2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

PokerNews Cup Australia: The Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
250,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Hand #132 - Kenneth Damm

David Lee has the button in Seat 4.

Nali Kaselias completes from the small blind and Kenneth Damm checks. The flop comes down {6-Diamonds} {3-Hearts} {3-Diamonds} and both players check.

The turn card is the {5-Clubs} and both players check again.

The river is the {A-Spades} and Kaselias bets 60,000. Damm calls. Damm {8-Spades} {5-Diamonds} and scoops the pot after Kaslias mucks.

It's All About The Money!

Just a quick reminder of what these players are playing for here this evening. Besides a stunning trophy, and the prestige of a major title, the players have one eye on the cash!

1st $250,000 AUD
2nd $120,000 AUD
3rd $73,100 AUD
4th $49,200 AUD

Hand #135 - David Lee

Ray Sukkar has the button in Seat 9.

Kenneth Damm and he fold, and David Lee cuts out raising chips. He makes it a total of 200,000 to play, and Kaselias asks, "One-forty to call?" The dealer affirms, and he opts to lay it down.

Tags: David Lee

Hand #138 - David Lee

Kenneth Damm has the button in Seat 7.

Action folds over to Ray Sukkar in the small blind. He reaches for a handful of chips and raises to 200,000. David Lee squeezes his cards in the big blind and then moves all in for 1,150,000 chips. Sukkar checks his hole cards one more time and lets them go. Lee takes the pot and is up to 1,370,000 chips.

Hand #139 - David Lee

Ray Sukkar has the button in Seat 9.

David Lee raises to 180,000 from the small blind, and Nali Kaselias stares him down for a minute. He elects to show the {K-Diamonds} as he folds, and Lee pulls in the small pot.