2024 RGPS RunGood Resort Tunica

$600 Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 RGPS RunGood Resort Tunica

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Duren Catches White Bluffing

Level 27 : Blinds 75,000/125,000, 125,000 ante

Houston White raised to 300,000 from the button and action folded around to Kristopher Duren who called in the big blind.

The flop rolled out A79 and Duren check-called a bet of 250,000 from White.

On the turn Q, both players checked to the 10 river where Duren lead out for 550,000. White moved all in for 3,700,000 total and Duren sat back in his chair.

He looked down at his stack and after muttering what sounded like words of resignation, he called.

"You're good," said White as he tabled K3 for just king-high and Duren tabled Q7 for queens up which was good for the pot as he overtook White in the chip counts.

Player Chips Progress
Kristopher Duren us
Kristopher Duren
Houston White us
Houston White

Tags: Houston WhiteKris Durn

Hamid Izadi Eliminated in 4th Place ($22,928)

Level 27 : Blinds 75,000/125,000, 125,000 ante
Hamid Izadi
Hamid Izadi

Jason Grimes raised to 300,000 in the cutoff and on the button, Hamid Izadi moved all in for 1,200,000 which saw action fold back to Grimes who called to put Izadi at risk.

Hamid Izadi: AQ
Jason Grimes: K10

The board ran out 1055K10 and the tens full of kings was good for Grimes and Izadi was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Grimes us
Jason Grimes
Hamid Izadi us
Hamid Izadi
Day 1B Chip Leader

Tags: Hamid IzadiJason Grimes

Level: 27

Blinds: 75,000/125,000

Ante: 125,000

Daniel Lowery Eliminated in 5th Place ($17,282)

Level 26 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Daniel Lowery
Daniel Lowery

Kristopher Duren raised to 250,000 from the cutoff and in the big blind, Daniel Lowery raised to 600,000 which Duren called.

The flop rolled out Q92 and Lowery bet 600,000 which prompted Duren to move all in for the 150,000 that Lowery had behind and Lowery called.

Daniel Lowery: AA All in
Kristopher Duren: Q10

Lowery's aces were good on the flop but the runout of 104 paired up Duren's second card and Lowery shook each of his opponent's hands as he exited the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Kristopher Duren us
Kristopher Duren
Daniel Lowery us
Daniel Lowery
Day 1C Chip Leader

Tags: Daniel LoweryKristopher Duren

White Leave Lowery With Crumbs

Level 26 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Houston White
Houston White

Action was picked up with cards on their backs in an all in pot preflop for nearly half the chips in play with Daniel Lowery in the big blind and Houston White on the button with his entire stack of 4,375,000 in the middle.

Houston White: K10 All in
Daniel Lowery: 99

The board ran out J106Q5 and the ten on the flop paired up Houston to leave Lowery as the shortest stack at the table while White took a massive lead.

Player Chips Progress
Houston White us
Houston White
Daniel Lowery us
Daniel Lowery
Day 1C Chip Leader

Tags: Daniel LoweryHouston White

Charles Westbrook Eliminated in 6th Place ($13,175)

Level 26 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Charles Westbrook
Charles Westbrook

Jason Grimes raised to 250,000 in the cutoff and Charles Westbrook moved all in on the button for 2,375,000 effective and action folded back to Grimes who called.

Jason Grimes: QQ All in
Charles Westbrook: K6

The board ran out QJ487 and Grimes doubled up while Westbrook was left with just 25,000 in chips.

Houston White raised to 250,000 from the hijack the next hand, prompting Westbrook to put in his final chip and Daniel Lowery three-bet to 850,000 from the hijack and Kris Durn put in the call, thinking that he was flatting the initial raise from White. He put 850,000 into the center and then moved his last 350,000 in blind which Lowery called.

Charles Westbrook: 87 All in
Kris Durn: JJ All in
Daniel Lowery: AQ

The board ran out 9569J and the jacks full were good for Durn to take the pot and double up through Lowery while Westbrook was eliminated in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Grimes us
Jason Grimes
Daniel Lowery us
Daniel Lowery
Day 1C Chip Leader
Kris Durn us
Kris Durn
Charles Westbrook us
Charles Westbrook

Tags: Charles WestbrookDaniel LoweryHouston WhiteJason GrimesKris Durn

Jeffrey Brown Eliminated in 7th Place ($10,164)

Level 26 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Jeffrey Brown
Jeffrey Brown

Houston White raised to 200,000 from the hijack and Jeffrey Brown called in the big blind.

The flop rolled out 874 and Brown lead out for 250,000 which prompted a raise from White to the tune of 775,000 and Brown went into the tank. After a couple of minutes he decided to move all in for 2,100,000 totall and White called.

Jeffrey Brown: 55
Houston White: 98

The board ran out 10A and the flush was good for Brown to go into the chip lead while Brown was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Houston White us
Houston White
Jeffrey Brown (FL) us
Jeffrey Brown (FL)

Tags: Houston WhiteJeffrey Brown

Level: 26

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 100,000