in the field.

Player Chips Progress
Tom “MajinBoob” Hayward
Tom “MajinBoob” Hayward
Felix "xflixx" Schneiders
Felix "xflixx" Schneiders

Tags: Felix "xflixx" Schneiders"glupakat"Tom “MajinBoob” Hayward

Walthaus Doubles Up to Jump in Top Ten

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 750 ante
Jorn "jornxx" Walthaus
Jorn "jornxx" Walthaus

Jorn "jornxx" Walthaus raised to 12,000 from the early position and action folded all the way to "Mr,Negative1992" in the big blind who three-bet to 24,000. Walthaus called.

The flop came {5-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}, "Mr,Negative1992" continued with another bet of 24,000 which Walthaus called.

The turn was the {a-Hearts}, "Mr,Negative1992" fired another bet into the pot, this time for 42,000 which Walthaus called.

The river completed the board with the {a-Clubs} and "Mr,Negative1992" now barreled 66,000 over the line. Walthaus responded with a shove of 344,721. "Mr,Negative1992" called with {j-Spades}{j-Diamonds} for the full house but Walthaus held {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs} for the higher full house and the double-up.

Player Chips Progress
Jorn "jornxx" Walthaus nl
Jorn "jornxx" Walthaus

Tags: "MrJorn "jornxx" WalthausNegative1992"