Hinkle's Aces Trump Howard's Sevens; Klumb KOs Sudan

After an open from Blair Hinkle to 25,000, Taylor Howard moved all in for 117,000. Robert Sudan made the call from the big blind and Hinkle also just called.
On the flop 8♣K♦5♠, Sudan led for 50,000 into the side pot and Hinkle thought for a few seconds before making the call.
The turn was the Q♥ and Sudan decided to slow down and check, at which point Hinkle moved all in to cover him. Sutton quickly folded and the cards were tabled between Hinkle and Howard.
Taylor Howard: 7♦7♣
Blair Hinkle : A♦A♥
Howard could only catch a seven to stay alive, but the river 10♣ did not provide and he was sent to the payout desk.
Ironically, Sudan moved all in the very next hand with 7♥7♦ and was called by Tyler Klumb with A♠J♠. The runout of J♦4♠K♣5♠2♦ paired Klumb's jack to earn him the pot while Sudan was eliminated.
Player | Chips | Progress |
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219,000 |
Busted | |
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Busted |