2019 Potomac Poker Open

$370 Opening Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2019 Potomac Poker Open

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000

Level: 32

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 25,000

Smith Doubles Through Moore

Level 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

Richie Smith moved all in preflop and was called by Laura Moore. Smith had {a-Spades}{j-Hearts} and Moore had pocket nines. The flop came {4-}{a-}{7-} to launch Smith into the lead. The turn came a {10-} and the river was a {4-} and Smith doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Richie Smith us
Richie Smith
Laura Moore us
Laura Moore

Tags: Laura MooreRichie Smith

Moore Calls After Long Talkative Tank to Shatter Smith's Stack

Level 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante
Laura Moore
Laura Moore

Laura Moore and Richie Smith saw a flop of {q-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{5-Hearts}. Moore bet and Smith quickly called.

The turn was the {j-Diamonds}. Moore made a bet of 900,000 and Smith moved all in. Moore went deep into the tank to consider the bet. Back and forth chatter ensued as both players talked about their holdings, nearly revealing what they had. A count was asked for and Smith's stack was counted multiple times by the dealer and other players to confirm that he had Moore covered slightly.

After a few minutes, Moore said the clock could be called on her if anybody wanted. Smith instantly called clock and the floor came over and began the countdown. Moore was surprised at the shortness of the clock's 25 seconds and questioned it but after about 10 seconds she called.

Smith showed the {a-Spades}{q-Diamonds} and Moore showed the {k-Hearts}{k-Spades}. The river was the {3-Hearts} and Moore took down the huge pot. Smith expressed shock at how long it took Moore to call as most of his stack was stripped away from him.

Player Chips Progress
Laura Moore us
Laura Moore
Richie Smith us
Richie Smith

Tags: Laura MooreRichie Smith

Richie Smith Eliminated in 7th Place ($15,455)

Level 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante
Richie Smith
Richie Smith

Richie Smith moved his remaining short stack into the middle preflop and was called by Lalith Mannur.

Smith had {k-}{5-} while Mannur was ahead with {a-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}.

The board kept Mannur ahead as it ran out {7-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{9-}{2-}{6-} and Smith walked away quietly.

Player Chips Progress
Lalith Mannur us
Lalith Mannur
Richie Smith us
Richie Smith

Tags: Lalith MannurRichie Smith

Gang Wins Three-Way Pot

Level 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

Three players were in a hand when action was picked up on the turn as the board read {k-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{9-Clubs}. From the small blind James Canoles bet 450,000, he was raised to 1,100,000 by Laura Moore, which was called by Charles Gang, Canoles also called.

The river came the {2-Diamonds}. All three players checked tentatively. Gang had the best hand with the {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs} as the other two players mucked.

Player Chips Progress
James Canoles us
James Canoles
Laura Moore us
Laura Moore
Charles Gang us
Charles Gang

Tags: Charles GangJames CanolesLaura Moore

Charles Gang Eliminated in 6th Place ($19,712)

Level 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante
Charles Gang
Charles Gang

Laura Moore raised from the hijack. Charles Gang three-bet to 1,050,000 to her immediate left in the cutoff, and Moore waited for a moment before four-betting to 2,725,000, Gang then five-bet all in and Moore immediately called.

It was a classic cooler situation as Moore had the {a-Clubs}{a-Spades} while Gang had {k-}{k-}.

The board would not bring any sweat as it ran out blankly {5-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{10-Clubs}{3-Hearts} and Gang was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Laura Moore us
Laura Moore
Charles Gang us
Charles Gang

Tags: Charles GangLaura Moore

Level: 33

Blinds: 120,000/240,000

Ante: 30,000

Stonehill Shoves River to Get Fold

Level 33 : 120,000/240,000, 30,000 ante

On the turn Lalith Mannur bet 1,500,000 and was called by Justin Stonehill on a board that read [46h8h2s]. The river came the {7-Spades}. Stonehill moved all in. Mannur got a count and thought it out for a while. But eventually he pitched his cards and Stonehill took the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Lalith Mannur us
Lalith Mannur
Justin Stonehill us
Justin Stonehill

Tags: Justin StonehillLalith Mannur