WCOOP 2020: Heads up! Ankush Mandavia Wins Third Title in $530 TKO HU Zoom
Level 19
: 7,000/14,000, 1,750 ante
We’ve grown accustomed to seeing the name “pistons87” late in tournaments on PokerStars, whether in series like the 2020 World Championship of Online Poker or at other times.
That’s the nick of Ankush Mandavia, whom we also got used to seeing at the live tourney tables over the years. Mandavia has a couple of EPT trophies collected in Berlin and Prague, plus another won at the PCA a few years back — just a small part of the more than $5 million he’s earned in recorded live cashes.
We can add another online triumph — and a third WCOOP title (to go along with three SCOOPs) — to Mandavia’s résumé, after he took down Event #12-H, the $530 NLHE Heads-Up Turbo Progressive Total KO Zoom.