2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

PokerNews Cup Australia: The Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
250,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Hand #71 - David Lee

David Gorr has the button in Seat 2.

David Lee limps in from the small blind, and Nali Kaselias shoots a glance over at his opponent. He checks deliberately, and it's heads up to the flop.

It reveals {6-Diamonds} {2-Hearts} {10-Spades}. Lee leads out with a bet of 95,000, and it's enough to win him the pot as Kaselias lays it down.

Tags: David LeeNali Kaselias

A New Era Upon Us

The final seven would be relieved to see the backs of Grant Levy and James Broom - two of the toughest competitors in this tournament. Between them they are the current holders of two of the major championship titles in this country, with over $1.2 million in earnings between them.

This now opens the door for one of the lesser-known players here to stamp their place in Australian poker history.

Hand #74 - Kenneth Damm

Kenneth Damm has the button in Seat 6.

David Gorr raises to 160,000. Damm moves all in on the button for 828,000. Gorr takes only a few moments to call.

Damm: {K-Clubs} {K-Hearts}
Gorr: {A-Diamonds} {K-Spades}

Damm runs around the table to get a better view as the dealer spreads the flop -- {K-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds} {2-Clubs} -- and Damm slaps his hand together. The turn is the {J-Clubs} and the river the {4-Diamonds}.

With that pot, Damm takes over the chip lead in the tournament. He now has 1,737,000 after beginning the day as our short stack. Gorr began the day as the chip leader as is now the short stack with 323,000 chips.

Hand #76 - Ray Sukkar

Ray Sukkar has the button in Seat 9.

Martin Comer raises to 100,000 and Ray Sukkar announces reraise. He makes it 500,000 to go. Everyone folds and Sukkar takes down the pot. Comer shows {A-Diamonds} {7-Spades} and Sukkar shows Big Slick to the table.

The Next Great Dane

Kenneth Damm
Kenneth Damm
We've said it a few times this week but, Damm he's good! Kenneth Damm is the youngest player at this final table but has already made a lasting impression on everyone at the PokerNews Cup.

Earlier this week he collected the trophy in the $550 Tony G Celebrity Shootout, taking home $26,583 in prize money.

He started today as the short stack of the table but he is now currently our chip leader and looking for the rare double of winning two titles at the same PokerNews Cup series - which would be a first in PNC history.

After winning his Main Event seat via an online PokerNews satellite, Damm will forever remember his trip to Australia as he looks to add another $250,000 to his quickly expanding bankroll!

Tags: Kenneth Damm

Hand #77 - Tim Heath

Tim Heath
Tim Heath
Tim Heath has the button in Seat 1.

Martin Comer raises to 100,000 in middle position. Heath, having position on his opponent, re-raises to 200,000. Both blinds fold, and it comes back on Comer. He announces the call, and it's heads up from here on out.

The dealer spreads out the flop: {3-Spades} {9-Clubs} {2-Clubs}. Instantly, Comer moves all in, and Heath calls just as fast, covered by his opponent and at-risk for the rest of his chips.

Comer: {K-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds}
Heath: {A-Diamonds} {A-Spades}

The turn is a safe {3-Diamonds}, and the river brings a useless {J-Spades} for Comer, and he sends a big hunk of double-up chips over to Tim Heath.

After that confrontation, Heath is up to 1,067,000, while Comer has slid backwards to 873,000.

Tags: Martin ComerTim Heath

Hand #78 - Nali Kaselias

David Gorr has the button in Seat 2.

Kenneth Damm raises to 110,00 from under the gun. Action folds over to Nali Kaselias in the big blind and he pauses for a few moments. He then reraises to 310,000. Damm begins to shuffle his cards and takes one more peek. He then mucks and Kaselias takes the pot.