2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

PokerNews Cup Australia: The Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
250,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Hand #160 - Nali Kaselias

David Lee has the button in Seat 4.

Nali Kaselias announces a raise out of the small blind and Kenneth Damm folds from the big blind before Kaselias can even count out his chips.

Hand #161 - Kenneth Damm

Nali Kaselias has the button in Seat 5.

Kenneth Damm completes from the small blind, and Ray Sukkar checks from the big.

The flop is {9-Clubs} {A-Diamonds} {5-Diamonds}, and Damm leads out with 80,000 chips. That's enough to get Sukkar out, winning him the pot.

Tags: Kenneth Damm

Martin Comer Interview

PokerNews' own Gloria Balding spoke with our 5th place finisher Martin Comer shortly after his elimination. He was many people's choice to take down the title but it wasn't to be...

For more videos including bustout interviews with Tim Heath, David Gorr, Grant Levy and James Broom, check out our Video Gallery.

Tags: Martin Comer

Hand #166 - Kenneth Damm

Kenneth Damm has the button in Seat 7.

Nali Kaselias raises to 190,000 under the gun. Damm announces that he will reraise on the button and makes it a total of 800,000 to go. Action folds back over to Kaselias and he lets his hand go.

Tags: Kenneth Damm