2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

PokerNews Cup Australia: The Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
250,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Hand #113 - Ray Sukkar

Kenneth Damm has the button in Seat 7.

Martin Comer completes from the small blind, and Ray Sukkar checks his option.

The flop comes {4-Clubs} {J-Clubs} {7-Spades}. Comer checks, and Sukkar bets 200,000. His opponent folds, and Sukkar picks up the pot.

Tags: Ray Sukkar

Tim Heath Eliminated in 6th Place ($32,800 AUD)

Tim Heath - 6th Place
Tim Heath - 6th Place
Hand #115 -

Ray Sukkar has the button in Seat 9.

He opens with a raise to 200,000. Tim Heath moves all in for 560,000. Facing a decision for 360,000 more chips, Sukkar tanks for a minute or two and then does indeed make the call, having Heath's fate in his hands.

Sukkar: {K-Diamonds} {Q-Clubs}
Heath: {A-Diamonds} {8-Clubs}

The flop runs fairly safe for Heath, coming out {10-Hearts} {9-Hearts} {7-Spades}. The turn pairs the board with the {9-Clubs}, keeping Heath in the lead.

River: {J-Diamonds}

Disaster finds the all-in Tim Heath on the river, as the jack fills up Sukkar's straight, earning him the knockout. Tim Heath put on a good show here in the Main Event, and he'll pocket $32,800 AUD for his work.

After knocking out Heath, Ray Sukkar increases his chip lead, and he is up to 2,485,000.

Tags: Ray SukkarTim Heath

Hand #117 - David Lee

David Lee has the button in Seat 4.

Martin Comer raises to 200,000 from under the gun and Lee moves all in for 701,000. Everyone folds back over to Comer. Comer looks at the dealer and says "You devil!" while sitting in the tank. He then folds and says he had a pair.

Lee is now up to 1,016,000.

Hand #120 - Ray Sukkar

Martin Comer has the button in Seat 8.

Action folds over to Comer. He announces a raise and makes it 200,000 to go. Ray Sukkar reraises from the small blind to 700,000 as Tony Hachem creeps up behind him to get a look in on the action. Comer goes into the tank and then folds {A-Clubs} {10-Diamonds} face up. Sukkar shows {A-?} {K-?} and scoops the pot.

Comer is down to 825,000 chips and Sukkar is up to 2,685,000 chips.