2017 PokerStars Championship Panama

Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Panama

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Kaverman Clicks

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Byron Kaverman opened to 10,000 in early position, and Kliment Roussev Tarmakov made it 26,500 to go. Kaverman called, and {q-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} flopped. Kaverman checked. Tarmakov bet 18,000. Kaverman thought a bit and slid in what looked to be 39,000, just over a min-raise. Kaverman's raise won him the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Byron Kaverman us
Byron Kaverman
WSOP 1X Winner
Kliment Roussev Tarmakov ca
Kliment Roussev Tarmakov

Tags: Byron Kaverman

Yaroshevskyy Drops One

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Igor Yaroshevskyy bet 32,000 into a pot of around 70,000 from the hijack when a player in the small blind checked to him. The board read {9-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{10-Hearts}, and Yaroshevskyy's opponent called. He then checked the {10-Spades} river, and Yaroshevskyy pounded the table with a hard slap.

His opponent tabled {8-Clubs}{7-Clubs} for a straight, and Yaroshevskyy mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Igor Yaroshevskyy ua
Igor Yaroshevskyy

Tags: Igor Yaroshevskyy

The Highs and Lows of Martin Finger

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Martin Finger
Martin Finger

Martin Finger moved all in under the gun for 17,000 and Yobrahin Larez Sanchez called him from the small blind.

Finger: {10-Hearts}{10-Clubs}
Sanchez: {a-Diamonds}{8-Spades}

Finger was ahead and successfully dodged an ace after the board ran out {q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{j-Hearts}. Finger was excited to double, but his enthusiasm didn't last long.

In the very next hand, Belgium's Jonathan Abdellatif moved all in for 56,000 from middle position and action folded to Finger, who snap-called from the big blind.

"That's bad," Abdellatif said upon seeing the cards.

Abdellatif: {a-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}
Finger: {q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}

"No, that's bad," Finger quipped after the flop came down {a-Spades}{3-Spades}{a-Hearts} to give Abdellatif a full house.

Neither the {J-Hearts} turn nor {2-Clubs} river influenced the hand and Finger hit the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Abdellatif be
Jonathan Abdellatif
Yobrahin Larez Sanchez ve
Yobrahin Larez Sanchez
Martin Finger de
Martin Finger
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Martin FingerYobrahin Larez SanchezJonathan Abdellatif

Two Doubles in Three Hands for Davidi Kitai

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Davidi Kitai moved all in for 7,500 under the gun and Pedro Romanzo Pollino, who was sitting to his direct left, three-bet to 15,000, which drove out the rest of the players.

Pollino: {a-Clubs}{j-Hearts}
Kitai: {q-Spades}{7-Hearts}

The board ran out {q-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} and Kitai made a full house to double.

Two hands later, JC Alvarado raised to 10,000 on the button and then called when Kitai three-bet all in for 14,500 from the small blind.

Alvarado: {a-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}
Kitai: {a-Spades}{j-Spades}

The board ran out {2-Spades}{k-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} and Kitai notched his second double in three hands.

Player Chips Progress
JC Alvarado mx
JC Alvarado
Davidi Kitai be
Davidi Kitai
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP 3X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: JC AlvaradoDavidi KitaiPedro Romanzo Pollino

Pavliuk Paves Mandel's Way to the Rail

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Edward Mandel raised to 10,000 from the cutoff and Roman Pavliuk called from the big blind.

The flop came {q-Hearts}{j-Spades}{6-Spades} and Pavliuk checked. Mandel moved all in for his last 33,000 and Pavliuk quickly called.

Pavliuk: {q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}
Mandel: {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}

The turn was the {5-Spades} and the river was the {4-Diamonds}, sending Mandel to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Roman Pavliuk ua
Roman Pavliuk
Edward Mandel us
Edward Mandel

Tags: Edward MandelRoman Pavliuk

Dvoress Dusted by Fellow Canadian

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Daniel Dvoress
Daniel Dvoress

Daniel Dvoress was shoving his stack of 27,000 right after the bubble burst, but he must have doubled up a shorter stack because he looked to be around 10,000 when he got it all in for his last against Erik Cajelais. Dvoress had {j-Hearts}{10-Spades} but was dominated by {k-Clubs}{10-Clubs}, and no jack appeared to save the high roller.

Player Chips Progress
Erik Cajelais ca
Erik Cajelais
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Daniel DvoressErik Cajelais

Talley Turns It

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Caufman Talley had a shorter-stacked player who had about 25,000 at risk preflop. They were flipping with Talley holding the pair ({7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}) and his opponent the {a-Clubs}{k-Hearts}. An ace-high flop left Talley in bad shape but a seven fell on the turn to give him the win.

Player Chips Progress
Caufman Talley us
Caufman Talley

Tags: Caufman Talley

Ari Engel Eliminated By Taran Parmar

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Ari Engel
Ari Engel

Ari Engel, who was among the short stacks on the bubble, raised to 8,000 under the gun and left himself just 1,500 behind. Canada's Taran Parmar then three-bet to 16,000, another player called, and Engel put in his remaining stack.

When the flop came down {4-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}, Parmar bet 19,000 and the other player folded. Parmar and Engel then turned up their hands.

Parmar: {a-Hearts}{q-Clubs}
Engel: {a-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}

Both players had flopped a pair, but Parar's was best. Engel was looking for another ten or running diamonds to stay alive, but neither came as the {9-Clubs} blanked on the turn followed by the {8-Clubs} on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Taran Parmar ca
Taran Parmar
Ari Engel ca
Ari Engel
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Ari EngelTaran Parmar