2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

PokerNews Cup Australia: The Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
250,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Hand #141 - Kenneth Damm

Nali Kaselias has the button in Seat 5.

The first two men to act fold to the blinds, and Kenneth Damm completes. Ray Sukkar taps the table, and it's heads up to a cheap flop.

It brings {10-Clubs} {7-Clubs} {A-Diamonds}. Damm bets 60,000, enough to earn him the pot.

Tags: Kenneth Damm

Hand #142 - Ray Sukkar

Kenneth Damm has the button in Seat 7.

Action folds over to Ray Sukkar and he completes out of the small blind. David Lee peeks down at his starting hand and then raises to 150,000. Sukkar calls.

The first three community cards are {9-Diamonds} {A-Diamonds} {7-Clubs} and Sukkar checks over to Lee. Lee reaches for chips and bets 165,000. Sukkar announces a raise and sticks a heap of brown chips in the middle -- 450,000 total. With action now back on Lee he takes his time and counts his chips with his cap pulled down tightly over his eyes. After a minute in the tank, Lee flicks his cards into the muck, giving the pot to Sukkar.

Sukkar moves up to 2,065,000 chips.

Level: 27

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 5,000

The Price of Poker Goes Up

With the blinds now at 40,000/80,000 with a 5,000 chip ante there will be increased pressure on the short stacks to get busy.

Our short stack at the table is David Lee who holds around 14 big blinds, but with every orbit costing 140,000 chips, there is no time to sit back and wait for premium hands. Expect some more fireworks very shortly.

Nali Kaselias - $3,260,000
Ray Sukkar - $2,065,000
Kenneth Damm - $1,775,000
David Lee - $1,115,000

Hand #144 - Kenneth Damm

Kenneth Damm
Kenneth Damm
David Lee has the button in Seat 4.

Ray Sukkar raises from the under-the-gun position to 275,000. Kenneth Damm moves all in for 1,095,000 from the big blind and Sukkar instantly calls.

Damm: {J-Clubs} {J-Hearts}
Sukkar: {A-Clubs} {K-Hearts}

The flop comes down {Q-Hearts} {7-Spades} {6-Hearts} and Damm dodges the first three cards. The turn is the {2-Hearts} and gives Sukkar some added outs with a heart flush draw. The river fails to produce a heart, ace, or king when the {Q-Clubs} comes off.

Damm doubles to 3,870,000 chips, leaving Sukkar with only 150,000 chips.

Tags: Kenneth Damm

The Champ Is Here

Dory Zayneh
Dory Zayneh
2007 PokerNews Cup Champion Dory Zayneh has just been spotted on the rail as he wanders into the final table area to catch a glimpse of the action.

Dory was looking set for back-to-back final table berths after being amongst the chip leaders on Day 1 of this event, however things went awry for Dory during the second day of play to leave him exiting short of the money stage of the tournament.

We'll have a new champion here this evening, but who will it be?

Tags: Dory Zayneh

Hand #145 - Ray Sukkar

Ray Sukkar
Ray Sukkar
Nali Kaselias has the button in Seat 5.

Ray Sukkar is nearly all in from the big blind, so he goes ahead and puts his remaining 65,000 more chips in blind. Kaselias makes the call, and Kenneth Damm announces a mini-raise to 160,000. Kaselias calls.

The board comes {9-Spades} {4-Hearts} {7-Diamonds} {A-Clubs} {J-Spades}, with the two live players checking it down the whole way. Sukkar needs to turn over the winning hand to stay alive.

Kaselias: {A-Diamonds} {4-Spades}
Damm: {3-Spades} {3-Hearts}
Sukkar: {J-Hearts} {J-Diamonds}

Managing to re-draw to his two-outer on the river, Ray Sukkar triples up to stay alive!

Tags: Ray Sukkar