2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
2,877,500 HKD
Event Info
42,400 HKD
Prize Pool
20,796,800 HKD
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Play Restarted

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

The action has restarted in the PokerStars Championship Macau Main Event and registration is now closed. Stay with us as we bring you all the highlights from a field jam-packed with big names and poker hopefuls as the players battle it out at the baize.

Top Stacks Around the Room at the Break

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

Here are the current bosses around the room. The largest stack belongs to Pakinai Lisawad who has increased his Day 2 starting stack by more than three times. Georgios Zisimopoulos has also seen a monster growth to his chip count.

Player Chips Progress
Pakinai Lisawad th
Pakinai Lisawad
Zigao Yu cn
Zigao Yu
Georgios Zisimopoulos gr
Georgios Zisimopoulos
Kahle Burns au
Kahle Burns
WSOP 2X Winner
Ping San Chan mo
Ping San Chan
Ryan Yu ca
Ryan Yu
Van Sang Nguyen vn
Van Sang Nguyen

Siow’s Favorite Position

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

We are not sure when all the chips went in as we arrived during the aftermath, with cards and chips littering the table liberally in what looked to have been a battle of the blinds between Singapore’s Wei Siow and China’s Xiang Pan, with the board reading {9-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{6-Hearts} {4-Spades}{7-Clubs}.

However, what we do know is that Pan looked less than pleased at the way things worked out. Sitting in the small blind Pan had two shiny red aces sitting face up on the table in front of him, and while this is usually a good thing that is not the case here.

Big blind Siow obviously likes both his position and hand and has the mighty {6-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} face up on the felt in front of him for a flopped two pair and stacks were in the process of being counted down.

Pan still has chips, but far fewer than before and has taken a big hit to drop down to 18,000 while Siow stacked up to 118,000 and change after cracking those bullets.

Player Chips Progress
Wei Lik Graeme Siow sg
Wei Lik Graeme Siow
Xiang Pan cn
Xiang Pan

Tags: Wei Lik Graeme SiowXiang Pan

Kampanatsanyakorn Shows the Bluff

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

We headed to the table that had all but two of the players standing up watching the action. The two still in the hand focused on the board which was at the turn and reading {5-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}. Miguel Cieri Di Pentima had checked, Chane Kampanatsanyakorn had pushed all in for 20,000, and Pentima was in the tank.

Another player from the table, standing and waiting, called the clock and the dealer gave Pentima a minute. After about half of his time was used up, he folded, showing an {a-}. Kampanatsanyakorn turned over {q-}{5-} and collected the pot while Pentima tapped the table in respect of the good bluff.

Player Chips Progress
Chane Kampanatsanyakorn th
Chane Kampanatsanyakorn

Tags: Chane KampanatsanyakornMiguel Cieri Di Pentima

Loeser Scores a Double

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

Manig Loeser opened to 2,200 and then four-bet shoved when an opponent three-bet to 7,000. Loeser's All-in was worth 37,700 and his opponent made the call.

Loeser: {5-Clubs}{5-Spades}
Opponent: {a-Diamonds}{q-Spades}

The board ran out {2-Clubs}{k-Spades}{7-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{q-Clubs} with Loeser fading a slew of outs on the river, ultimately making a flush to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Manig Loeser de
Manig Loeser
WSOP 2X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Manig Loeser

Kuo vs. Afonichev

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

Dmitrii Afonichev opened the action under the gun with a raise to 2,500 and Kitty Kuo responded with a three-bet to 6,500 from middle position. Afonichev called and the flop came {q-Spades}{4-Spades}{9-Clubs}. Both players checked, going to a {5-Diamonds} turn, which was also checked through.

The river card was the {7-Clubs} and Afonichev led out for 14,500. Kuo tried talking to her opponent as she thought about her decision. Afonichev wasn't responding though, and Kuo eventually folded.

Player Chips Progress
Dmitrii Afonichev ru
Dmitrii Afonichev
Kitty Kuo tw
Kitty Kuo

Tags: Dmitrii AfonichevKitty Kuo

Yu Wins More, Patni and Westmorland Chugging Along, Haxton Out

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

China’s Zigao Yu is currently sitting second in chips and has just padded out his stack a little further at the expense of Kazakhstan’s Shyngis Satubayev.

We caught the action on the turn with the community cards reading {8-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and it appears there has already been quite a bit of action as the pot is round 15,000.

Of course, this dies down the instant we arrive with both players seemingly content to check it down to the {k-Hearts} river. Sitting in the big blind Yu showed first, his {8-Spades}{9-Spades} seemingly enough to get it done and Satubayev tapped the table and pitched his cards into the muck leaving Yu to scoop the pot.

Kunal Patni looked to have a tough table draw, sitting with Jaeik Cho and Jordan Westmorland, both of whom currently share a house in Bali where they grind online tournaments.

This doesn’t seem to phase Patni though and he wins a small pot off Cho by coming over the top of his 2,300 cutoff open with a squeeze to 6,700 from the button.

Cho eyed up Patni’s remaining stack – which looked to be roughly 27,000 – and decided to let it go, leaving the Indian player to rake in the pot without showdown.

High stakes specialist Isaac Haxton will have a window in his busy schedule tomorrow for the HK$200,000 Single Re-Entry Shot Clock by the looks of things as we saw him headed for the rail and his Main Event run is now over.

Player Chips Progress
Zigao Yu cn
Zigao Yu
Kunal Patni in
Kunal Patni
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Isaac HaxtonZigao Yu

Latz Gets Coolered

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

We caught the action as Hendrik Latz was calling what looked to be a sizeable four-bet preflop from Tsuyoshi Ishibashi.

The dealer issued a {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{10-Diamonds} flop and Ishibashi bet 14,500. Latz didn't take long before stacking his chip in one column and sliding them into the middle. Ishibashi quickly called and their hands were tabled.

Latz: {10-Clubs}{10-Spades}
Ishibashi: {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

Latz had flopped a set of tens and needed to fade a queen or running diamonds to score the double up. The {7-Diamonds} on the turn made things interesting and set up the dagger on the river, as the {6-Diamonds} gave Ishibashi a winning flush.

After several counts of both stacks it was determined Latz was slightly covered and proceeded to take his leave.

Player Chips Progress
Tsuyoshi Ishibashi jp
Tsuyoshi Ishibashi
Hendrik Latz de
Hendrik Latz

Tags: Hendrik LatzTsuyoshi Ishibashi

Soulier Takes the Chip Lead

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Fabrice Soulier
Fabrice Soulier

Ryan Yu had a large stack of chips in front of him earlier, and he now has a lot less while Fabrice Soulier has heaps. In fact, we're pretty certain he's the current chip leader. We caught both of them in a recent hand.

Soulier raised to 2,500 from middle position and Guodong Sun called from the small blind and Yu called in the big blind. The flop came {3-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{8-Spades}. All three players checked and the turn was the {6-Spades}.

Sun elected to lead out, making it 3,300. Yu quickly folded but Soulier paused. He checked his cards again and raised to 9,900. Sun only took a moment to think before folding to the big stack.

Player Chips Progress
Fabrice Soulier fr
Fabrice Soulier
WSOP 1X Winner
Guodong Sun cn
Guodong Sun
Ryan Yu ca
Ryan Yu

Tags: Fabrice SoulierGuodong SunRyan Yu

PokerNews MyStack App Available for all Main Event Players

Level 9 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

The PokerNews MyStack App is available for players here at the PokerStars Championship Macau, allowing players to directly update their chip count on the PokerNews Live Reporting page for their friends and family to see.

You can download the app for iPhone or Android now to get started. Then, create a new PokerNews account or update your current one to start updating your status immediately. Your followers can see all the live action that you're involved in.

Be forewarned, however, any abuse of the app will result in account suspension or termination.