PokerStars WCOOP 2020

WCOOP-33-H: $5,200 NLHE [8-Max, High Roller]
Day: 2
Event Info

PokerStars WCOOP 2020

Final Results
Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

"Boootsy" Eliminated in 3rd Place ($97,488)

Level 30 : 125,000/250,000, 32,500 ante
Beresford vs Boootsy
Beresford vs Boootsy

Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford limped in from the button and "Boootsy" shoved from the small blind for 2,164,672 which Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves called in the big blind. Beresford three-bet shoved for 13,460,968 for Reeves to get out of their way.

"Boootsy": {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}
Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford: {a-Spades}{k-Hearts}

The flop came {5-Clubs}{4-Spades}{a-Diamonds} for Beresford to hit the higher pair.

The turn was the {2-Spades} for chopping opportunities but the river completed the board with the {7-Spades} for Beresford to hold and bust "Boootsy" in third place.

Player Chips Progress
Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves gb
Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves
Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford gb
Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford
Boootsy ca

Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves Eliminated in 2nd Place ($125,932)

Level 30 : 125,000/250,000, 32,500 ante
Beresford vs Reeves
Beresford vs Reeves

Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford limped in on the button and Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves shoved for 4,694,176 which Beresford called.

Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves: {k-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}
Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford: {a-Spades}{k-Clubs}

The board ran out {j-Hearts}{4-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{q-Clubs} for Beresford to hold with the higher kicker to bust Reeves in second place while he claims the win and the $162,674 that comes with the WCOOP title.

A recap is to follow.

Player Chips Progress
Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford gb
Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford
Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves gb
Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves

Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford Finally Wins His First WCOOP Title for $162,674 in WCOOP-33-H: $5,200 NLHE [8-Max, High Roller]

Level 30 : 125,000/250,000, 32,500 ante
Conor Beresford
Conor Beresford

The number player in the world according to the online poker rankings Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford has won many titles but had never laid claim to a WCOOP title. He has now finally done it by winning the PokerStars WCOOP-33-H: $5,200 NLHE [8-Max, High Roller] for $162,674.

The tournament attracted 155 entries to create a prize pool of $775,000 with the lion-share going to Beresford as he defeated Luke "Bit2Easy" Reeves heads-up. Beresford came close in 2013 when he finished in fourth place and already won three SCOOP tournaments but at long last has taken down a WCOOP tournament. As this was a high roller, many of the poker elite came to take a shot at a title and the prize money that comes with it and only 14 players made it through to Day 2.

Joining the two Brits on the final table were "Boootsy", Mike "SirWatts" Watson, Alexandru "steakaddict." Papazian, Mirza "zazano" Muhovic, Sergei "Futti18" Koliakov, David "EzPaTuLa" Cabrera, and Ole "wizowizo" Schemion.

WCOOP-33-H: $5,200 NLHE [8-Max, High Roller] Final Table Results

1Conor "1_conor_b_1" BeresfordUnited Kingdom$162,674
2Luke "Bit2Easy" ReevesUnited Kingdom$125,932
4Mike "SirWatts" WatsonCanada$75,469
5Alexandru "steakaddict." PapazianRomania$58,423
6Mirza "zazano" MuhovicLuxembourg$45,228
7Sergei "Futti18" KoliakovRussia$35,012
8David "EzPaTuLa" CabreraSpain$27,104
9Ole "wizowizo" SchemionGermany$22,312

Today's Action

The day started with Filipe "Zagazaur" Oliveira as the absolute shortest stack but he managed to double up just before Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian was first to go when his aces got cracked by the ace-trey of Schemion who rivered a flush in the first minute of the tournament in the old level. The level duration increased to 30 minutes and this ensured for action to certainly slow down a bit. It would take almost the full 30 minutes before Joao "Naza114" Vieira fell to Muhovic when he had a chance to triple up but failed.

Having secured a pay jump, Oliveira was next to go when he got his last 11 big blinds in against Watson and couldn't win. Thirty minutes later, Matthias "iambest2" Eibinger three-bet shoved with tens and was looked up by "Boootsy" who held queens and got no help from the board.

Simon Higgins
Simon Higgins bubbled the final table

Hand-for-hand play commenced for the final table bubble which would end up lasting 80 minutes. Simon "simon1471" Higgins was left short with just over a big blind when he doubled up Koliakov and managed to double up three times to stay alive but eventually lost it all to Koliakov to get the tournament down to the final table.

Schemion immediately busted to Watson with the latter also taking out Cabrera to then win a few more hands to take over the chip lead from Beresford. Watson kept increasing his chip lead while Koliakov was kicked out of the tournament by Beresford. Day 1 chip leader Muhovic saw his tournament run end when his queens got beat by Reeves' ace-nine who turned trips.

Reeves took over the chip lead and kept building it during the hour five-handed play lasted before taking out Papazian to get him almost 60% of the chips in play. Watson fell shortly after to Beresford who then doubled through "Boootsy" to leave the latter with nine big blinds. A few hands later, "Boootsy" busted to Beresford with Reeves still in the lead with 53% of the chips in play.

Luke Reeves
Luke Reeves finished in second place for $125,932

Reeves increased his chip lead but just as quickly returned those chips to Beresford. Beresford then scored a big double-up with the higher two pair to leave Reeves behind with 13 big blinds. In the end, Reeves shoved with king-five and Beresford called with the ace-king he had picked up. The higher kicker gave him his first WCOOP title while Reeves would have settle for the runner-up cash of $125,932.

The PokerNews live reporting team will continue coverage of WCOOP-37-H: $5,200 PLO [6-Max, High Roller] with Day 2 on Thursday, September 10 and Day 1 of WCOOP-39-H: $5,200 NLHE [Progressive KO, High Roller], so stick around for all the action.