2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

PokerNews Cup Australia: The Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
250,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Hand #148 - David Lee

David Lee has the button in Seat 4.

Lee raises to 200,000 and Kenneth Damm makes the call from the big blind.

The flop comes down {K-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {7-Hearts} and Damm checks. Lee quickly announces that he is all in and Damm folds just as fast.

Hand #149 - Ray Sukkar

Ray Sukkar
Ray Sukkar
Nali Kaselias has the button in Seat 5.

The first two players folded, and Kenneth Damm asked for a count on big blind Ray Sukkar. He announced that he was all in, and Sukkar quickly slid his last ~400,000 chips in, putting himself at risk of elimination.

Damm: {10-Hearts} {3-Diamonds}
Sukkar: {J-Clubs} {4-Hearts}

Needing to win to stay alive, Sukkar watched the board run out {2-Diamonds} {6-Clubs} {6-Hearts} {5-Clubs} {6-Diamonds}. He does indeed have the best hand at the end, doubling up to 810,000.

Tags: Ray Sukkar

Hand #151 - Nali Kaselias

Ray Sukkar has the button in Seat 9.

Under the gun, Kenneth Damm raises it up to 225,000. In the big blind, Nali Kaselias announces a reraise, and first puts in the call. He cuts out another 650,000 chips and makes it a total of 875,000 to dance. That's enough to get Damm out, and Kaselias stacks the chips.

Tags: Nali Kaselias

Hand #153 - Kenneth Damm

Nali Kaselias has the button in Seat 5.

Action passes to Kenneth Damm in the small blind, and he limps in. Ray Sukkar checks his option in the big.

The flop comes {5-Diamonds} {2-Clubs} {6-Spades}. Damm announces, "All in," and Sukkar is all out. Damm picks up the pot.

Tags: Kenneth Damm

Hand #155 - David Lee

Ray Sukkar has the button in Seat 9.

David Lee raises to 180,000 first in from the small blind. Kaselias cuts out a stack of chocolate chips (T25,000), appearing to posture for a raise, but electing instead to just flat call.

The flop reads {6-Clubs} {4-Hearts} {A-Hearts}. Lee continues out with a bet of 200,000, prompting Kaselias to drop his head and release his cards. Lee pulls in the pot, and flashes the {A-Clubs}.

Tags: David LeeNali Kaselias

Hand #157 - Ray Sukkar

Ray Sukkar
Ray Sukkar
Nali Kaselias has the button in Seat 5.

Kaselias is first in, and he raises to 280,000. Kenneth Damm folds from the small blind, and it comes to Ray Sukkar. He sits still for a minute, fingering his chips and looking to be deep in thought. Finally, he slides his full stack forward, putting himself all in. Kaselias very calmly says, "I call," putting Sukker in danger of being knocked out.

Kaselias: {A-Diamonds} {9-Spades}
Sukkar: {6-Clubs} {7-Spades}

The flop misses Sukkar but does add a few more outs as it comes down {J-Spades} {10-Diamonds} {2-Diamonds}. Instead of hitting his gutshot straight draw, he pulls the {7-Hearts} out of the deck, improving to the best hand. The river is the {J-Diamonds}, and Sukkar survives to double up.

Tags: Ray Sukkar