2024 RGPS RunGood Resort Tulsa

$800 Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 RGPS RunGood Resort Tulsa

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Chris Hill Eliminated in 13th Place ($4,218)

Level 21 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Chris Hill
Chris Hill

Action was picked up on the river in a blind on blind battle with the board showing 7x2x4x10x10x.

Chris Hill checked in the small blind to Savanah Mora who bet out 105,000, before Hill raised all in for 850,000, which Mora snap called.

Hill tabled 7x7x for a full house sevens full of tens, but Mora had the bigger boat with 10x4x for tens full of fours to take the pot, and eliminate Hill.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Savannah Mora us
Savannah Mora
Profile photo of Chris Hill us
Chris Hill

Tags: Chris Hill

Vic Guardino Eliminated in 12th Place ($5,237)

Level 21 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Vic Guardino
Vic Guardino

Action was picked up with Vic Guardino all in and Derrick Yegge putting him at risk.

Vic Guardino: KJ All in
Derrick Yegge: JJ

Guardino would need help to stay in the tournament, but once the board ran out 1035910 and the pocket jacks of Yegge were still best to take the pot and eliminate Guardino.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Derrick Yegge us
Derrick Yegge
Profile photo of Vic Guardino us
Vic Guardino

Tags: Derrick YeggeVic Guardino

David Gallimore Eliminated in 11th Place ($5,237)

Level 21 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
David Gallimore
David Gallimore

Iman Alsaden opened the action with a raise to 65,000 from the hijack, before David Gallimore three-bet all in for 315,000. It folded back to Alsaden who made the call to put Gallimore at risk.

David Gallimore: QQ All in
Iman Alsaden: A9

Gallimore was way ahead with his pocket queens, but once the board ran out 1091039 Alsaden made a full house on the river to take the pot and eliminate Alsaden.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Iman Alsaden us
Iman Alsaden
Profile photo of David Gallimore us
David Gallimore

Tags: David GallimoreIman Alsaden

Timothy Hicks Eliminated in 10th Place ($5,237)

Level 22 : 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Timothy Hicks
Timothy Hicks

Action was picked up with Timothy Hicks all in for 450,000, with Isaac Cramer putting him at risk.

Timothy Hicks: 55 All in
Isaac Cramer: AJ

It was a flip for Hicks tournament life, and the 65K flop gave Hicks a set, but he wasn't out of the water yet as Cramer picked up a flush draw. The Q on the turn was safe, but the 8 on the river gave Cramer a flush to send Hicks out on the final table bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Isaac Cramer us
Isaac Cramer
Profile photo of Timothy Hicks us
Timothy Hicks
Day 1B Chip Leader

Tags: Isaac CramerTimothy Hicks

Derrick Yegge Eliminated in 9th Place ($6,586)

Level 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Derek Yegge
Derek Yegge

Savannah Mora opened the action with a raise from under the gun and Derrick Yegge three-bet all in for 580,000 on the button. Once it folded back to Mora she made the call to put him at risk.

Derrick Yegge: AK All in
Savannah Mora: QQ

It was a classic race with Yegge needing to improve to stay in the tournament. But after the Q34 flop Yegge would need running cards to make a straight to stay in it after Mora flopped a set. But the 8 on the turn left Yegge drawing dead, and the 3 on the river officially eliminated him as Mora improved to a full house, queens full of threes.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Savannah Mora us
Savannah Mora
Profile photo of Derrick Yegge us
Derrick Yegge

Tags: Derrick Yegge

Isaac Cramer Eliminated in 8th Place ($8,371)

Level 23 : 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Isaac Cramer
Isaac Cramer

Rob Noce opened the action with a raise from early position and once it folded to Isaac Cramer on the button, he three bet all in for 580,000. The blinds folded and Noce quickly made the call to put Cramer at risk.

Isaac Cramer: A10 All in
Rob Noce: AK

Crammer was domainaited by the big slick of Noce. Once the board ran out 623QK Noce improved to a pair of kings and sent Crammer to the payout desk in 8th place.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Rob Noce us
Rob Noce
Profile photo of Isaac Cramer us
Isaac Cramer

Tags: Isaac CramerRob Noce

Noce Overtakes the Chip Lead

Level 23 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Rob Noce
Rob Noce

Eric Bunch opened the action from under the gun with a raise to 135,000. It then folded to Rob Noce in the big blind who three-bet, before Bunch four-bet to put Noce all in for 2,100,000, which Noce called to put himself at risk.

Rob Noce: KQ All in
Eric Bunch: AJ

It was a massive pot and fair fight with Bunch ahead with his ace high. The 22J flop extended the lead for Bunch, but the Q on the turn put Noce in the lead with just one card to go. The river was the 8 and Noce had the best hand with his pair of queens to double up and overtake the chip lead from Bunch.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Rob Noce us
Rob Noce
Profile photo of Eric Bunch us
Eric Bunch
Day 1A Chip Leader

Tags: Eric BunchRob Noce

Harvey Flops a Set to Take Down Queens

Level 24 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Harold Harvey
Harold Harvey

Action was picked up on the turn with roughly 1,200,000 in the pot and the board showing 10622. Harold Harvey was all in for his stack of 900,000, with Rob Noce putting him at risk.

Harold Harvey: 1010
Rob Noce: QQ

Harvey flopped a set and turned a boat to over take the lead of Noce's pocket queens. The river was the 8 to give the massive pot to Harvey as he doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Harold Harvey us
Harold Harvey
Profile photo of Rob Noce us
Rob Noce

Tags: Harold HarveyRob Noce

Savannah Mora Eliminated in 7th Place ($10,753)

Level 24 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Savannah Mora
Savannah Mora

Harold Harvey opened the action with a raise to 150,000 before Savannah Mora three-bet all in for 850,000. Then Jason Wiske in the cutoff four bet-all in for 1,200,000. The button and the blinds quickly folded, as did Harvey to leave the players heads up with Mora at risk.

Savannah Mora: AQ All in
Jason Wiske: AK

Wiske woke up with big slick and Mora would need help to stay in the tournament. But after the board ran out 5109K2 Wiske improved to a pair of kings to send Mora to the payout desk in seventh place.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jason Wiske us
Jason Wiske
Profile photo of Harold Harvey us
Harold Harvey
Profile photo of Savannah Mora us
Savannah Mora

Tags: Harold HarveyJason Wiske

Lam Gets His Bluff Picked Off, Spikes the River

Level 25 : 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Han Lam
Han Lam

Action was picked up on the turn with roughly 800,000 in the pot and the board showing J776.

Han Lam moved all in for 550,000 and Rob Noce sat in the tank debating his decision. After over a minute in the tank, Noce found the call to put Lam at risk.

Han Lam: K10 All in
Rob Noce: A9

Noce was a non believer and called off Lam's bluff with just ace high. However the river was the K to give Lam the best hand to double up, leaving Noce stunned.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Han Lam us
Han Lam
Profile photo of Rob Noce us
Rob Noce

Tags: Han LamRob Noce